They Know

The Missing Piece

“How about we get something to eat?” Jonghyun offered.

“We’re running low on money.” Minho said knowing Jonghyun’s intentions and for some reason didn’t feel right do it with Taemin around.

“Come one it’s been days since we’ve eaten a proper meal. Whatya think, Min?”

“A burger sure sounds good right now.” Taemin agreed.

“I don’t know, Jonghyun.”

“Come on!” Jonghyun urged. “It’s not like we’ve ever been caught before.”


“What would you like to order?” the woman asked removing a pencil from behind her ear as she walked up to the table.

“I’ll take 3 super jumbo cheese burgers, 3 jumbo French fries, and 3 jumbo strawberry shakes.” Jonghyun turned to the other 2. “What do you guys want?”


After the food had arrived, they dug in like there was no tomorrow. Occasionally Taemin and Minho would feed each other, steal the older’s fries and double dip, which then Jonghyun yelled at them for.

When they were done, all 3 boys sighed as they leaned back in their booths and let their (now) inflated stomach pop out.

“That was good.” Taemin said caressing his huge tummy.

Shortly as the words left Taemin’s lips, the waitress came by and left the receipt on the table.

Minho and Jonghyun exchanged looks.

“Min, could you wait for us out by the car?” Minho asked

Taemin thought it was a strange request, but did as he was told.

Minho waited about 10 minutes before getting up himself.

“You know the drill.” He told Jonghyun before leaving.

By now the waitress had caught on to what they were doing, but didn’t say anything.

Jonghyun waited about another 10 before standing up and heading towards the bathroom.


“Where’s Jjong hyung? Don’t tell me we forgot him… again!” Taemin said worriedly

“No, he’ll be here soo-” Minho didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence.

He had spent the last 10 minutes trying to get the car to start, but it wasn’t cooperating since they were so low on gas. He looked up just in time to see a small figure being chased by a mob of at least 20 people. Jonghyun finally reached the car and jumped in.

“DRIVE! DRIVE! DRIVE!” he yelled

“THE CAR WON’T START!” Minho panicked

 Jonghyun jumped out and pulled Taemin out with him. They started to push the car.

Slowly but surely the car started to move they climbed back in as it gained speed. All 3 turned to see the mob started to grow smaller with the distance.

“What the hell was that?” Minho asked

“I got caught, okay?!”

“Why didn’t you go out the bathroom window?”

“There are no windows in the bathroom!”


After losing the angry mob, Minho pulled into a rundown gas station.

Jonghyun pulled out some bills and handed them to Taemin. “Do the honors?”

Taemin took the money and ran inside the store. Minho still had his jacket on despite the hot weather, but decided to take it off when he could no longer stand it. He looked around before getting out of the car.


“How far is exit i-83 from here?” Taemin handed the money to the clerk.

“Headed to Seoul, are ya?”

Taemin just smiled and nodded. He looked around the store. It was old, dusty and over ran by middle aged men that had nothing better to do then sit and drink and eyeball anyone that walked in.

“About 20 minutes up the road.” The clerk replied, finishing up the transaction.

“Where are your bathrooms?”

“Out in back.”

“Thanks.” Taemin said receiving the change and getting out of there. Those men were starting to creep him out.

“Pretty little thing, isn’t she?” the clerk commented as soon as Taemin let the door close behind him, mistaking him for a girl.

“I got it.” One of the men said standing up.


Taemin had finished doing his business and had gone over to the sink to wash his hands when 2 of the men from the shop walked in. Taemin kept his gaze low so as not to make eye contact. One man seemed to make his way over the urinals and the other had walked up behind Taemin and started smelling his hair. He quickly wrapped his arms around Taemin’s waist.

“Hey what are you-” Immediately Taemin turned around to fight off his offender.

“Get off me!” he said pushing the man away, but the man was much too strong. The man continued to force himself on Taemin and all Taemin could do was pull away.

“He said get off him.” A familiar voice said angrily

The mad ignored him and continued on what he was doing.

Minho grabbed the man that was holding onto Taemin, by the shoulder and turned him around. He was about to throw a punch when a third man grabbed Minho’s wrist and got a good look at the tattoo on his arm.

“Well, well, well, look who it is.” the haunting voice said. “I thought I recognized that tattoo. You’re Choi’s boy.”

Minho pulled his arm away. How could he be so stupid?

“Where’s your daddy? Better yet, where’s our money?”

“I don’t know.” Minho huffed as he pulled Taemin next him.

The men quickly lost their interest in Taemin and turned their focus on Minho.

“Won’t Soo Man be happy to hear you’re back in town.”

2 men started to surround Minho while a third took care of the door and Taemin just stood there unable to do anything.

The man who had spoken first took Minho’s hand again to examine the ink more carefully; Minho let him as he began to devise a plan.

“Beautiful.” He said. “Simply beautiful. You’re father was a very talented man… it’s such a shame he had to die.”

There was a sudden horrid feeling in Minho’s stomach when he heard those words.

Suddenly without warning, Minho pulled his hand back and placed it on Taemin’s shoulders for balance as he kicked the man behind him, right square in the balls. As the man fell, Minho quickly shot his fist forward and hit the man that was talking so that he fell on the floor in pain.

Minho took Taemin by the hand and pulled him towards the door.

Just then Jonghyun had walked in, in search of his traveling buddies just to receive a punch to the stomach from the third guy.

Minho pushed the man against the wall and slammed his head against the mirror several times, causing him to pass out.

“Run!” Minho yelled grabbing Jonghyun by the hand as well.


“They found us. They know we’re here.” Minho said as they ran towards the car.

“Let’s just hurry up so we can get out of here.” Jonghyun said.

Minho expected Taemin to ask what the hell just happened, but he didn’t.

“Thanks.” He simply said as they drove away. “Sorry about your dad.” He said sadly

“What happened to your dad?” Jonghyun asked

“He’s dead.” Minho said refusing to express any emotion.

They remained silent as they started at the little distance they had left to cover. Never suspecting they were being followed.


It was about midnight when they reached the busy streets and glamorous lights of Seoul. Minho continued to drive a bit out of the city towards the address that was written on a small piece of paper.

When they finally found it, Jonghyun and Minho sat for awhile debating whether or not to actually do this. Taemin was in the back with his headphones on, unaware of the situation.

“There’s no going back now.” Jonghyun said.

“I know.” Minho replied looking into the review mirror, examining Min’s tired face.

The 3 boys got out of the car and walked up the steps. They ignored the fact that they were dirty, sweaty, and bloody. They had worked too hard, too long, and put up with a lot of bull to NOT do this.

“Ready?” Jonghyun asked turning back to his friends.

Both Minho and Taemin nodded.

“Show time.” Minho whispered in Taemin’s ear.

Jonghyun adjusted his hair and knocked on the door.

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So I made them dine and dash LOL I’ve always wanted to do that but I’m too scared.

Awe Minho's dad's dead? :'(

So they’re finally in Seoul! Yes Jonghyun, Key is in the next chapter! ^^


Sungyo: The joys! •squealing like a fan girl•

Raiiie: Hi you’re here too! Yay! And LOL which reminds me I should really go take my driving test to get my license already. And yes I have klsdjflasdjk •dies with you•

Mistral: Minho isn’t wanted so much by police; he’s wanted by the people his dad owes money to, but police do want him cuz Minho is a criminal himself. >.< (Same as Jonghyun)

charisma1869: OMG I died too! •drool•

Caline: Yay for updates!

Krifanfics: Idk why, but your comment inspired a new story! OMFG I can’t wait to write the foreword! Thank you! I love you! ♥

afraid2sayhi: I want him in my pants ^o^ p.s. I like your username ♥

BaiLingLing: I know, right? Who could anyone ever forget Jjong?

Brownrice:  He is, isn’t he? kekeke

HinataSnow: Thank you! Glad you like it! ♥

creexs2: Everyone seems to like that part LOL


This is just something I'm curious about.

I won't get mad or offended. Just give me your honest opinion :D


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Chapter 1: great start, i am excited fo the rest :) ♥
Sounds super interesting!
Chapter 13: After reading this fic for 2 hours straight, I conclude that The Missing Piece is AMAZING! Grammar errors and (sort of) rushed ending aside, I love how you played around with the classic Anastasia movie and put your own twist to it. I also love the humor here, and the side!JongKey was adorable, too~


I'mma read your other fics later, but first I have to sleep. (It's 3AM here.) :D
Jinki_JiYong17 #4
Chapter 13: This is a cute version of Anastasia^^ Very good:)
carrotcake #5
wow, it was really a fun read. thank you for this one! <3
susumiya08 #6
Chapter 13: cute!!! I wanted more jongkey but the story was amazing! I love the "remake" of anastasia, will u please do one about jongkey my favorite story is beauty and the beast. thanks for writing!! ^^
ilovekorea #7
Just finish reading this<3
Thanks for sharing such a beautiful story<3
And thisthisthis.<33