Chapter 7

I'll Always Be There For You (haitus)

well im back early hhee, since i was able to finish before my deadline..well this chapter is another boring chapter, it is SLOW

 but i have decided to pick the pace up after this chapter. now the fun have begin, since this first chouple chapter is still the introduction



Chapter 7


It was late night, where all the star came out from hiding when Taeyeon arrive home. He made his way to his bedroom with Jieun following him. He had many thought running around his head and it was mainly a girl name Tiffany Hwang. Something about her made him wonder who she is, she hiding something and he knew, but what was it?


“Jieun-ah can I ask you something?” He said as he face his mirror looking at her reflection.


“Anything Master.” Jieun said as she took off his shirt and replace it with a bathrobe.


“If there is a girl who been avoiding someone and it pretty obvious that she doesn't want to be friend, what does it say?”


Jieun stop dressing her master and looked at him, she was surprise. Never in her mind she would imagine that her master would ask something so personal like that, he must be deeply trouble.


“She probably don't like you, but that her lost to not have a friend like you.” Jieun said truthfully.


“Wh-what?!?....i never said it was me?” Taeyeon stuttered making his way to that bathroom. He notice the knowing smirk that played on her face, he gave up arguing on the case.


The man took his bathrobe off and went into the tub that Jieun had already prepared. The warmth water filled his body, it had a calming effect as he laid back with his eye close. A knock came right after he was in the tub. “Come in.”


Jieun entered and sat beside the tub and began to rub his shoulder. He wasn't bothered by it since it was a normal routine. “i have thought about what you said, that she don't like me...” Taeyeon pause waiting for Jieun to say something, but she stayed quiet waiting for him to continue. He took the hint.


“But it that I have this feeling inside of me and it telling me I shouldn't believe what she say and stay by her side.” Taeyeon spoke out his mind for the first time, he remember each moment with her and each and everyone of them, he wasn't fond with them. It was accompany by some pain toward him.


“Than you should follow your feeling, maybe rather than she don't like you, she probably hiding something and don't want you to know.” after hearing what she had said, it gave him more affirmitive toward his doubt for Tiffany.


“But we are practically stranger. I don't understand why should do so much to stay away from me.”


Jieun pause as she though about what to say next to her master. “Think about it this way. Why are you doing everything just to be near her, when you said yourself you are practically stranger, what if she feel the same way but doing the opposite.”


“How I wish that was true, but she is married.”


“I'm sorry master I don't know what to say. She really confusing indeed. Maybe she scared of you and want to stay away but at the same time she feel guilty to put you through everything.” Jieun said randomly hoping she could ease the tension on her master, but little did she know she was spot on about Tiffany.


“Scared? Why would she be? I mean no harm.” Taeyeon said innocently. Thinking about anything about him that could scare her away.


“I don't really know what I'm saying, so don't take it to heart.” Jieun said before getting up. “I'm done scrubbing your back master, don't stay in the water too long or else you became a prune. I'll take my leave.” Jieun left her master to do his thinking. He would always think about what was bothering him during his bath time.




It was 5 AM in the morning where the sun hasn't raise yet but someone was already awake. Taeyeon was fully dress for today and was ready to head to his garage. This was the first time in a long time where he drove, ever since he took over the company he haven't set foot on the driver seat. This was like a new feeling for him as he took his seat. He miss this feeling, maybe he would start driving places, he thought.


Taeyeon park his car at his destination, Tiffany's house. He took a glance at his watch it was only 5:30, still to early he thought, might as wait for a couple hour. He was ready to close his eye to rest but soon after he saw the women he was waiting for making her way out the door. Moving his feet as fast as he can to make it toward her.


“Hey!” He yelled calling out Tiffany. They both was surprise to see each other this early in the morning, for Tiffany, she didn't expect him to be here. And for Taeyeon he didn't think she be out this early.


“You going to work?” He ask while eyeing her attire. She nodded. “This early?”


“Yeah, I have some stuff that I didn't finish, I thought I would get in early to finish.” Tiffany lied, she couldn't possible tell him the truth. They weren't even close to each other. “And what are you doing here?”


“Uh..” He rubbed his neck nervously and gave a shy smile. “I wanted to drive you to work. Cuz I thought it be better if we had dinner so you wouldn't have to bring your car. Is that alright with you?”


Tiffany watch how nervous this manly gentlemen was around her, she couldn't have the gut to turn him down. She didn't want to see his disappointed face, after all she thought that he must have plan to wait for her this morning. “I don't mind, so where your car?” She ask looking around where she believe might be his car.


Taeyeon smile happily that she accepted his request. He lead Tiffany to his car and saw Tiffany stop, surprise by the sight of his car.


“This is your car?” She ask, still kinda shock.


“Yes, is there a problem?”


Tiffany shook her head, giving him an eye smile. “No, I just thought you would have more of a flashy car, since your status. Who would of though you would own this Rx-8?(it a mazda in case some of you don't know).”


“Well this is my only car I own, since I bought it with my hard earn money I save.” Taeyeon laugh as he open the door for her.


Tiffany looked at him surprisingly, confuse of what he was referring to, since he is rich. He notice the look and let out a small chuckle before explaining.


“My father wanted me to be independent and work hard to know the hardship in life so I was sent out the house with almost nothing. Got a job save up and was able to pay my rent and get a car.”


“Wow your father must be a great man, though it harsh that it happen that way.”


“He is, but don't say it like that. It was because of him I grew up to be the man I am today.” Taeyeon with his smile as he reminisce about his father. He open his door for Tiffany to enter.


As she took her seat, she was surprise by how comfortable it was for her rather than feeling intimidated. She took a glance at the man who focus was on the street.


He really is a great man. How I wish we could have meet years before?” Tiffany thought deeply but soon laugh at her own thought when she realize she would have been would still be in her teen years, while he be 24, e, she would be his jail bait.


“What so funny?” He ask when he heard her chuckle.


Tiffany blush after being caught. “Nothing, just something came up into my head.”


“Well I hope it isn't about me.” Taeyeon said jokingly before accelerating when the light became green.


Tiffany just smile at him, making him confuse. “it is about me?” He was surprise, and nervous what she have thought of him. “What is it? Tell me?” He wanted to know, he just hope it wasn't the embarrassing incident they had yesterday.


“No, not telling.” Tiffany tease, sticking out her tongue once more. Making him pout, it a surprise how this women next to him make him act so different, He never knew he could be this playful, he was always the serious type, who would get down to business. Not that he was complaining, it was more like he like this new change.


Taeyeon glance at Tiffany, looking at her. He wondered if she was going to have lunch today, since it didn't seem like she pack any and he felt like she might be the type to forget to eat once they are working. A thought came in his head when he was thinking about surprising her.



Tiffany began her work as she was told. Once she enter the office she notice the files anf paper work piled of her desk was twice her normal size. She let out a heavy sigh before getting started. Picking one paper and examining it. She was walking from the copy room, to the break room, to the conference room. Everywhere in the building she had to enter, since these paper assign to her was from every department. It almost lunch time and she haven't reach the half way point.


Tiffany took a little break before beginning again. But that time Mr. Jang walk past and shook his head. “I hope you not thinking of getting you lunch break? You havent even started on your work” He said noticing the pile on her desk.


I have already started, but it too much for you to notice a different” She wanted to yell at him but kept mummed.


“Break time is over, you should continue you work. The faster you work the better for us.” He said before leaving.


Tiffany gribbed the arm rest tightly. Her anger building in her body, but she must fight it, she not a violent type, there are always another way to get back at him.


“One day you wont be able to treat me like this anymore. I will find out what you did in the past.” She mumble to herself. And continue her work. And each paper work, she would always look through it, to hope to find what she looking for.


As she was getting through all the paper she found one that was confidential and needed to go to the archive room. Her eyes widen as she thought this might not be a bad thing after all.(getting all the work) she was finally able to have access to the archive room.


Making her way her destination without look suspicious, she was able to pass the guard, appeartly they heard about her new access and more work, so they let her pass. A smirk ran threw her face as she was about to open the door.


“Tiffany!” Someone called out.


Her heart was beating, afraid of getting caught. She turn around and to her surprise it was Taeyeon. Arg just the wrong timing she thought.


“What are you doing here?”


“I was bringing you your lunch, I thought you might need it.” Taeyeon said as he hand her a bag full of food.


“Thank you.” Tiffany said polietly. She regret cursing him deep down, since he had good intention.


“Why don't you eat it right now?”


“I can't I'm not done with my work.” She answer him. Making him sad because he wanted to see her happy as she enjoy her food.


“Don't worry I'll finish it all in a little bit, I really thank you, I didn't know you would come all this way for it.”


“No need, I was going to come here anyways, Your boss gave me a call and wanted to talk. Well it my time to meet him, See you later, and gave me a call when we would have dinner you didn't tell me. My number there.” Taeyeon pointed to the bag of food she was holding, he wrote it on the napkin, before making his way to meet the evil guy.


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6/25/12: omg i just wrote a scene, i dont know if i could continue, i should have stop myself at pg 13, now i dont know what to do


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gabiel #1
Chapter 10: i want to know what will happend next please continue the story of yours author shii
jiwookim #2
Chapter 11: pls update soon author
snsd_t-ara #3
Chapter 11: update soon. wanna know what happen to taeny at england and yulsic's date ^^
kpoprambler #4
i was anticipating dis story... cos it the plot is different from most stories and interesting too... hope ur inspiration will come..Fighting!... hope u dun forget abt dis story and just hang it dere..cos it be great if u could continue and finish it..:) Fighting author! u can do it!
taenyyoz #5
Chapter 11: Almost forgotten what story is this and i realised this story has stopped update since months...

Update soon.... has been waiting since..??
Anyway looking forward to, author ssi..
Chapter 11: LooLL i tot 8 updte:-(

U'll write again ryt,?
As a reader,i'll support..^^
9soshi #7
"if we ever meet again coincidentally, you'll take me out to coffee. how does that sound?" - oh my didn't Tiffany just sent a hint to Taeng that she's not married and available.. because a married woman will never say that bec its sound so awkward and weird.. and now Siwon told him "to make a difference to her" is that mean Taeng knows that Tiffany is not married and free?

Mr. Jang is using Tiffany as bait to Taeng for his own benefits. to get what he wants and to hold taeyeon in his hands easily..
why is it all of a sudden Tiffany is coming along with Taeyeon? just to get his sig?
9soshi #8
hi new reader here :) I'm happy to found this story. Your description caught my attention and i immediately subscribed to this. Taeyeon taught Tiffany is married and Tiffany has a big secret - interesting story.
taenyyoz #9
update update update...... now already 12th Aug.
deeculary #10
LOLS playful yul! sica totally loving it :D
tae and fany. together in england. im gonna expecting them to gt closer to each other! KEKEKE