Chapter 4: Let Fate Decide

I'll Always Be There For You (haitus)

This may be kinda boring chapter but yuri is in the picture now and T&C company that i mention, they are important so dont ignore that


Chapter 4


Still frozen in his spot everything move in slow motion as he watch step by step his little sister dragging Tiffany closer to him. He gulp down nervously. “What do I do?” He thought


Oppa!” Seohyun was now standing in front of him stil hand in hand with the older girl. “You remember Tiffany-unnie?” Seohyun had a small smirk


Hyunnie smirk? What?? When did she knew of such thing.” Taeyeon thought as he examine Seohyun.


Of course I do.” He replied casually. “How are you enjoying your self tonight?” He ask Tiffany, that could have been the first time trying to start a normal conversation with her. During his time calming himself down on the balcony he had decided even if he couldn't be with her, he would rather have her as a friend and nothing more. But he wouldn't know that the future hold, his decision of being friend would be crumbling down.


Interesting, and I have made a new friend.” Tiffany replied with her sweet smile referring to Seohyun, which cause the younger girl to jump excitedly about her new founded friend, but on the other had causing the gentlemen to feel weak on his knees.


Oppa! Oppa!” Seohyun said while shaking her older brother. “Ask Tiffany Unnie to dance.”


Her brother and newly found friend gasp in surprise from what Seohyun had just ask her oppa to do. Feeling a blast of heat bursting toward their faces. Tiffany prayed hard that Taeyeon wouldn't ask her to dance. It wasn’t like she hated him but she was scared of him. She was scared that he can probably have an effect on her, she didn't want to risk it. But knowing her personality she don't like to say no if he did ask. She spotted the gentleman looking at her take small step closer to her and bowed.


Please don't, don't ask me to dance.” Tiffany begged in her head nervously. Her eyes widen the moment Taeng spoke after his bow.


May this birthday boy have a dance with the beautiful lady in front of me.” Taeyeon said charmingly as he possible can, though he was also nervous with the situation. There was a awkward silent as he waited for Tiffany to answer.


He broke into a smile a little after he heard a shy response. Asking for Tiffany hand, she reach over and the held there hands together making their way to the dance floor. Taeyeon looked back at Seohyun and saw “Good Luck” he responded “thank you” he finally understood that Seohyun was helping him.


They made it to a stop in the middle of the dance for, now facing each other. Tiffany place her hand on his shoulder, she made sure there was an arm distance between the two. She couldn't look at his face so she kept her head down. Now Taeyeon place his hand around her waist pulling her closer to him, now their body was practically touching each other. Dudum Dudum their heart beats faster. Tiffany quickly lifted her head to look at Taeyeon the moment her heart pounded against her chest. She was surprise to see his eyes staring into hers. He felt the same way.


Their body sway together along with the music. Slowly back and forth, Taeyeon started to lose his mind when he saw her smile, making him skip a beat and step on her toe.


“oww” Tiffany hissed in pain.


Taeyeon quickly regain his posture. “Omg i'm sorry, are you ok?”


“I'm fine, it happens.” She smile to reassure him that she was ok, but she didn't know that her smile of her had a big effect on him. Taeyeon look away to hide his blushing face. Arrg I'm a man I shouldn't be blushing.


“Is your husband ok with you dancing with me.” Taeyeon ask, he didn't want to cause any problem with the married couple.


ah he must have heard about the wedding” Tiffany thought when she heard him mention her husband, because she didn't remember them ever mentioning it. After she thought for a while she finally spoke.


Yea I don't think he would mind, after all it just a dance, and nothing more.”


Honestly I do want something more with you.”


Tiffany look at him nervously, she tighten her grip on his shoulders. Taeyeon felt it, there was a slight pain, but just a little.


Oh i'm sorry, what I meant to say is I want to be your friend.” Taeyeon said to clear the misunderstanding. He knew she was calm after than because her grip was getting loose.


Tiffany gave an awkward smile, “I don't believe that a man and a women could just be friends.” She tried to say it playfully but with a serious tone involve, to hint him. She looked at Seohyun, she felt bad for her because she was here with Taeyeon having this conversation. Seohyun trusted him very much and she didn't want that trust to be broken if she ever find out Taeyeon is cheating on him.


Between me and you, I believe I can make it work. I really would like to see you after this. Being friend that all I ask for.”


Tiffany let out a sigh as she drop her hand to her side and stop dancing. “How about we let fate decide?” Tiffany suggestion.


What do you mean?”


If we ever meet again coincidently, you'll take me out to coffee. How does that sound?”


“How about our friendship?” He asked


“I'll think about it if we ever meet, but don't come looking for me.” Tiffany said, because she knew she would never see him again.


“Ok, i'll agree.”


“Great, let the fate decide our friendship, you should get back to Seohyun we been dancing for a while.” Tiffany said before she bid her goodbye before looking for Siwon.


A couple month have pass since his birthday, and it also been a couple month since he ever saw Tiffany or heard of her. Seohyun has been to busy with school that he couldn't ask if she meet up with Tiffany. After talking to her at his birthday party, he couldn't stop thinking about her and praying that they would meet.


He was trap in his day dream to even notice someone walking into his office. It was a younger man and his looks was comparable to the one sitting down. He chuckled softly as he tip toe closer to Taeyeon, trying to scare him from behind. Lucky for him Taeyeon still didn't notice.


“Ahhhhhh!!!” The younger man scream into Taeyeon ear, frightening him.


“Surprise!” He shouted. Taeyeon glared at him but later showing a warm smile. “I didn't know you came back Yul.”


“It because I wanted to surprise you. I finish the work over seas and check on the company process life you said.” Yul said.


“So how have you been these past few years?” Yul asked though he knew most of it since they still keep in contact with one another. Notice the older man didn't reply. Yul smirk thinking about teasing him.


“Hyuuung” He drag out his affectionate name calling, he knew it would piss him off. “Have you been thinking about the married girl again.”


“So what if I have.” Taeyeon replied calmly, not wanting Yul to successfully .


“It wont do you any good to get involve with someone who married. Don't you think how the public would react negatively if they found out your trying to break up a married couple. It would effect the company.”


“I'm not going to break them up. I just want to be friend. Of course I thought about the company, I not going to let my father hard work go down because of a women”


Yul shook his head because he knew that something like that would never work, it would always end up with someone heartbroken.


“Anyways enough about her, maybe I wont ever see her again.” Taeyeon began to lost hope. “Any new proposal?”


Yul broke into a big smile, he was proud of his work as he took a black folder and hand it over to Taeyeon. Taeyeon began to open it and exam it. “What is this?”


“There two option you can do. Either way it benefit the company.” Yul said confidently, Taeyeon close the folder, he rather hear Yul explain it to him.


“Go on. So what are my option”


Yul smirk and lean in closer. “You can either take the company out by buying everything they got, meaning you be the top shareholder, they're very vulnerable right now so I believe it easy to do. The second option is you supporting them.”


“What you have in you hand is information on T&C Power Company, I heard that they are in need of money for the recent project.” Yul continue to explain


“How would this benefit us?”


“Hold on and listen. There recent project is a research on a new power supply that is a size of a dime that would have enough energy to power a whole city.”


Taeyeon was intrigue by this new information.


“How did you know about this?” Taeyeon question.


“i've done my homework.” Yul smirk. “and if it succeed they would be another company to par with us but sadly they don't have enough finance to complete this project.”


“How far have they completed, and what is the chance of them succeeding?”


“So far with their man power only their chance of succeeding it only a mere 60%.”


“So what would you want me to do? The better option?”


“If you were to support them by giving them the money to continue their company won't bankrupt and if they succeed but that would only be 60% remember and obviously we would get a huge pay check in return and they will became our ally so we wouldn't worry of them try to take us down. And if they fail it wouldn't effect our company as much, we would only be losing a couple millions.”


“But if we buy out the company I believe that our man power with more our advance technology their 60% of succeeding will jump up to 98%, it be an easy task for us.”


Taeyeon sat down listen intently, Yul certainly a talented person to have on his team. Taeyeon stood up and smirk. “I'll make my way to T&C company now, I wanna know what they would offer. I'll give them a chance by being their financier.”


“I'm thankful to have you as my VP, Yul.” Taeyeon complimented Yul, he wanted to comfort him because he knew that Yul was sad with his decision.


“Yul, you should understand, if we could help them we should, if we take them out, imagine what would happen to them, they would be homeless.”


“Your right! But it just they would have a higher chance of failing than us.”


Taeyeon raise his hand to stop him from speaking. “I will give them a chance, but if I see them make the wrong move I wouldn't hesitate to take them out.”




“Mr. Jang there someone here wanting to see you.” His PA inform, Mr. Jang the CEO of T&C.


“Who?” The olderly man question.


“Mr. Kim from Kim Empire.”


“What is he doing here, tell him I wouldn't meet him.”


“Sorry sir he already making his way into your off--”


“Mr. Jang” Taeyeon said as he barge into the room with a smile with Yul following behind.


“Mr. Kim, this is an honor to have you in my office.” Mr. Jang fake a smile, while offering an hand shake.


“Honor? I thought I heard you were trying to object my appearance.” Taeyeon said strongly.


“No such thing. Must been rumor since I been busy. Why don't you take a seat.” Mr. Jang offered, “I'll get you some drink while we discuss what you may be doing here.”






“Ye-yes” Tiffany replied as she ran to her boss.


“Mr. Jang said to bring in some tea for the guest.”


“How many would that be?”


Her boss got angry. “Can you use your head to think, Just bring the tea.”


Tiffany held her tongue. She couldn't talk back since she knew her position she in. She didn't want to make it any worse.

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6/25/12: omg i just wrote a scene, i dont know if i could continue, i should have stop myself at pg 13, now i dont know what to do


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gabiel #1
Chapter 10: i want to know what will happend next please continue the story of yours author shii
jiwookim #2
Chapter 11: pls update soon author
snsd_t-ara #3
Chapter 11: update soon. wanna know what happen to taeny at england and yulsic's date ^^
kpoprambler #4
i was anticipating dis story... cos it the plot is different from most stories and interesting too... hope ur inspiration will come..Fighting!... hope u dun forget abt dis story and just hang it dere..cos it be great if u could continue and finish it..:) Fighting author! u can do it!
taenyyoz #5
Chapter 11: Almost forgotten what story is this and i realised this story has stopped update since months...

Update soon.... has been waiting since..??
Anyway looking forward to, author ssi..
Chapter 11: LooLL i tot 8 updte:-(

U'll write again ryt,?
As a reader,i'll support..^^
9soshi #7
"if we ever meet again coincidentally, you'll take me out to coffee. how does that sound?" - oh my didn't Tiffany just sent a hint to Taeng that she's not married and available.. because a married woman will never say that bec its sound so awkward and weird.. and now Siwon told him "to make a difference to her" is that mean Taeng knows that Tiffany is not married and free?

Mr. Jang is using Tiffany as bait to Taeng for his own benefits. to get what he wants and to hold taeyeon in his hands easily..
why is it all of a sudden Tiffany is coming along with Taeyeon? just to get his sig?
9soshi #8
hi new reader here :) I'm happy to found this story. Your description caught my attention and i immediately subscribed to this. Taeyeon taught Tiffany is married and Tiffany has a big secret - interesting story.
taenyyoz #9
update update update...... now already 12th Aug.
deeculary #10
LOLS playful yul! sica totally loving it :D
tae and fany. together in england. im gonna expecting them to gt closer to each other! KEKEKE