Just like in the movies

너 때문에 (Because of you)


[A/N] It’ll no longer be in Haneul’s POV. But still, enjoy!


The place was still filled with people who are all hyped up with the Infinite boys kicking it on the dance floor. Yoon Dujun was on the DJ stand while Yang Yoseob was keeping Choi Haneul companied. Jo Sojin? She’s probably somewhere still puckering lips with her kingka boyfriend.


The crowds went wild after their dance was over.


“Okay, that’s my call! It was nice meeting you!” Yoseob excused himself as he disappeared into the crowd and reappeared back on the DJ stand. He waved at her.


“Did Yoseob made you uncomfortable?” Dujun asked as he stood there before Haneul.


“Not really,” she smiled. “He refilled my glass for me.”


“Good to know,” Dujun chuckled.


That was the very first time Haneul actually spend her time with him. The more they talk, the more she fell in love with him. And that’s when she really finds out how great Yoon Dujun can be.


“Isn’t that…”


Haneul finally saw Sojin after being separated throughout the night. She was wasted. And her arm was wrapped around Kim Jonghyun’s neck.


Haneul approached the duo with a concerned face.


“Is she okay?”


“Oh Haneul ahh… Yeah, she should be okay. She just had too much of a drink.”


“Really?” Haneul muttered. “Let me take her home.”


“No, it’s okay. I’ll take care of her.”


Haneul watched as Jonghyun put her into his car and drove away. Now that Sojin had left wasted, she doesn’t feel like staying any longer so she decided to leave too.


“I’ll walk you home,” Yoon Dujun offered. Haneul couldn’t say no. Why would she, since she’s the one who has a big crush on that man.


“How can Sojin drink a lot when she knows she doesn’t really have a high alcohol tolerance…” Haneul complained. “Babo.”


Dujun just smiled to her complaining. They hopped into a bus just in front of the junction. Seating side by side, Haneul began to think.


“Does he really care for me? What if he only uses me so that I’d get into bed with him…”


Haneul unconsciously shook her head vigorously.


“Andwae!” She cried out loud. She then noticed that Yoon Dujun had fallen asleep next to her in a bus! Just like in a drama.


She can’t help but smile to the sight of her crush dozing off in public. He has been putting a smile on her all night…


“Did I put at least a smile on that face tonight…” She thought.


In the end, they were the only two left. She could see her stop when she stood up. She didn’t want to wake him up so she slowly tiptoed off her seat until the bus braked all of a sudden. She fell onto his lap and it woke him up.


Without further delay, Haneul stood up.


“Sorry, I lost my balance.”


She quickly got off the bus and Dujun followed behind her. The street was empty at that very hour.


“Yahh… This is one creepy street.” He scoffed, “Aren’t you grateful that I walked you home?”


Haneul shrugged. She doesn’t want to be too easy in front of him.


“Your parents know you went out?”


“My dad’s away on a business trip. I live with my cool aunt.”


“What about your mom?”


Haneul managed to keep a smiley face and avoided the question pretty well.


“Here we are,” Haneul beamed. “Thanks for walking me home.”


“It’s been my pleasure doing so.”


“I’d invite you in but I doubt that my aunt is still up.”


“No, it’s okay,” he scuffed the back of his hair.


Haneul bade goodbye. As she turned her back and about to open the front door, Yoon Dujun called her out.


“I don’t know if you’ll believe me… But I really do like you.”


Haneul smiled, “Yeah, me too.”


[A/N] Infinite made a cameo! hahaha gotta love them! Comments are appreciated. Give me a reason to keep writing please! Thank you!

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