I fell in love with the DJ

너 때문에 (Because of you)

[A/N] I'm pretty sure most of you has seen BEAST's Beautiful MV right. Just imagine the place is just like in the MV.

This wasn’t what I had in my mind.


“So this is what it’s like…”


“What’s this place?”


“I’m not so sure myself. But Jonghyun has been trying to make me come here. Here I am after eight months.” Sojin said in her cool tone.


I just nodded to Sojin’s words.


“Oh here he comes!” Sojin cried. “See you Haneul ahh!”


“Choi Haneul! What brings you here?”


I was dumbfounded to see Yoon Dujun right in front of me that I wasn’t able to speak.


He smiled to the sight of my nervous breakdown.


“Would you like me to grab you a drink?”


I shook my head and stuttered, “I can’t.”


“Oh yeah, what was I thinking…” He laughed, “How about a glass of cider?”


“With lemon?” I beamed.


“Yeah, sure.”


He went away to grab me a drink. Sojin was nowhere in sight. So I guess this was her plan. How did she even?


“Hey there, looking good.” A guy came up to me with a grin. “You alone?”


I shook my head.


“Who are you with then?”


“She’s with me.”


Dujun came back with my glass of cider. He was looking straight into the dude’s eyes. Hot.


“Wahh, nice one.” The guy chortled and left.


“,” I muttered.


“Yeah, he is,” Dujun took a sip of his drink.


I didn’t expect him to hear what I was muttering. Embarrassed, I also took a sip of my cider, Refreshing.


“So, I’d like to ask you, who are you with?”


“My friend… Sojin,”


“Oh yeah, where is she?”


“I don’t know. Probably somewhere at one corner, making out with her boyfriend,” I grumbled.


Dujun chuckled, “So she ditched you?”


“Most likely, yeah.”


Somehow, we got into a very pleasant conversation that night. Who would’ve thought we were actually talking. No, there were no es trying to snatch him away, it was just the two of us.


“Hyung, you’re up.” Yoseob appeared out of the cheering crowd. “Oh! It’s you!”


“Yeah, it’s… me?”


“I’ll be back. Keep her busy for me will ya?”


“No problem hyung.”


I was wondering where Dujun was going.


“It’s Dujun hyung’s turn to do some DJ work. Don’t worry, he’ll be back,”


I smiled.


“Are you the Choi Haneul?”


I nodded.


“Yah, you really are pretty.” He laughed. “I’ve mistaken you for a lot of girls from Dujun hyung classes. You know, there were a lot of them who pretended to ask for help from Dujun hyung when actually they were trying to get close to him.”


I got a little flashback. Those es. So they’re not really Yoon Dujun’s booty call.


“So, what do you think of Dujun hyung?”


“He’s nice.”


“That’s it?”


I shrugged. I’d tell him every thing about what I think about Yoon Dujun but I rather not. He might think I’m obsessed over him. Well, I think I am but it’ll be a good idea to not put it out there.

[A/N] Yosoeb has landed. How is it so far? ^.^ Good? Bad? Can do better? I'll be sure to post the next chapter real soon. So... Gidarijuseyo~ And I'm psyched! 1 subscriber! Thank you so much! <3

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