Wrong Expectations


Yoon Ji's POV
I was halfway grabbing more chips until she finally said it. We're officially going to Hongdae. I sat up properly and asked her if she was serious about Hongdae. She told me a plain 'Yes' and I mentally nodded thinking that she was indeed sure.
"Say, why are we heading to Hongdae?? Are we going to drink Soju and party?? Is that what we're going to do??" I asked questions filled with buffoonery and I can hear her sigh in the other line.
"I have an appointment to do in such place, JiJi. It's fine if you won't come with me. And don't worry, if you're coming?? We're going to travel by daytime and no, we're NOT going to party. Partying and Drinking at daytime is so not mainstream." 
I stayed silent through the phone after her serious comeback. I hear her saying "Hello, you there" through the phone and I coughed, replying: "A hoax. You know that was just a hoax , right?" 
"I'm being serious and stern here Jiji. Are you coming with me or not?"
"Stop being so humorless and stop acting like a damned attorney. You're freaking me out." I complained yet added, "And I don't know if I'm coming. You're making me feel like you're bringing me to some Federal Building." 
"Was I being TOO humorless??" She said and started to let out small chuckles which I can clearly hear. 
"You're playing with me, aren't you??"
"Was I TOO obvious??" She said and laughed. I mimicked her last statement and told her, "I ain't coming."
"Oh c'mon Jiji. Don't worry, it won't take long. Or maybe it will but, you know there are a lot of Korean restaurants w/c I know you want and love."
I didn't reply for a quite while and thought about it. It's true. In Hongdae, there are a lot of restaurants which are filled with Korean cuisine. And yes, I miss eating Korean-inspired foods so, why not go?
"Just for those foods which I need to devour. Remember that." I answered in affirmation.
"Psh. For the sake of eating." She teased and added, "9:30 AM, okay?"
"Okay. Goodnight then." I replied and hung up. 
Standing up from our couch, I stretched and scratched my back and headed towards my room. When I closed the door, I forgot to bring my source of communication on my way. I groaned in dismay since I feel like sinking my whole body into my bed now. 
I grabbed my phone and received a message. I opened it and it was a reminder from MinA.
From: MinA
I ain't going to fetch you tomorrow. Let's meet at the bus stop, okay?
I just smirked and rolled my eyes at her austere demeanor. Locking my door, I switched off the lights and allowed myself to drown in my deep slumber.
The Day which was labeled 'Tomorrow' came and slowly, my eyes opened & my body was still filled with utmost laziness to get up. I blinked a few times and sat up, felicitously. I looked to my right and stared at my alarm clock.
"8:26 A.M. Guess I still have some handy and free time." I muttered.
I stood up and did my early mourning routine. Next thing I did, I went inside the shower and took some relaxing and rejuvinating bath.
Once finished, I wore this:
I grabbed some of my other needed stuffs and went straight to where mom was. I spotted her at our dining table reading her one and only favorite book entitled, 'Pride and Prejudice by: Jane Austen'. Adding the radiant morning mood, she sipped her favorite tea too and to her right, are some scrumptious egg and salmon sandwiches.
I went to her and she halted from her book reading and faced me, eyeing me from head to toe.
"My My, Yoonie. You're all dressed up. Where are you heading??" She asked and placed her book down.
"Hongdae!!!" I answered and sat just right across her.
Hearing the place, she looked at me in a mild aghast manner with a mixture of vexation and anger.
"You're heading to Hongdae?? With who??" She asked, now feeling angry about my destination.
"It's just MinA umma." I answered, calmly.
"Oh. You made me think of someone else besides MinA. Oh well, Hongdae will take some time so, let Mr. Sung bring you both there." She said and grabbed her book to read once again.
"No, umma. W-We'd prefer to take the bus." I told her.
"You really hate Mr. Sung,don't you???"
"What?? No. I don't. I'm just.. I'm just not comfortable with him. That's all."
"I can FIRE him and find you a NEW driver if that's the case!!"
"No!! Don't fire him. He's one good man so, don't even think of discharging him from his job." I stated, protecting a job of an honorable man.
"You do confuse me a lot, Yoonie. But if you really don't like Mr. Sung, you don't have to force yourself. You can tell me immediately, okay?" She raised a brow and I nodded. 
I was about to stand from my seat until she spoke once more, "By the way, don't forget to go home early or else I'll let Mr. Sung fetch the both of you." 
I nodded once more and I was ready to stand up until she added, AGAIN.
I got a bit irritated by this stop-getting-up-from-my-chair motion and looked at her.  "What is it umma???"
"Eat your BREAKFAST!!" She said and passed the egg and salmon sandwiches to me.
"Ahh!! No umma!!! I'll eat-"
"NO!!!! LISTEN TO YOUR MOM'S ORDER AND EAT!!!!!" Your mom raised.
I got startled by this and sat back down, leaving no other choice but to eat this well-prepared breakfast.
"What's with the 'attitude' these days??" I bromidicly thought.
Fast Forward
I finally arrived at the bus stop and looked at my watch and it says, '9:31'. I saw MinA and she was like STOMPING her FEET.
"What???" I asked in a confused manner.
"You're 1 minute and 36 seconds late!"
"Did you use a timer for that?" I asked and looked at her, stupefied.
"Mental Analysis." She answered and added, "How about let's go?? There's a bus heading towards our direction."
The whole ride was tiring yet I was busy looking at the buildings, streets and people of Seoul. This particularly made me remember of Lu Han in the bus. When we both were inside the bus that day without him noticing me. I stopped what I did and realized what I was doing the whole time. It was crazy how he appeared in my mind ever so suddenly and I shook my head at the thought.
We arrived at the place and boarded off the bus immediately. I looked around the place and my eyes began to sparkle. 
"You're loving this place, aren't you JiJi???" MinA asked.
I only nodded my head and kept my visions at the shops of Hongdae.
"Tell me, where should I start???" I said with a big GRIN on my face.
"Well JiJi, I should go on my own way then!!! Meet you at the bus stop, okay?" She said and did an "Ok" sign.
"Wait, what?? I'm not coming with you?" I asked, confused.
"No. I only want you to come with me so you can enjoy and do whatever you want. The freedom is all yours, Jiji." She confessed.
"Oh. Are you sure you're okay you're going by yourself?" I asked her.
"Of course I'm going to be okay. I'm Kim Min Ah, remember?" 
I half smiled & punched her lightly w/c caused her to whine a bit. I signed for her to go and leave and she just laughed, waved and soon went away. 
I looked at the different shops all around me which made me feel confused where I should go first. I spotted one w/c caught my attention and went my way towards it.
"Seafods would be LOVELY!!!" I told myself and smirked.
I went inside Dallyeora Jogaegui Pocha and found myself loving all the scent and atmosphere enveloping me. The whole place was filled with people ordering and eating filled with much desire.
My tastebuds were tingling in delight and want and my own feet forced me to go towards the counter and order.
"What should I order when everything in the list is just oh-so-damn GOOD??!!" I thought.
In the midst of thinking of the most righteous thing for me to order, someone spoke:
"Oh Yoon JiJi, never knew you were here!!!" Someone said and grabbed your shoulders from behind.
"Huh??? Oh....."
When I saw the person who grabbed my shoulders from behind, my heart started to beat at a fast pace and my cheeks burnt at the brightest shade of red. Didn't expect HE and I mean HE would be here. 
What a SUDDEN rendezvous.
I gulped a barrel of saliva and spoke, not expecting I would stutter.
"S-Se Hun."
"Hey, Yoon Ji." He shot one of his bright smiles and which I consider adorable.
I felt a burning sensation and feeling inside me and when I was about to speak once again, someone else spoke w/ a feeling of discontent and annoyance.
We bothed looked at that individual and my eyes were locked to him. Now it's my turn to feel discontented and annoyed.
"By the way, I forgot to mention to you that I'm with my hyung!" Se Hun chuckled and scratched the nape of his neck.
With this feeling of irritation, I rolled my eyes and huffed some air. I looked at Se Hun plastering a straight face and thought in the most sarcastic way.
"Yes. You're hyung indeed. Hooray! We shall now CELEBRATE!" 
And with that, I swore I threw the worst confetti in the air.



"Yah! Oh Se Hun, who are you talking to??" That certain nincompoop spoke just now as I sense him getting nearer and nearer with each step.
You know? When I knew that 2 of those EXO boys were here in the same restaurant with me in Hongdae, I confirm that my hunger is now gone. I have no time to eat and tend to my hunger needs when they're here. One of them is too congenial, admirable, cordial, warm-hearted and innocent. The other one is too narcissistic, arrogant, cocky, someone who thinks HIGH of himself and well... weird and odd. I can't understand that other guy. He makes me think he has 'something' that he never showed to everyone else. And yes, that other male made me believe in such way.
Enough with the descriptions and mind illustrations. I wish there was a way that 'OTHER' can't find me. Heaven knows what he'd do to put me to shame and humiliation. Is there someone more than willing for me to make my great hegira or escape? I know my assumptions won't come true.
Se Hun knew how much Lu Han and Yoon Ji loathe and dislike each other. He thought of a way to protect Yoon Ji and we had finally thought about it, he was about to signal Yoon Ji to use the comfort room until,
"YOU??! You're HERE??" 
Both Se Hun and Yoon Ji remained still for a second and that's when Se Hun sighed, uttering: "I was too late." He faced Lu Han and told him, "Yeah. S-She's here." He looked at Yoon Ji and his eyes were filled with remorse and guilt.
Lu Han smirked, probably happy he has someone to annoy the whole time when they'll eat and at the same time, he's just perky to see her.
"What are you doing in a place like this??" He asked just to annoy her and she rolled her eyes at him.
"To grab a huge frying pan inside this restaurant's kitchen and hit you with it." Yoon Ji replied a threat.
"Woah. Aren't you blind? I wonder if you'd reach the kitchen or do you want me to assist you??" He raised a brow and smirked right at her.
Yoon Ji hissed and uttered, "Go bald, Lu Han."
"Do the honors, Ms. Blind Lady. And be careful, you might grab a huge rat instead of a pair of scissors" He laughed and she grunted, feeling more annoyed and irritated than ever.
Lu Han just looked at her 'so annoyed' state and half smiled, feeling proud yet stupid at the same time for what he did. Facing the counter, he thought, 
"Se Hun, I guess you made the BEST choice indeed."
Lu Han's POV
I was making myself busy surfing the net, visiting my weibo. Se Hun suddenly entered my room and sat down beside me. Later, we both were having fun with playing a random game in a certain site until the thought suddenly appeared.
"Hey, Se Hun, where do you want to go?" I asked.
"What's the occasion, hyung?" He asked back whilst focusing on the game.
"Let's say, this is my treat. After what we did yesterday, we won't take/do those burdensome P.E tests." 
"Really?? That's great!" He stopped playing and faced me instead.
I nodded and asked him once again, "Now, where do you want to go?"
Se Hun looked at the ceiling, probably thinking. Seconds later, his eyes slightly enlarged and he said, "Hongdae! Let's go to Hongdae!"
I was slightly abashed with his answer and asked, "You're up for partying and soju drinking?"
"What? No!! I want to eat not party and get 'laid'."
I got more abashed with his answer and reacted, "Since when did you learn that word, huh?? Have you been watching P-"
"NO!! I-I wasn't. I've heard many saying that word and I've got the meaning just n-now." He was embarassed and his cheeks were burning.
I just smirked and shook my head. "Fine. Hongdae, it is."
"DID I JUST HEAR HONGDAE?????" We both heard someone yell outside and he added,  "GUYS! Lu Han hyung and Se Hun are going to Hongdae!" Tao called for the other members.
"What?! Really?!!" We heard others speak.
I immediately opened the door and yelled right at Tao's back. "Who gave you the damn permission to EAVESDROP and worse, INFORM IT TO THE OTHERS."
Tao immediately faced me and ever so suddenly, kneeled down. "My everdearest gege, I know Se Hun is your one and only best buddy but with all my gucci wallets and panda plushies, let me COME with you both!" Tao begged.
He immediately stood up and complained. "But why?!"
"I don't remember you, running in the field yesterday and of course, you TOLD the other members you DOG-MOUTHED maknae!" I flicked his forehead.
"Minahae, hyung! But please, let me go to Hongdae!!" 
"So what if you LOVE Hongdae? No's a NO!" Tao just pouted then, the other members came by.
"Lu Han!!! We shall go to Hongdae." Kris said.
"Can we come Lu Han hyung?" Kai asked.
"Why not?" Lay asked.
"I said NO! Is it just that TOO hard for all of you to understand?" 
"FINE THEN! JUST GO TAKE YOUR SE HUN WITH YOU TO HONGDAE!" They all said in synch and teased.
I ignored them and closed my room's door in response. I faced Se Hun again who was busy playing that 'random' game. "Hongdae then.. 9:30 A.M.!!" I whispered.
"Arasso hyung" He replied without looking.
Yoon Ji's POV
I was shooting arrows filled with tantrum right at Lu Han. I was in the verge of pulling my hair strands right out of my own scalp because this dunce sure knows how to make me like 'this'. As Lu Han was busy smirking and doing his own way to piss my soul off, Se Hun grabbed both my shoulders and blocked my view of Lu Han.
"Forgive me and my hyung, Yoon Ji." Se Hun sighed yet smiled.
"Forgive you? What have you done wrong? It's your hyung who deserves to say such and he should get bald. I must say, HE has mental issues." I said.
Se Hun laughed at what I said and I wondered which part of my statement made him laugh. Though, that laugh? I wish I could record it in my phone and set it in replay. 
"No, Yoon Ji. Hyung isn't retarted if that's what you meant. He's a good guy." He smiled and pinched my cheek.
I rubbed the part where he pinched and blushed a bit. He set me confused with one word. 
"Good? I'm sorry Se Hun but, I'll disagree with you on that. I don't see anything good in-"
"I'm serious. He's a good guy. You have to agree with me." Se Hun said seriously.
I looked at him. His eyes were telling me it really is TRUE and believable. I looked down and pondered what he said just now. "You have to agree with me." Well, you know I always have doubts on Lu Han.  "He makes me think he has 'something' that he never showed to everyone else." I thought what I thought moments ago. So, is this true? Is this what Se Hun is talking about?
Se Hun noticed you. You were busy looking at the ground with your head hung slightly low. Thinking he made you feel down due to his attitude, he immediately grabbed your shoulders again and you looked at him again.
"Forget what I said just now. Anyway, how about let's order?" He suggested and pointed at the counter.
I nodded and we both ordered with Lu Han, who was in one corner, he went to order with us too. Now, he made sure I was at my back and I shivered when he whispered,
"I hate you." 
My mouth was about to speak back in defense but, I let it pass for now.  Especially what Se Hun said just now. 
"Shut up, Lu Han. You don't know how much I want to strangle and asphyxiate you due to my hatred for you. But I know you have a secret which, I know, is hard enough for you to let out. But as for now, let's keep this thread of hate for each other going." I thought.
"And yes Lu Han, I hate you the most." I added as a thought.
I was ready to order and when I was about to order, Lu Han spoke for me like I was a mute person. He spoke for me, in the most detestable way.
"Miss, this girl would love to take that, that, that, oh and that and also that and that! Oh and 1 thing, this, this, this and THIS." He said and pointed at the orders.
As he mentioned those orders, Se Hun and the Cashier's mouths were wide open and Lu Han was holding in his laughter. 
"Okay then sir!! I shall-"
"NO, STOP!!!!!" I yelled and slammed the COUNTER.
"Y-yes??? W-what i-is t-the p-problem???" The cashier was stuttering and I bet she was horrified.
"Those are HIS orders." I complained and pointed at Lu Han. "As for mine, I'd take that, that and that!" I said and rolled my eyes at Lu Han.
"How about you sir??" The cashier asked Se Hun.
"Uhhh I'd only take that and that." Se Hun said with a smile.
When the cashier looked at Lu Han, she gulped and said, "Are those really your orders, sir?"
"Do you think I'd take those?" He said and raised a brow.
The cashier got more scared than ever then asked him. "T-Then what are your o-orders, sir?"
"I'd take nothing." He said blankly.
"Arasso. I shall prepare these orders then."
After Lu Han and you paid for the orders, Se Hun immediately dragged you to a free table and we both sat down. Lu Han, who saw the scene, sighed and just sat beside Se Hun who was busy talking with you. Lu Han rolled his eyes and got irritated with your and Se Hun's closeness.
"They're so.. Just so comfortable with each other." He thought.
Minutes later, all our orders arrived and Se Hun told me to eat well. I said the same to him and Lu Han rolled his eyes when he got caught staring at the both of us. 
I ate whole-heartedly and Se Hun just smiled at me yet his expression changed suddenly. It was a mixture of worry and shock thus, he pouted. And that was so cute. 
He reached out his hand with a tissue paper in hand and when he was about to proceed, Lu Han interrupted.
"Is that how you eat often? You eat like a pig!" He teased and threw a tissue at me.
"Thanks?" I thanked in a questionable way and wiped my mouth with the tissue. 
Se Hun sighed yet smiled at me. "You're so careless." He said and ruffled my hair.
"Pig." Lu Han suddenly said just to break our conversation.
"You're just jealous." I defended.
Lu Han's POV
"You're just jealous" She said.
My vision blurred like I'm drunk. Now, all I see is her. She was the only clear and vivid view of my own two eyes. My heart was beating incredibly fast and I can sense myself getting red. Did she just say that to me? And am I even affected of what she said? Am I really jealous between the both of them?
This is a mirage; a chimera. Is this real??
I gulped and was ready to defend back until she added, "You're jealous that I'm a pig." 
Everything started to crash, break and fall down. This was the first time I felt abashed and embarassed of something which I thought something I assumed and expected was true. I felt like I was a loser; a fool. Hah, well, two can play this game Blind Lady. Two can play this game.
"Me? Jealous of you? You must be dreaming woman." I scoffed and smirked. "Now you're a Blind Lady and a PIG at the same time!" He added and laughed.
I saw her grabbing her fork, probably going to throw it at me. "What? Are you going to throw that fork straight to my heart?" I teased and laughed.
Se Hun's eyes grew large at what I said. "Hyung!" And I saw her, hissing and was about to throw the fork. She indeed have plans. And when she was about to do such, us three heard different voices right beside our table.
"HI GUYS!!!!!!" 10 guys said.
They all waved at us yet their expression changed at the sight of one woman by the table.
"Like woah! Ain't that the girl who slapped hyung?" Lay asked.
These guys  should get ready for the worst nightmare of each of their lives.





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vicckyalo #1
Chapter 70: PLS UPDATEEEEEEE!!!!!!
Chapter 70: Please update!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3XD
KittyConsole #3
senaceeexo #4
Waiting for an update authornim :) I LOVE THIS!!! Btw, new reader here~~
Waiting for an update ♥
2min4life #7
Chapter 70: Update update update update Update update update update Update update update update Update update update update~~~~ I love it!!!!!!
Chapter 70: I'm team luhan :3
Chapter 70: again~~~ 8D woah I expect her like me XP *boooooooooooo*
kekekeke update agaaainn
and check my fics *if you want to :D*
Chapter 69: team sehun now hahaa but luhan cutely annoying too ...