Wrong Expectations

Yoon Ji's POV

Let me tell you something. Something about me.
I'm this type of lady who doesn't talk nor entertain to people. Literally to the ones whom I don't know.
Yep, that's me. It's not that I don't want to talk to them or something, but it's because I don't trust them.
Remember what I told you like yesterday? The word TRUST only exists in my parents and to Ms. Kim Min Ah also known as my bossom buddy.

And like what does that guy think of himself? Some kind of advertiser or something?
Does he need to introduce although we just had a coincidental bump?
But well, he doesn't look like a malicious or a nefarious man.


Let's cut the thought.

I believe in the saying that looks can be deceiving. Many people have been flimflamed due to looks.
And I, Nam Yoon Ji, will never be like one of them.
Some people just can't understand that life has two types of roads.
The RIGHT road and the COUNTERFACTUAL road.
Most people just love to choose the counterfactual one.
They just don't learn their lesson.

That's one thing I noticed to human beings these days. Being honest as judged.

I just continued walking on my way home and kicked some small pebbles at the sidewalk.  I playfully swayed my hands and tried to cool them down due to the cold weather.
I must say, Seoul's climate has been decreasing which feels like it's winter although winter is still like, how many months away.
My head was lowered down while I sighed.

Honestly speaking, either bad or good, I still lack trust.
Trust to other people.

You arrived at your house how many minutes later and rang your gate's doorbell.
Your house has two doorbells. One for your huge and enormous gate and the other one was for the entrance door.
Up until now you were still wondering why you have two doorbells when it is okay if you only have one.

For the gate.

You would always say it's a waste of money but for your parents, it's important and for security.
You have 10 surveilance cameras all around your house.
You would find it irritating because your parents are just too much and again for your parents, it's just too IMPORTANT
and for SECURITY.

Two maids went to attend you and greeted you with a polite bow. They typed the code for the gate and it automatically opened for your entrance.
That's just how high-tech your way of living is.

"Welcome back Ms. Nam!"

You just nodded at the two and asked where your mom is.

"She's in her room Ms. Nam. You better go to her cause she's been worrying about you." The first maid said.

You thanked them both and immediately went in your house and went straight to your mom's bedroom.

How long have I been having fun with MinA?

Time check: 8:33 P.M.

Ohh. So I arrived late huh?
No wonder why my mom's dead worried.

You knocked on her door and you heard her say: "Come In!"
You went in and greeted her with a hug.

"Yoonie! You're late! What have you been doing with MinA huh?"

"Ah! Nothing! Just having the time time of our lives!" You replied back.

"Oh you two! Have you ate you dinner?" Your mom asked.

"Uh...Yea! I'm full!" You lied.

"Oh! Arraso! Then you better go to bed! You don't wanna be late in your first day of class!" Your mom warned.

"Uhh yea! I better should. Good night mom!"

"Goodnight Yoonie!"

Oh God! First day of Junior year starts tomorrow! PSSH!
What would be the hell ride waiting for me?
Okay! I didn't eat dinner cause I'm hallucinating tomorrow's outcome.

I'm not hungry anyway.

Ugh! I should better go to bed!
I don't want to end up like a lazy sloth or a dreadful zombie like this morning.

You changed into your PJ's and got ready for bed.
As you lie down, you said:

"Junior year, please be a good one!"

And in no time, you went to dreamland.


The next day, you woke up at the sound of your alarm clock.
And Praise the Heavens you didn't wake up late or end up being late because you woke up early as expected.

Well much honor to your one and only alarm clock.
You need it a lot since you wake up pretty late all the time.
Without this, you would still end up like yesterday.

God! I'm still so tired! 
Ugh! I don't wanna go to school! Damn!

I looked at my alarm clock,

6:15 A.M. PSSH! Too early!

*stomach growling*

Damn! I forgot that I didn't eat dinner yesterday!!!


You went down to eat breakfast and your mom greeted you with her brightest smile.

"Good morning my Yoonie! Breakfast?" Your mom asked.

"Yea! I badly need that now umma!"

You just ate breakfast and minutes later, you're finished.

"How about you take a shower? You stink!" Your mom teased.

"Aiish! Yah umma!" You said and scowled at her.


When you finished taking the shower and smelled like sweet cammomile, you immediately wore your uniform.
The uniform that you detest so much due to its shortness and its tightness.

Honestly, I hate my uniform!


The skirt is damn short!
But it's good that we wear knee socks.
I mean, imagine, if we don't wear knee socks.


You quit your complaints and babbles and finished fixing yourself.
Now you're finished, you were ready to enter school grounds.

You stared at your reflection at the mirror and zephyr out air.
Nervousness filled your body thinking what would this school year be like.
You fixed your backpack and inserted your arms at the two slings of the bag.
You clinged to both the slings and sighed once more and finally said:


"I'm ready! Seoul High University, here I come!"


You rode a bus going to school since you insisted on riding on your car.
You honestly hate riding your own car.
And here's the reason why:

Actually, we have cars and my parents hired drivers.
3 drivers to be exact.

1 for my dad, 1 for my mom and 1 for me.

So we have 3 cars in total.
Simple addition.

But you know, I can just fire my own personal driver cause I don't really need him.
But I don't want to be mean or anything, so, I'll let him be.
I actually just want to ride a bus going to school and going back home cause I feel more comfortable.
I feel more like a normal student rather than riding a black Maybach car and feel like a daughter of a president or something.

I don't like that.
I mean really.

After the bus ride you arrived at Seoul High University and made your way to the gates.
Students were scattered everywhere. They were all busy chatting and laughing with their friends and etc.
You looked around to see if MinA was there.

"Aiish! Where's this girl???!!!!" You complained.

Then someone suddenly covered your eyes. You were shocked at first, but you already know who it is.

"MinA! You can stop the gig now!" You demanded.

MinA let go and made you face her. Your mouth then made an "O" shape and looked at her from head to toe.
Looking at here as if you're committing a sin. A begrimed sin.
Am I looking at an actess or what?? I mean, MinA is extremely beautiful! She looks so hot and appealing with that uniform!
God! She's just pure beauty.!

"What are you looking at JiJi?? I'm pretty aren't I? Hahaha!"

"You look more beautiful and hotter than Megan Fox!" You commented.

"Megan...Fox? Who is she?" She asked cluelessly.

"Oh yea! She don't know much of foreign actors and actresses. She didn't go abroad. Only I did.!" You thought

"Uhh just some actress in America!" You said.

"Ahh. You're so lucky you went abroad! Hmmph!"

"Oh shut up! Let's go!"

"Fine! Well you look gorgeous in your uniform too,you know?" She commented.

"Keep the comment to yourself! Now let's go!" You replied.


"Haha! Arraso!!"

You both went to your classroom since you two are classmates.
When you both reached your room, you both went in.
You found your respective seat and you sat on it. While MinA just sat beside you for a while since it's not yet time.


"So. You ready to face our strict Math teacher again?" MinA asked.

"You mean the fat pig? Hell no!"

"I know! Haha. Are you expecting that this year will be awesome?"MinA asked again.

"Uhh. Yea..I'm expecting things will get more complicated."

"How about you?" You added.

"Well, I know things will get harder, but as long as I'm with you, I know I can make it!" She replied

"Yea, me too." You replied back.

"Well, are you ready to meet Eun Jung again?" She asked for the 3rd time.


You scowled and before you could answer you got interrupted by girls screaming and squealing outside.

"OMO! OMO! They're here!" One girl said.

"Jinjja?? OMO! Kyaaaaa~" The other girl screamed.

When your girl classmates heard it, they got excited and they started to squeal too like crazy penguins.

"Oh my God! They're here! Let's go!" You heard your classmate say.

"Really? EXO are here? O MY GOD! O MY OVARIES!" Your other classmate said excitedly.

"EXO?" You both said cluelessly.


"Who are they?" You asked.

"Dunno! How about let's check out this commotion outside?" MinA suggested.

You both went out and were shocked with the number of people watching and anticipating their arrival.

"Whoa! Whoa! K. What's so special about these guys?"

But before MinA could answer, screams and squeals and loud noises filled the air.
You feel like your eardrums were about to pop.

You both watched and saw 12 flawless guys walking and passing by the other students.
You heard girls say :

"EXO oppas!"

"Baekhyunnie oppa!"

"Kris oppa!"
"Tao! You cute panda!"


and many many more.

But what you heard the most was :

"Lu Han! Lu Han!!"

"Omo! Lu Han oppa! Wo Ai Ni!!"

"Lu Han oppa! My angel!! Saranghaeyo!!"

You got so irritated with their squeals and ear popping screams that you have to cover your own ears.
You tried to look at this Lu Han guy they're speaking of and once you got caught of him, you let go of the ear covering and just let the wild animals I mean fangirls deafen your own precious ears.

Your eyes grew large and can't help but stare at him passing by each student. He left you dazzled; amazed.  You felt like the world stopped rotating on its own axis and the hands of the clock just paused by itself. Never had one guy made you feel that way.

For some reason your cheeks turned into a shade of pink and all you could say was:


"Blueberry cheescakes. Just throw them at my face."



Lu Han's POV
Oh God! Fangirls! I know we actually need them but hell!
They're seriously like more annoying than your noisy 4 year-old sister!
They're much worse than a huge boombox in maximum volume.
They're much worse than screaching chalks.
They're much worse than clashing and breaking plates.
They're much worse than a-
At the middle of my interactive thinking about these girls,
ONE hardcore girl suddenly,
"Lu Han oppa!!! Kyaaaaa! ~" one girl shouted right in front of me. I repeat, RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!
"Damn! DO you want my eardrums to die woman???" I thought
Aissh!! Damn that oldie Soo Man for sending us in a damned school like this! Like Damn. Purely damn!
We were all training that night. Beads of sweat were falling from our faces.
We were busy training as ever until Mr. Soo Man barged in.
"Boys! I have an announcement to make!" Mr. Soo Man said.
Announcement?? I guess this would be lamer than the last one.
"Please all of you! Sit down." He said.
We all sat down and anticipated on what he was going to say.
He had a bright smile pasted on his face. A creepy smile to be exact.
He's probably thinking that smile suits him.
"I know you all are still trainees! So this year,"
"You all are going to study and finish your studies!" Mr. Soo Man said enthusiastically.
I told you! Lame! Lame!! Lamer than History class!
When the others heard it, it seems like it's the end of the world.
Well I'm exaggerating. Okay, some were excited, but mostly were not.
D.O.'s eyes were about to pop out any second now.
"Where are we going to study?" Suho asked.
A sly smile formed on Mr. Soo Man's face and looked at his favorite boy and said:
"Seoul High University." Mr. Lee 'appetizing'  Soo Man replied.
End of Flashback
And so, we ended up here! In this damn friggin' school.
I just love the way Mr. Oldie chooses.
Really! I do!
But, as I see the amount of fans anticipationg our arrival, I can't help but smirk.
Well look!  We're still trainees, but wow! We're already as famous as Michael Jackson! I'm exaggerating again!
"Dude! Look at the crowd!" Kai said.
"I know!" Chanyeol replied.
"TCH! The teasers were such a big advantage." I mumbled.
They then proceeded to the principal's office to get their schedule.
 Yoon Ji's POV
Okay! Wait! Is he Lu Han?
The Lu Han guy they speak of?
Wow! I mean, wow!
I honestly got lost of words right there.
It's crazy how there are a LOT of good-looking guys here. I mean in our school but he's the one who caught my attention.
I mean isn't it like delirious as a March hare?
No wonder why these girls are fangirling over these 10?? 9?? 12?? guys!
How about I start being a fangirl from now-
*mentally slaps face*
Where is the REAL Nam Yoon Ji now? Don't tell me you'll let it all pass just because of those 12 idiots??!!!
And because of that Lu Han guy???!!!
"NOOOO!!!!!"  I suddenly yelled. How embarassing.
Everyone and I mean everyone stared at me in a beclouded manner and gave me a 'WTF stare'.
Embarassed, I looked away and stared back to the spot where they were.
Still looking at them, I started daydreaming again.
My mind set off to somewhere else.
What's their band name called again???
ECO?? UFO??? EXPO???
"EXO OPPAS!!! SARANGHAE!!" I heard one girl scream.
That's the name.
I'm sorry to break it but I really don't know this EXO band they speak of cause I'm not really interested.
But ohoo! WOW!
If he's really Lu Han, then okay I gotta admit that he's handsome and glorious. 
He has this hazelnut brown hair, unblemished face, flawless skin, and not to mention, perfection!. I mean look at those eyes, nose, lips, hands and etc.
No wonder he has a lot of fans cause he's motherfrigginly good-looking.But it doesn't mean that I like him. No! I just admire his physical features! That's all.
The mini fan meeting (perhaps) of EXO ended.
Sad to say for the dear fangirls and fanboys.
Everyone went back to their respective rooms and kept talking about their beloved oppas.
Others still can't accept that their now studying at their school and some of the members will be their classmates.
You're lucky if you're one of them.
You were still stuck in the same position. Probably looking at the same spot where Lu Han was.
Your feet was like glued to the floor or in other words, you like a lady who is paralyzed.
"JiJi! JiJi!! Hey!!!" She snapped and tried to let you stop your day-dreaming.
"Earth to Nam Yoon Ji!!!" She shouted.
You immediately snapped out of your thoughts and looked at MinA.
"For a second I thought God already took your soul!!" She said vaingloriously.
"Hmmmm but by the way you were looking at those guys, it seems like you already liked one of them huh?" She added.
"What??? Heck no!!! What about let's go back to class???" You said.
"Yea! Cause we SHOULD!" She replied while putting emphasis to the word "should."
You both went back to your room and sat down on your respective seats.
When you sat comfortably at your seat,
there you started daydreaming.
A good looking face should match a good personality right?
Okay, I'm expecting that this Lu Han guy will be kind-hearted,obedient,polite,respectful and all the good traits in this cruel world!!And I'm expecting that my expectations will be a HUNDRED percent right!!!And I know it will!!!
I tell you!!
Make a BET with me and I know,
I'll WIN!
Lu Han's POV
Well this school ain't that bad after all I must say. 
This school is okay.
It's good.
I actually made a mistake saying that this school is damned.
It's not afterall.
Curse myself for judging too much.
I'm pessimistic; capricious, I know. Don't blame me! I'm just born being like this.
I'm obscure and people knows. I'm cold-hearted. Well, so what? Let's face reality. I'm really just like this. And that's who I really am'
I really am....
I really am??
Am I really like this? 
Like whu??! Okay cut this scene! CUT IT! Why are we talking about myself??!!!
We're not talking about Lu Han, right? We're talking about this school! This University.
I should better control myself in getting driven by my own thoughts and emotions that dexterously.
so where was I???Oh yea.
As I looked at the ravishing and exquisite surroundings, the students passing by and also by looking at the school building,
I thought of some words perfect enough to describe Seoul High University.
Well I'm not good in words and I don't want to be.
That ain't in my dictionary.
Now like what am I saying?
I'm so dopey.
Well this school is like a school for the elites.
You know the rich ones. The educated ones. And all the ones that I mean.
Well what can I say? 
It's like one of the most prestigious schools here in Seoul.
Mr. Lee Soo Man has taste in choosing afterall. 
I thought he would just recklessly choose any school as long as we finish High School.
But what can I say??
Mr. Lee Soo Man is really one smart and astute man.
What are you even saying Lu Han??!!
If he ain't smart, why did he own a damn famous company which you are in??
The surroundings can tell that this school is really a thumbs up.
An A+
So maybe I might like it here. 
Okay, minus the noisy fangirls.
And fanboys if ever there are one.
I looked at my friends. Some were just grunting as if someone stole their precious chocolates as they watch their card in what room they belong in.
Not all were grunting. Some were making a 'YES' sign because they belong to the Pilot Section. And I was one of them.
Shiiz. The perks of being an idol or a future idol. You get VIP access.
Like who can even resist us???
We're the ever soon to be new Rookie Group, EXO.
If you hates us,
Then you'd just regret it until you reach at the age of 85.
We're classmates with Kris, Suho and Baekhyun.
Others are in the other section.
to be them.
After knowing in which classroom they belong to, they all went to their respective classes and each of them bid their bye's. But honestly speaking, they just casually went to their rooms without saying their bye's.
Lu Han, Kris, Chanyeol and Suho went to their classroom without a piece of sweat falling from their faces.
Like a normal student encountering his/ her first day of class, nervousness would fill his/ her entire body.
But as for these 12 boys,
Casualty was their middle name.
The 4 boys proceeded to their room and before they entered, their teacher told them to wait outside.
They just nodded and gave their teacher a smile in approval.
"Okay class!! You all have new classmates and I know you all know them already since they're going to be soon-to-be idols. So treat them well okay??"
"Boys! You may now come in!" The teacher added.
As the 4 boys came in, students started to squeal silently and some were like about to faint.
Not to mention, boys were also squealing..
Okay cut the thought. Some boys were squealing while most of them were uninterested.
Those squealing boys has issues.
The 4 boys introduced theirselves and after the introduction, they all went to their respective seats.
PSSH!! These girls are so lucky that we're their classmates. 
I mean having an idol as your classmate would happen only once in a lifetime.
Why waste the oppurtunity given to you?
*epic evil grins*
As I passed by every seat, every girl stared at me and gave me this sheepish smile and some girls were blushing so hard.
Some were squealing, some were winking, some were placing a piece of hair over their ear.
These ladies are so despicable!
I just stared and smirked at them as a response and sat down at my respective seat which is at the back since I requested that I'd sit at the back part.
Why? Why you ask?
I don't know why but, I just love seating at the back. It gives me some time for intense thinking and such.
Minutes later, our first period teacher went inside and I immediately focused my attention to the teacher.
Instead of facing at our History teacher, my classmates (especially the girls) just stared at me and so are with the other members.
I could hear them giggle and fangirl over me and the other 3.
Due to this act, our class got scolded.
The first day of class was started with a sermon. How wonderful.
Tssk Tssk Tssk.
What would you all do without us around??
Well how about I date you all in a week? Heheh. 
That'd be cooler than ice cubes in a refrigerator.
Yoon Ji's POV
UGH! I want this day to end fast! Where's the time machine when you need one??
But then, my thoughts suddenly got interrupted by our teacher.
"Class!! Attention!" Your teacher said.
All of us looked at her in confusion and were all ears to what she was about to say.
First, she fixed her papers and placed them aside her table and started to speak:
"You all have new classmates! You all probably know them already, so treat them well okay???" Your teacher said.
"NE!!!" You all replied.
The teacher then signaled them to go in and then, one boy came in and in no time,
girls started screaming silently since they don't want to be brought to the Principal's office and were blushing hard like red blood.
He probably is one of the members of that EXO band.
As he made his way to the room, all I could say was:
WOW! He looks fierce! He looks like a black deadly tiger! O rawwrr! 
How about let's hear his voice.
"Ah! Annyeong! Huang Zi Tao-imnida!" He said and bowed.
Okay! He may look fierce but he sounds like a 5-year old kid. 
Seriously, what else is in him that could shock the hell out of you??
He's Gay???
Okay, now I think that would be impossible.
And he's Chinese too. Oooo~
After this Tao guy went to his seat, another guy made his entrance to our room and again,
girls, started to squeal and giggle from here to there.
I looked at this guy and when I saw him,
my eyes just made itself round like those of a tarsier and just looked at him from head to toe.
H-Hey. Tha-That guy... Didn't I-
"Annyeonghaseyo! Oh Se Hun-imnida!" He greeted and bowed.
After his 180 degree bow and introduction, he noticed me looking at him and when he caught sight of my eyes, he looked at me too with the same expression.
We both know what our minds were playing. 
We both were staring at each other for 5 whole seconds and we both thought and said in our minds in synch:
"It's YOU!"


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vicckyalo #1
Chapter 70: PLS UPDATEEEEEEE!!!!!!
Chapter 70: Please update!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3XD
KittyConsole #3
senaceeexo #4
Waiting for an update authornim :) I LOVE THIS!!! Btw, new reader here~~
Waiting for an update ♥
2min4life #7
Chapter 70: Update update update update Update update update update Update update update update Update update update update~~~~ I love it!!!!!!
Chapter 70: I'm team luhan :3
Chapter 70: again~~~ 8D woah I expect her like me XP *boooooooooooo*
kekekeke update agaaainn
and check my fics *if you want to :D*
Chapter 69: team sehun now hahaa but luhan cutely annoying too ...