Wrong Expectations

Yoon Ji's POV

Hey there! I'm Yoon Ji! Nam Yoon Ji to be exact.  My bestftriend loves to call me JiJi. My parents love to call me Yoonie. Now you don't want to wait for me to tell you how my grandparents call me, right?


Well, I'm 18 years old. I'm a junior at Seoul High University. I've been studying there since Freshman Year.
Oh! And I forgot! I studied abroad when I was in my Elementary years. So I must say, I know how to speak English fluently. (Call me a boastful bissh! I know.)

I have like the best parents! Not to mention, they shower me with love, affection and everything just to make me feel that I'm loved and cared for.

And I love them too.


They usually buy me stuffs although I don't ask for it. But they know that I don't like girly stuffs and such. So I'm okay with it. They buy me stuffs that suit my style.
Bags, clothes, shoes and other stuffs? They'd buy me that.

Well I must say, my dad's one busy man. He's a manager in one of the richest companies here in Seoul. I don't want to brag but well, it's sorta kind of true. And it somehow bothers me that he's away from home all the time and I have no-

I forgot to brag that,

I HAVE THE BESTEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD although the word bestest doesn't even exist!

And yes, I do.!

Her name is MinA.

See that girl? Yep that's her.

Exceptionally pretty isn't she?

I tell you, she's like the most wonderful girl I've ever met! And I'm so fortunate to have her as my bestfriend! But I felt so bad that I left her for 4 years.
Well I asked her for forgiveness. And luckily, she forgave me.

I mean like heck! Who would want to leave your bestfriend for 4 years???!!! Well not me! I love MinA so much and she's the only one I trust. She's like my very own teddy bear which I treasured so much since I was a 3 year old toddler. Trust is a value which is hard to apply in our daily lives.
So when I say MinA is the only girl I trust, so I mean she's the only ONE I trust! Well except for my biological parents of course!

Sweet smiles crept up from my face and so were sighs of complacency. I looked at our glass window which showed a bright, wanning gibbious moon with a clear, night sky as the background accompanied with the twinkling stars.
I smiled even more at the sight. Approximately, 3 birds were flying in consensus heading to the north. I zephyr out air once more and laid my head and body back to the matress.

You know! God loves me! Oh yes, He does!
I can say that cause He gave me the best parents and an A-1 best friend.

A certificate of approval states that they're the only ones I TRUST and LOVE. They're the only ones I have too. The ones whom I truly adore.
I stood up from my bed and felt my stomach growling. I clutched my hand unto my stomach while I can sense that it was screaming for food.

"Calm down there you famished lion! I'll fill you up! Just wait!" I murmured and pointed at my stomach.

Well so that ends my sort of long monologue.


You went down from your room to your kitchen to get something to eat since your stomach was begging for it.

*stomach growling*

"Shiish I got so hungry from all that monologue." You said.

When you arrived at the kitchen, you grabbed a bag of Cheese Doritos' and a grape juice. You were about to proceed to going back to your room until you saw your mom sitting at the dining table.
You went to her direction and surprised her with a neck hug.

"Oh! Omona! Yoonie! You scared me! You're not planning on giving me a heart attack,are you?"

"Of course not umma! I wouldn't want you to have that! No one would!"

You were still neck hugging her so your mom complained.

"Okay Yoonie! You can let go now!"

So you stopped the neck hugging and grabbed a chair and sat beside her.

"Now tell me umma, what are you doing here? Sitting all alone?" You asked curiously.

"Ah! Nothing! Just wanna drink a cup of refreshing, green tea and relax."

"Oh by the way Yoonie! 2 days from now will be the start of your Junior year. Are you ready?" Your mom added.

"Ah umma! Of course I am! As long as I'm with MinA, I'm good!"

"Hehe. You two beautiful ladies. Your friendship is so unbreakable!" Your mom said.

"Umma! I'm not beautiful! MinA is! " You gloomily said.

"Bwo? Of course you're beautiful Yoonie! You're my daughter and you look a lot like your umma! " She said while pointing at her face.

"Tch. Yah umma! You and your bluffs! Cut it out!"

"But I'm not bluffing! That's the plain truth." Your mom defended.

"Haha umma! I better head back! I need some alone time too."

"Ah! arraso! arraso!"

You went straight to your room. When you were at the staircase, you heard your mom shout: "I'm not bluffing!". You just laughed it off and went to your room and closed the door as you went in.

You threw yourself in your bed and said:


"Ah umma! I love you and your silly bluffs!".

You switched the television ON with the remote control and watched what was on. Running Man was on broadcast and you can't help but sit up properly since it's once of your favorite shows.

"Hwuaah. They have MBLAQ as the guests! Now I'm watching this." I said and focused my vision on the television while diving in with some Doritos'.

*phone beeping*

You twisted your head back as you heard your phone beeping signaling for a text message.
You reached for your phone and in no time your expression lighted up because it's a message from no onter than, MinA.


From: MinA

JiJi! Classes are fast approaching! What about we hang out tomorrow? Tell me if you're not busy.


You immediately replied to her message.

From: Yoon Ji

Haha! That'd be great! Where will we go?

From: MinA

Uhm.. Mall would be perfect! What do you say?

From: Yoon Ji

Yea. That'll do! What time?

From: MinA

10 A.M. would be lovely. I'll come over to your house! See you and good night JiJi!


You didn't reply back and switched the television off.
You just went straight to your mom's room to tell her.
You knocked on her door and you heard your mom say: "Come in!". You just went in and went to your mom.

"Ah Yoonie! What brought you here?" 

You sat beside her on her bed.

"Umma! MinA and I are going out tomorrow! So I'm asking for your permission for me to go!"

"Ah! Of course you can! You actually don't need to ask for my permission cause you know I'd say yes right?"

"Just making sure! " You answered her.

"Okay! Now go to bed! Goodnight Yoonie!" She said and kissed your forehead.

"Good night umma!" You kissed her back in her left cheek and went back to your room.


You changed into your PJ's and brushed your teeth. And now, you're ready for bed.

*crosses fingers*

I hope tomorrow we'd have a great and awesome time!I simply just want MinA to be always blithe and mirthful.


Ah! Good night to myself! Hoping tomorrow would be a good day which I know it will.



Yoon Ji's POV



What greeted me is the bright, morning sun! I lazily opened my eyes and got up! I obviously look like a zombie ready for an apocalypse in this state.
My feet dragged me out of the bed and my senses told me to get ready for my daily morning routine. Due to my laziness,
I didn't obey and just did some stretching like this:


I slowly shifted my attention to the clock.

"9:25 A.M. Oh okay!"

Insanely lazy like a sloth, I lied down again and closed my eyes.30 seconds later, I realized something! Something important! In no time, I opened my eyes again and grew large like soccerballs,got up and shouted :




I got off from my bed and immediately went to the bathroom to take a bath. Seriously! How stupid am I to forget this special day???! UGH! I cursed myself loud enough that my mom went to my room.

Your mom knocked on your bathroom door with two maids beside her.

"Yoonie! Yoonie-ah! Are you alright?" Your mom asked worriedly.

"I'm fine umma! Is MinA there?"

"No! She's not! What time will she go here anyway?"


"10 sharp!"


"Oh! So I guess 15 minutes from now she'll be here!"


"AHHHH!!!! " You shouted and cursed yourself loud in the bathroom.

"Yoonie! Are you okay? Why are you shouting?" Your mom asked.

"Nothing umma! You can go now!" You replied.

"Arraso! Call me if you need me then!"

Your mom and the two maids went down and you just finished taking a bath.


But then you forgot something! AGAIN!

That stupid moment when you forgot to bring your TOWEL!

UGH! God! Why am I born being such an idiot??!!!!!

Due to the sudden rush and stupidity, you forgot to bring your own towel. You were thinking if you would just go out of the bathroom fully but you thought of the outcome.

It's a NO NO.


You cursed yourself once more and said to yourself to place extra towels next time in case. Like 500 towels to be contrived . You had no other choice but to shout out for your mom.Luck wasn't in for the day so she didn't hear you. You screamed once more. No reply. You got pissed so you tried to open the bathroom door attempting to do the first plan.
Before you could even proceed, a maid suddenly entered your room so you immediately stopped your step and immediately went in with only your head peeking at the maid.

"Ms. Nam, what is it that you want?" She asked.

"Towel.In.My.Closet.PLEASE!!!" You said it word by word.

She handed you a towel and you immediately wrapped your body with it.
You went out from the bathroom and looked at the maid.

"Uhh. You can go now! Thanks!" You said.

She bowed and went out of your room.

Shiiz! What to wear???!!! WHAT TO WEAR???!!! Damn I'm so st-

*doorbell rings*


"I'll get it!" Your mom said.

 Your eyes went large again like huge saucers and looked at your door and locked it. You were rushing so much that you almost fell.
You immediately looked for clothes to wear and ruffled your long, wet hair.

"Oh no!! She's here! And I'm not yet even dressed!!!!"


Your mom opened the door and revealed the identity of the visitor.

It's Kim Min Ah! Your one and only bestfriend and she was wearing this :


Simple yet elegant and beautiful. That's how to describe her.


"Good morning Ms. Nam!" She greeted your mom and bowed.

"Oh! If it isn't the ever beautiful MinA! No need to be too formal next time. Come in dear!" Your mom said.


This is your house:

Front View:

Back View:

As she went in, she can't help but open wide when she looked at her surroundings.

The Nam family was known for being artistic and creative. So their house was like of a king's palace for the interior minus the exterior.

It was spacious and alluring.

A simple yet phenomenal territory of which everyone wants to live in. Beautifully painted paintings were hung at each walls.
Some artworks were made by her mom because she was known for being an artist and so is with Yoon Ji.

Heredity took it's place.

Yet most of the paintings were bought. Pricy yet simple chandeliers were also spotted and many, many more.

"Omo Ms. Nam! When I always come here I can't help but admire it like it's my first time visiting here! It's just so beautiful!" MinA remarked.

"Oh MinA! You really won't stop bombarding me w/ those comments, do you?"

"Now take a seat as I call Yoonie!" Your mom added.

"Yoonie-ah! Are you done? MinA's here!" Your mom shouted.


"Yoonie-ah! Are you done? MinA's here!" Your mom shouted.

Damn it! She's here! Oh MinA please be patient! Ugh!

Curse myself for picking out clothes that'll take 5-10 minutes to choose what to wear.


You immediately just picked out some random clothes and ended up w/ this:

You looked at yourself in the mirror.

"Well I look cool enough." You commented.

You grabbed your brown Gucci sling bag and put your phone and wallet in it and went out to meet MinA.

While your mom and MinA were talking, their conversation got interrupted when you came.

MinA hugged you and you hugged her back.

"Wow JiJi! You look fashionable and cool!" She commented.

"You do love to comment so much, don't you MinA?"

"Haha. Yea I know!"

"Mom! We better get going!" You said to your mom.

"Well, what about breakfast?" Your mom asked.

"Uhh.. I'll just eat at the mall! Bye mom!" You said and kissed her cheek.

"Bye Ms. Nam! Thanks for the time!" MinA said and bowed.

"Bye you two! Have fun!"

"Oh and MinA, didn't I tell you to be less formal?" Your mom added.

"Ah! Haha! I'll try next time Ms. Nam! Hehe." She said while scratching her haid.

"Okay! Now go now you two! Shoo!!"

"Ne!!!" You two said simultaneously.


You two just patiently waited for a bus at the bus stop.

You just hummed a certain tune while MinA is busy with her phone probably messaging someone.

"Yah MinA! Who are you texting?" You asked curiously.

"Oh just someone!" She replied.

"Bwo? Ahh. So my bestfriend has a boyfriend now huh?"

"What??!!! Oh JiJi!! I don't have a boyfriend and the person I'm texting is not a guy to begin with."

"You know what MinA, I always wonder why you are single up until now although you have that pretty face of yours!

"I mean there are a lot of guys who fell for you,you know."

"Same for the lady who's single herself."


You two just laughed it off and kept talking until a bus interrupted your conversation. Minutes later, you both reached the mall and went in.

*stomach growling*

You clutched unto your stomach as you feel hugrier than ever.

"I guess someone's hungry!"

"Uhhh...yea. Can we eat first? I haven't ate breakfast you know!" You complained.

"Oh sure! Haha.And that's what you get for waking up late all the time!" She said and made a merong face to you.

You made a disgusted face to her and you two just laughed it off.

You reached at a random restaurant and just casually went in. You immediately went to the counter and ordered anything since you were just too hungry to care. The cashier nodded and wrote down your orders and looked at MinA waiting for her order.

"How about you MinA? Won't you order anything?" You asked.

"Oh! Chocolate dessert will do since I miss eating desserts."

"Oh and bring out your best one." She added.

You both sat down on table # 16 and waited for your orders.


Minutes later, your food arrived and you got this:

and this:

While MinA got the dessert she wanted

You ate whole-heartedly since you can't contain your hunger anymore.

"You eat like a pig." MinA teased.

"Shut up! If you were in my state, you'll know how I feel right now!"

"Anyway, where are we going after this?" You added.

MinA paused and made a dark, evil smirk.

"Oh I know where and you'll surely love it! " She answered with an evil grin.

"Where?" You asked cluelessly.

"One of your favorite shops of course!Gi.Gi.V.Botique!"


You just stared at her dumb-foundedly and said:



"Sweet Chocolates! Throw me a goat!"


She.didn't.just.say.Gi.Gi.V.Botique, did she?
Oh God! She loves to make fun of me!

*MinA laughs out loud*

And now she's laughing at me?She's really playing with me!She should be thankful that I don't know how to hurt her.

Because if I do, I think I already killed the guts out of her right now!

"Hahahahaha! You should've seen the look on your face!" She said while laughing so hard.

"I.Hate.You.MinA!" You said angrily.

"Oh and I love you too JiJi! Hahahah!" She said while clutching unto her tummy due to the non-stop laughter.

MinA's POV

Oh my God! I just can't stop laughing at this very moment!I hardly can breathe from all the laughing.

Throw me a goat? Hahah. I'd throw you a huge MOOSE!

She knows I'm just playing with her but it seems like there are thunderclouds and thunderstorms above her head. I know she hates girly stuffs and such so I just want to trick her.

And Gi Gi V Botique is just perfect.!

Dresses,gowns, high heels and more are filled in that botique.

And I know if I bring her there, I think her face will be filled with disgust and she'd run out from the store. 
But I know she'll need boutiques like them in the future. It's not like she'll hate them for eternity, right??

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" MinA said while catching for air.

"That.was.not.funny! "

"I repeat! NOT FUNNY!" You said in a serious tone.

"I know! I know! I said I'm sorry right?" MinA said.

"Okay fine! I forgive you! Just don't do that again okay?" You demanded.

"Ne! Arraso! Now tell me, where do you want to go?"

"Hmmmm. Arcade would be cool!" You suggested.

"Then arcade it is!!"

After eating, you paid for both of your food and went out from the restaurant and went straight to the arcade.

You both played in there for hours and had the time of your lives and you both have no plans on stopping.

After hours of playing, you both felt tired and want to go home.

"What and How about let's go? It's getting late!" MinA said.

"Uhh.. Yea I guess you're right!. We should go!"

You both rode a bus back and when it reached to MinA's neighborhood, she stood up.

"Thanks for today JiJi! I had so much fun! Tomorrow, uhm. Meet you at school gates. K?" MinA said.

"Yea, sure!"

"OK. Bye!" She said and waved at you.

"Bye!" You replied and waved back.

She got off from the bus and all that's left was you and the bus started to move again to the next destination.

Just a few moments later, the bus reached your neighborhood and you got off from the bus.

Your house was just blocks away and you can just walk to reach your house.

You weren't focusing on your steps when you accidentally bumped into someone.



"Oh I'm sorry! I wasn-"

Before you could continue, he interrupted you.

"No! I'm the one who's sorry! I didn't mean to! I'm so sorry!" The guy said.

"Gwaenchanayo!" You replied.

"Oh thank goodness! By the way, my name is-"

Before the guy could even abide, you suddenly went away.

The guy just pouted, sighed in dismay and scratched his head. He raised his shoulders up and placed it back down.
He placed his hands on his pockets and said:


"Hmmm. Rude type maybe?" The guy shrugged and just looked at you walking away.


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vicckyalo #1
Chapter 70: PLS UPDATEEEEEEE!!!!!!
Chapter 70: Please update!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3XD
KittyConsole #3
senaceeexo #4
Waiting for an update authornim :) I LOVE THIS!!! Btw, new reader here~~
Waiting for an update ♥
2min4life #7
Chapter 70: Update update update update Update update update update Update update update update Update update update update~~~~ I love it!!!!!!
Chapter 70: I'm team luhan :3
Chapter 70: again~~~ 8D woah I expect her like me XP *boooooooooooo*
kekekeke update agaaainn
and check my fics *if you want to :D*
Chapter 69: team sehun now hahaa but luhan cutely annoying too ...