Wrong Expectations


Lu Han's POV
Finalmente!! Today is Friday which means, it's another day for some P.E. class!! Who wouldn't love P.E. class?? Probably those who got used to sticking their butts on the sofa and let their eyes pop out infront of the television. 
As for me, my favorite day of my school days will always be Friday. For one good reason, I don't get to wear those uniform and you should look neat and proper most of the times. And please, those neckties and school shoes? Please, formality is so last year, bro. I get to wear our P.E. uniform and at least it's more than just comfortable. It gets me pumpin' and kickin'. Hell yeah.
And second, all those boring and lame academic subjects shall be pushed away under the order of Mr. President, Lee Myung-bak. (let's pretend this was still in the year 2011). I mean, for once at least I can stop all my yawning and lesson listing and anticipating which is truly a huge pain in the neck.
And most of all, at least I can play Soccer which is my superb favorite sport. I love soccer and my favorite Soccer Team is Manchester United. I'm seriously into them and man, them playing on the field? Is just so legit. They're cool and they'll always be. And I know someday, I'll get to meet and ALSO, play with them. That's my pledge.
I and the rest of EXO, went to school feeling excited for the exercises and stuff. Of course, we got greeted by our own beloved and loyal fans and some were commenting : "Omo, oppa, you look hot in your P.E. uniform." and many other more blabbers.
I shot them my famous smirk and flashed them a quick smile that was so-called 'worth dying to see'. Really, these fans are so obsessive yet indespicable indeed. Thanks to them, I can see our bright tomorrow in the Media and Entertainment world. 
We went our way to the field and I noticed one thing as I went in this alma mater. 
"There's no sign of Eun Jung." I thought and smirked mentally.
Well what should I expect?? Probably she got too drunk and she got layed. Ermm, excuse me for the 'layed' word.
Without Eun Jung being clingy and whiny around, I felt so free and at least I felt like there was no doll being glued by either my left or right arm. Well, she looked like a doll if you ask me though. 
As I walked my way towards the field, my eyes caught sight of Blind Lady rushing like a wolf who's about to be killed my the hunter and when she did such thing, something fell from her bag.
"Funny how our P.E. teacher decided to let the Seniors have their P.E. classes together with the Juniors." I thought.
I raised a brow at her running self and looked at the purple thing that fell. I knelt down and picked it up with a smirk on my lips. It was her water bottle. I thought about hiding it yet the consequences on her dying from thirst after all the strenous activities made me think otherwise. 
"Since when did I even start to care about that woman??" I asked myself in confusion yet shrugged in the end.
I casually walked my way where all the other Seniors are with the purple water bottle in hand.
"Yo, Lu Han, do you own that purple thirst-quenching thing??" Kris asked and pointed at Blind Lady's water bottle.
"Hmm, no." I replied and tossed the water bottle in the air back and forth. 
"Thought so and I was like, 'Since when did Lu Han even like purple??'" Kris stated.
"Yeah.. But now I do." I said.
"Wait. What?!" Kris raised his brow rat me filled with shock
"Well let's say... I find purple attractive and... intimidating, perhaps??" I told him but in the back of my head I said, "What am I even saying???"
"I don't know with you dude. You're going nuts." Kris told me and flicked my forehead.
I rubbed the part he flicked and thought, "Yeah, I guess?"
Yoon Ji's POV
I looked at my 'was lost' water bottle which is now back on my own palms and which was returned by the most unexpected person ever possible. 
This question keeps playing on my mind like a song on replay, "What's wrong with him so suddenly??"
He seriously is still the ever idiotic Lu Douche Han I know but, there's something and I mean something which is so NOT right with him. Can somebody tell me what it is?? I need to know.. Did he change even just for a little bit??
I don't think he did. Well if he did,that doesn't mean I'm going soft for him. He still did a huge thing to me and which my views on him will NOT change at all. I still hate him. I mean, he IS my perception of HATE. So don't think I'll go compassionate and amiable to him. I know this is just one of his tactics to make sure he'll put me to shame...
But, the show on the bus yesterday... It wasn't a tactic, right?? I mean I don't think he saw me just to impress me or something. I never caught him look at either me or my seat and that's for sure. 
After few more thoughts, I finally gave up.
"Ugh, you know what? Whatever." I thought.
I stopped my 'filled with questions' daydream and turned my back only to see girls looking at me,shooting those dagger and angry looks. I just kept my firm and straight face and passed by them making sure no altercation and controversy shall occur.
But on my way for escape, I heard one of them speak: "I wonder how many boys she had lured and seduced. Gosh, never thought she'd PUT UP such act to Lu Han oppa. Forever the '' and the ''." She did her best to make sure I can hear it and emphasized the words '' and ''.
They laughed after what the girl with those blonde locks said and I just clenched my fist and took a huge intake of air and went my way on the search for MinA.
When I found her, that's when I stopped my anger and tantrum and just sighed to let it go. I made sure to look fine and okay infront of MinA so she won't worry about my attitude again.
"Oh JiJi! Had fun with the exercises??" MinA asked.
"Yes, I guess?? Where have you been?" I asked her back.
"Sorry about that JiJi. Mrs. Lee called me for some important matters so I had to leave you for a quick while." She explained.
"Oh." I replied.
"Why so down JiJi? I'm already back, you know?" She nudged me in the right arm.
"What made you think I'm so down? I ain't even for a tad bit. (which is completely a lie)." I told her and grinned.
"Hmm, I think you're right judging by that grin of yours." She said and pointed at my mouth.
"Told you so.. Well MinA, forgive me for my randomness but, may I ask you something??" 
"Sure. What is it??"
"Who is Hyeong Seok in your life??"
Just when MinA heard the NAME, she looked away and didn't bother replying to my question.
"Uhm! MinA? You're spacing out AGAIN!!!"
"Huh?? We're just casual friends JiJi. Especially now that we aren't meeting much so yeah, that's just about it." She declared.
"Hah. No wonder why you're back with me!" I raised my brow at her with arms, crossed.
"Huh?? What are you even talking about JiJi??? I'm always with you!!! You're my bestest friend in the WHOLE WORLD!" She said and hugged you.
"OKAAY!! Stop the DRAMA!!! You stink you know!!!" I said and teased.
"Oh JiJi!!! You even stink MORE!!" She teased and did a merong face right at you.
"You stink the MOST and that's the TRUTH!!! END OF STORY!!!"
We both just teased each other the stinkiest and in the end, we gave up and just laughed it off to quit our silliness.
I had a reason why I asked her such question. It was so sudden seeing her with Hyeong Seok. And I think my thoughts were right from the start. Hyeong Seok had a thing for MinA. And I need to know if they were ON. I mean, seeing them both makes me happy. I mean, for once, I finally see a rare side of MinA. Her, having an interaction with a guy.. In other words, her entering the kingdom of love. I was really hoping and wishing for her to have her 'special someone' or even have her BOYFRIEND. I would love to see my very own bestfriend in love even I ain't but that doesn't matter at all. I'd be more than happy if they really are together. I have a feeling that Hyeong Seok is the RIGHT one. But, why aren't they seeing often anymore?? Is there something wrong with the two?? Aish, they need to make up or else.
We kept talking and blabbering with MinA until I heard one girl passing by us, speak:
"Hey!! Eun Jung isn't here today, right??" One girl asked.
"Yeaa!! I know!! I heard she was clubbing with Lu Han oppa yesterday!!!" Another girl said.
"WHAAT??? Clubbing with Lu Han oppa??? That can't be, right???" 
The two words 'clubbing' and 'Lu Han' rang my ears. 
"Lu Han? Clubbing with Eun Jung??" I thought.
This made me look at the girl wanting to ask more of what happened but I shrugged the thought off. But somehow, this made and left me..
Lu Han's POV


After I gave that water bottle to 'Blind Lady', I can't help but reminisce the face she had whilst I gave the bottle. It was a mixture of both annoyed, angry and flabbergasted at the same time. I can't help but laugh at the thought. She was just too shocked for me to give it back to her. Well, somehow, what I did made me want to do the same thing over and over again for me to see her usual expressions she shows off.
I would love to see them over and over again.. 
I was walking with Se Hun along the field until I realized all my thoughts were WRONG. SO WRONG.
"SERIOUSLY! Can somebody tell me if I'm really going nuts or what??" I suddenly blurted out which made everyone stop on what they were doing and looked at me.
I just looked away feeling stupid and dragged Se Hun away from those people who witnessed such happening.
"Hey, hyung. What's with the dragging ang what's with the nuts thing??" Se Hun asked.
"Se Hun, I need you to tell me, am I GOING NUTS??" I asked him which made him look at me, abashed and wondering what-the-heck I'm saying.
"You're face is just too far compared to a NUT so, yes. You are going NUTS hyung, I guess??" He said and shrugged.
I'm probably being like this because this is the aftermath of hating her so much. YES! Lu Han. YOU HATE HER SO MUCH and that's your quota for 'Blind Lady'. I'm so like being not into my usual self anymore and this is BAD.
"Say hyung, what's your problem??" He asked and ruffled my hair.
I looked at him and just shook my head infront of him and told him that we should head back with the other members.
On the way back, my curiosity about 'Blind Lady' rose so, I asked him to know what I need to know.
"Se Hun"
"What. What do you like about 'Blind Lady'?" I asked with eyes looking front
"Huh? You mean Yoon Ji???" He asked back.
I just looked at him with a 'what-do-you-think' look.
"Ohh! I see. Why hyung?" He asked.
"Did it state in the LAW that it's illegal to ASK??"
"C'mon hyung. I was just asking!!" He grunted.
"PRECISELY!!!! Now tell me, what do you like about her?"
"Oh nothing actually. She has this rude aura and she is also this hard-headed type who loves to space out or literally daydream."
"Seriously??" I thought.
"She has this pretty cute mark near her right eye and she doesn't like to wear GIRLY outfits. She's just.. Simple. That's another thing I like about her."
"She don't?"
"Yea!! I can see it cause she feels uncomfortable with her own UNIFORM. She keeps murmuring things about how tight it is and everything."
"Ohh..." I thought.
"She's also pretty CLUMSY and FORGETFUL."
"CLUMSY indeed!! That's what makes her a BLIND LADY!" I thought.


"But not to mention, she's cute and beautiful! She's attractive and appealing and I think she'd be the prettiest in this world if she...SMILES." Se Hun said and smiled to his self scratching the nape of his neck.
'Blind Lady'.. Smiling.. Wouldn't it be a miracle to see her do one??

"She'd be at her prettiest indeed." I boldly thought.


No, wait. What was I even saying?? Did those words just emerge right out of my own mind?? This is just too absurd; ridiculous.
"And you know what hyung??? She may be the rude type of lady right now but I know that she'll actually be the kindest person ever!!!" Se Hun said and smiled.
I just raised my brow at him and hit him slight in the head. "YAH!!! DO you really like her?? Or you know, FANCY her??" 
Se Hun blankly stared at me and looked away, yet I can see the hint of redness in his ears. 
"Your ears tells me YOU do!" I said and made an I-know-you-like-her stare.
Se Hun immediately faced his attention to me and defended his own lie. "Huh??? What?? NO hyung!!! I d-don't!!" 
"What a conspicuous lie. If you don't like her, why do you know a lot about her??" I asked with arms crossed.

"U-uh!! He began to tense.

"Have you been spying on HER???" I smirked at him.
"W-wha??? N-n-no!!!" He stuttered and his ears just got redder which was pretty obvious due to his milky, white skin.
"Why do you have a 'thing' for her, huh?? Have you met her somewhere?? Is she your CHILDHOOD friend or something???" I asked him with loads of questions until,
I immediately stopped my truck of questions and looked at him, DUMBFOUNDEDLY.
"WHAT'S WITH ALL YOUR QUESTIONS?????" Se Hun furiously shouted and I can tell that he was red as ever when he YELLED.
Case closed. This idiot likes her. Yes, he does.
Se Hun immediately covered his own mouth with his palms when he realized what he was about to say.. This is really getting interesting.
"I mean NO HYUNG!!!! YOU MISHEARD IT!!! IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK.!" He tried to defend his self yet the truth was so obvious that it doesn't need for a release.
"That's all I need to know!! Bye Sehuneo~" I said and waved at him.
"Just admit IT HUN!!!! You know you both SUIT each other!!!" I added.
"NO! WE DON'T!" 
"Hold up. Let me come up with a perfect 'ship' name for you two." I thought and when an idea came lighting up my own mind I told him, "How about the R.I. couple??"
"Wh-What?? R.I.??" Se Hun asked, confused.
"Hmm. The RUDE-INNOCENT couple! See?? You both suit each other. Don't you know that OPPOSITES attract?" I laughed whilst he was blushing so much like he got caught peeing in his own pants.
"HYUNG!! STOP IT!!" He looked away feeling embarassed.
"Se Hun loves BLIND LADY!!" I teased and 
"You know I only LOVE you right???" Se Hun suddenly said and covered his face with his own palms.
"Se Hun loves-"
When I heard him say those words even in the most silent way, I stopped my gags and looked at him feeling awfully, disgusted.
"WTF??!!! You were a HOMO all along?? I NEVER KNEW YOU WERE ONE!! GOD!!!" I bawled and started to walk away from him thus added, "LEAVE ME ALOOONEEE!!!!"
Se Hun facepalmed and looked at me with a 'seriously?' face. "God! Hyung, you misunderstood it." 
"LEAVE ME ALONE HOM OH!!!!" I yelled and ran away.
Se Hun dropped his shoulders and grunted both in frustration and he started to chase Lu Han to explain.
Yoon Ji's POV
So, Lu Han was clubbing with Eun Jung yesterday ehh??? My expectations on him changing even just for a snail bit was indeed wrong. For the second time. I don't want to judge for I wasn't born to judge but, why should he even club with HER?? I thought he hated her.. And wait, if what they said was true, did Lu Han sleep with her? 
When the thought about it paved its way to my mind, I felt my blood rushing to my cheeks and I hit my head for thinking such thing. 
"Whatever. Who cares about those two plus, they both suit each other like both Beauty and the Beast and Hansel and Gretel. Well Dork and Douche + = PERFECT EVIL COUPLE" I sarcastically thought and my anger and hatred for Lu Han came back to my senses yet a part of me tells me to stop it. 
"Stop it?? Whoever told me to do such thing, STOP IT yourself." I thought and told my senses yet they were just like, controlling and overpowering me.
Whilst MinA and I were about to grab our bags, we heard one petite girl rushing to her friends and told them whilst panting.
"Guys come quick!! Se Hun oppa and Lu Han oppa are-" 
Just when the girl was about to finish what she said, her other friend told her with an aghast expression.
"What happened??? C'mon LET'S GO!!!" She said and dragged her two other friends outside towards the field and went to see what's happening.
Somehow, my heart started to beat fast and a mixture of curiosity and worry rushed to my insides and I was more than willing to see what's really going on.
"Ehh??? What's wrong with those TWO???" MinA asked.
"I don't know!! How about let's check??" I suggested.
I dragged MinA outside and saw a lot of people watching those two. And this sight-to-see was more than stupid, nonsensical and idiocratic. Well, don't blame me for I was expecting something else.
Many were screaming and cheering like:
"LU HAN OPPA!! GO GO!!!!!"
I just looked at them with a 'WTF' stare and thought:
Lu Han's POV
Why won't this idiot stop chasing me?? HONESTLY, HE FREAKED ME OUT!!! Even when he said those words in the most silent way, it sounded SO WRONG; SO AWRY. He has been my closest out of all the other EXO members but I never thought he'd feel such way for me. This is so wrong man! I mean he makes me want to strangle him to death and cut his balls out. 
Due to this 'makes-you-freak-out' thing, we became players competing in a track and field event. I lost count of how many rounds we ran around the field. Probably more than 10 or 20 or even 100 if you ask me. And all the students became the audience. And this is really getting more than just stupid and I'm starting to lack some air and I'm starting to tire out.
I stopped cause I was catching for AIR and I placed my palms on my knees and I used my right arm to motion Se Hun to stop.
"Se Hun... S-stop!!! I-I g-give-"
Unfortunately, he didn't HEAR or even see my HAND motioning to stop him and the result was:
Everyone started to gasp and look at us with mouths ajar until one suddenly broke it.
"OMO!!! They're so SWEET!!!"
And the one next to her added in interest, "NE!!! MAKNAE AND HYUNG!!!!"
"HunHan!!! KYAAAAH!!!"
They all cheered and cried out in unison. Whilst both of us were in the so-called 'romantic' position and I got even more choleric and enraged than ever for what he did.
"This. Maknae. Is. So. Dead." I uttered word by word wondering if he heard it.
I pushed him and I immediately stood up, dusting off my shirt and pants and so is with Se Hun.
"Sorry hyung!!!" He apologized while doing the dusting job.
"Idiot" I said and hit his head, HARD.
"OUCH hyung!!!" He pouted and rubbed the part I hit.
"ARE YOU REALLY GAY???" I asked with both hands on my waist.
"No HYUNG!!! You're just so STUPID to misunderstand IT!!! You're the IDIOT one." He fought back and stuck his tongue out at me.
"SHUT UP!!!" I said in an angry tone.
"WHATEVER HYUNG!!! But what I mean is, I don't LIKE her!!!" He lied for the second time and this lie made us end up in a situation like this.
"OH YES YOU STILL DO!!!" I told him the truth.
When we were arguing on some things, we suddenly heard someone through the megaphone.
"Mr. Oh Se Hun and Lu Han!!!" Our P.E. Teacher called.
We stopped our childish argument and looked at Mr. Park in anticipation.
"For running more than 10 ROUNDS around the FIELD with an UNKNOWN reason, you both are EXEMPTED from the P.E. tests!!!" He added and everyone started to clap for us.
We both looked at each other in astonishment and I mouthed to him: "Is this really true??"
He just shrugged at me with a grin and soon, we hi-fived each other and did our brotherly thing whenever we do something great and awesome.
Did I just here this right? No P.E. Tests? This is just so cool and legit bro! I don't know how much I should thank Se Hun for all of this.
I tapped Se Hun's shoulder and said:
"Thanks BRO!!!"
"For what hyung?"
"Thanks to you, we won't take the TESTS next week!!"
"Well that's true but, no problem hyung." He placed his hand over my shoulder and ruffled my hair. "And I'm not GAY!!!" He added.
"I thought you were." I smirked and punched his stomach, lightly yet he still grunted and laughed.
"I LOVE YOU hyung!!!" He punched my right arm and I looked at him again and started to walk away.
"AISSH!! Hyung!!! I love you as my best BUDDY!!!"
I just laughed at his defensive statement and replied back, "I love you too KIDDO!!! You'll always be my BEST buddy!!!" I ruffled his hair back.
Whilst we were doing our immature acts, I caught 'Blind Lady' staring at the both of us and I looked at her back and I scratched the back of my head feeling embarassed for she saw everything that happened. Funny how she was the first one I saw out of all those spazzing ladies. Probably because she was the only one who, UNSPAZZED. I looked at Se Hun and he was looking at her too and he was like smiling at her and I just sighed and let him be and left.
I looked at her once more and secretly..
smiled to myself.
Yoon Ji's POV
Due to their stupid and foolish act, they won't take the TESTS next week!!!! I think it's best if I start RUNNING too!!! 
"Woaah!!! Weren't they AMAZING ehhh JiJi???" MinA said.
"More like, weren't they PATHETIC???" I said and rolled my eyes.
"You're just jealous that they won't take the tests NEXT WEEK!!!" She let out a merong and I just raised my brow.
"Oh no I'm NOT!!"
"YOU ARE!!!"
"AM NOT!!!"
I just grunted and looked at those two dorks for the second time. When I landed my vision on them, Lu Han was looking right back at me. I don't know if it was me or the spazzing senior student at my back but I had a feeling that it was me. His stare made my heart beat in a sudden, fast pace. Probably in shock that he suddenly stared at me? When he looked at Se Hun, that's when I saw Se Hun look right at me w/ a smile. That made me blush and when I think this was enough, I went out and heard MinA say:
"YAH!! JiJi!!! WAIIIT!!!"
"What's wrong with those two??" I asked myself and grabbed my bag and went to our classroom  feeling confused...
With what I'm feeling..
Fast Forward
I planned to sleep LATE today cause I'm going to watch my FAVORITE show plus today is a Friday which means tomorrow is the start of 'NO CLASSES' day. I grabbed a bag of Lay's and just snuggled myself in the couch with the remote in hand switching to the channel I'm going to watch.
It was like 11 in the evening and I just focused my vision to the television until our DOORBELL rang 
"Hmmm.. Who could that be???" I asked and went to the door and when I opened it, my lips curved and I was more than happy to see the person.
"HELLO MY YOONIE!!!!" Your father said with WIDE arms.
"APPAAAA!!!!" I happily greeted and hugged him TIGHTLY.
"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH APPA!!!! I barely see you due to SCHOOL!!" I added.
"Yes, I know Yoonie!!! But appa has something for YOU!!!"
"Jinjja??? What is it appa???"
Dad called for Mr. Kang (his butler) and greeted me first with a bow before giving me a box labled 'Converse' meaning he bought me a new pair of sneakers.
"Hell yeah! Brand new SNEAKERS!!!" I fist pumped.
"Thanks a LOT APPA!!!! You never FAIL to make me HAPPY!!!!" I thanked him and hugged him for the second time.
"Anything for my Yoonie!!!" He said and hugged you back. "Anyway, why are you sleeping LATE???"
"I'm watching my FAVORITE show!!" I said and waved the remote at him.
"Oh!!! Is that so??? Well, I need to rest Yoonie!!! You know how BUSY your appa is RIGHT???" 
"Ne!!! Goodnight APPA!!" You said and kissed his cheek.
"Goodnight Yoonie!!!" He replied and went straight to his and mom's room.
Oh how I miss appa!!! He's been pretty BUSY with his work! But I understand him, cause I LOVE HIM! And I know this work is for us to continue living an assuaging and reposing life. But I just wish he won't push his self to his limits cause that's what I worry the most. Well one thing I know that he's one STRONG man and he'll never let me DOWN.
I just ate more of my Lay's until someone called me.
I minimized our television's volume and answered her call.
"Hey MinA! What's up???" I asked, swallowing down the chips in my mouth.
"JiJi!!! Can you come with me tomorrow???" She asked.


A/n: Yeey! Chapter 07 finally updated. I know. This chapter is more than labled lame and nonsensical. Forgive me guys!! /bows. But yeey! Some crazy, brotherly HunHan moment. OTL. I'll be back with half of Chapter 08 tomorrow. Don't forget to leave comments guys! And to all new readers, don't forget to commentsubscribe and upvote(if desired). Thank you so much in advance! ^^ . love,chanlulu54
P.S: Have you guys seen SHINee's new MV?? 'Why So Serious'?? Is it me? Or did they just become more and more handsome?? AHH! But man!! SHINee is not SHINee without Jonghyun. /pouts. But get well soon Jonghyun!! Tell me guys what can you say about the MV?? 
And another P.S: When will EXO's comeback ever come??? /le cries.    
Team Lu Han?
  Team Se Hun?

or how about BOTH?? LOL.


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omooo two of my fave authors subscribed. ugh /feeeeeeels ;A;


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vicckyalo #1
Chapter 70: PLS UPDATEEEEEEE!!!!!!
Chapter 70: Please update!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3XD
KittyConsole #3
senaceeexo #4
Waiting for an update authornim :) I LOVE THIS!!! Btw, new reader here~~
Waiting for an update ♥
2min4life #7
Chapter 70: Update update update update Update update update update Update update update update Update update update update~~~~ I love it!!!!!!
Chapter 70: I'm team luhan :3
Chapter 70: again~~~ 8D woah I expect her like me XP *boooooooooooo*
kekekeke update agaaainn
and check my fics *if you want to :D*
Chapter 69: team sehun now hahaa but luhan cutely annoying too ...