Chapter 9

It started in the Bathroom
"nothing much baby. I just want to spend some time alone with you" was what Kris wanted to say, however he restrained himself from doing so and instead replied with "I'll show you. Follow me."  Kris clutched onto Lay's hand who knows how many times that day. Actually I take that back. He had his counter with him and he knew exactly how many times he'd held Lay's hand that day. He tightened his grip on the soft hand as he explained that the time had stopped because they were in the magical parallel planet called EXOPLANET and the wushu shifu, Tao, had decided to stop time. Lay couldn't really grasp that concept. It was plain ridicule. Like all the things that happened to him that day. But that was all forgotten when they approached a field. Sunflowers swept across the horizon, an endless amount of them from one side to the other. Lay shut his eyes as he inhaled the scent of these large flowers that all leaned eagerly towards the sunset. This so called EXOPLANET seemed to have an infinite amount of EXOtic places! Kris pushed Lay into the field and he was left all alone. The sunflowers stood 2 feet taller than Lay, blocking everything. "KARISUUUU? where are you?" shouted Lay. There was a distant "OVER HERE!" "where?" responded Lay. "Find me if you can! You have eternity!" Quite right. Kris and Lay really did have eternity in the field of flowers for time did not flow. Lay wandered through the rows of yellow and green. His hands fluttered across the thick leaves as he searched for Kris. He could see the bees that floated above the flowers, the butterflies preparing to open their vibrant colored wings and the ants that didn't quite finish lugging their food source onto their tiny backs. He smiled at the sight of these creatures in the midst of action. Lay eventually grew weary from the incessant path that lay before him so he dropped onto the dirt for a break. Kris soon realized that Lay no longer called out, "where are you?" so he initiated the shouting this time. " LAY WHERE ARE YOU?" No response. "LAY?!?" Still no response. Kris' smile turned upside down. He ran through the field like a maniac. , where on earth,(I mean exoplanet) did Lay go? Finally, just as Kris was about to take a break himself, he stumbled across something and semi tripped before quickly regaining his balance. He had almost tripped on Lay who had fallen asleep! Kris sighed in relief. His baby was safe. Looking at Lay's vulnerable sleeping face, Kris couldn't resist the temptation. He leaned towards Lay. The soft rhythm of Lay's breath. The long eyelashes. Kris closed his eyes as his face drew closer towards Lay's. 
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Areumda #1
omg i love lay!
WhiteAngelG #3
Holy crap! Who the heck would take Kris away from Lay?! Someones gunna get beat! & it may be Chen if that was his plan! Anyways awsome story!
xiaoxinxing #4
Holy crap did he just ask Luhan(?) out????? WTF wasn't he suppose to confess to Yixing???
Um wut o.o
Hey angel you da y
xiaoxinxing #6
lol evil chen!
Wut just happened o_o
Yay for Evil Chen :D
@aimeime REALLY? THANKYOU!!! lay...hmmm you'll have to wait and find out!
@poppydoppy123 LOLOLOLOLOL that's a relaly smart idea!!! BUT I HAVE SOMETHING ELSE IN MIND ;)