
Kingka meets nerd
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"Don't cry just because they did this. So what they got you with flour, it makes you stronger by dealing with it"

Eunbin looked into his eyes, and for once JR didn't feel cold towards her. He felt sorry for her. 

*she looks cute without glasses- WAIT! THIS *

JR took a step back, still looking at her. He looked towards the door then back at Eunbin.

"Make sure you clean your face"

Eunbin nodded her head, with her gaze fixated on JR. Eunbin faced towards the ledge, looking at all the scenery.

*Why would a kingka help me?*



 Chapter 4*


Eunbin was sitting under an Old oak tree, positioned at the back of the school. No one really knew about this place, only because it was hidden. Eunbin would always come out here to read or to think about things that have happened. Her mind kept thinking about yesterday when JR, kingka of the school helped a nerd.

If his group or anyone else found out he helped her, they would kick JR out of the popular click. Eunbin reached into the pocket of her school uniform, to find the cloth that JR used. She made sure she cleaned it, so she could give it back to him.

She stood up, walking slowly towards the cafeteria, where most of the school would be by now. As she walked into the room, she noticed people crowding around a table screaming out words.

"Aron oppa! Please take this as a gift from my heart"

"Ren oppa! You’re so CUTE!"

As she got closer the table, groups of girls looked at her letting her pass as if afraid to touch her. She made her way to the front of the table, to see the group of boys looking at her.

"Oh! It's nerd girl!"

She diverted her eyes from the group, placing her gaze to the table in front of her.

"What do you want? Can't you see we are busy with real girls?"

Ren smirked, causing the girls around the table to squeal in happiness.


Eunbin held out the cloth towards JR, not once looking at him. Baekho, Ren, Aron and Minhyun looked at her, confusion written all over their faces.

"Um nerd girl, if that's meant to be a present it's a pretty bad one"

Minhyun laughed after commenting on the cloth, causing JR to look at Eunbin. He didn't want anyone to know he helped her, but he didn't want to make her more upset. JR reached out his hand taking the cloth out of hers.

The whole room went quiet as they watched, waiting for his next move. JR examined the cloth, checking it for any marks. His eyes diverted to her face, only to see she was still looking down.


 He said making her look at him.

"Is trash"

 He walked over to the bin, making the girls move to the side in the process. He lifted his arm above the bin, before releasing his grip on the cloth making it fall into the trash. He made his way back to the table stepping in front of Eunbin.

"Get out of here"

Eunbin blinked a few times trying to determine his mood change.

*W-What what is wrong with him today*

She looked at the rest of the boys, to see them laughing and smirking at her.

"You heard him. Get lost"

She bowed slightly, before making her way through the mass of girls. As she got out of the crowd of girls, she bumped into a boy with a tray full of food; causing it to tumble all of her shirt. A roar of laughter filled the room.

*don’t cry Eunbin, at least not here*

She placed her hands on her face before running out of the cafeteria. JR's eyes followed her body, as she ran out of the room. A pang of hurt ran through his body, making him feel a lot more worse then what he felt already.

He took a seat next to Aron, only to have him put a hand on his shoulder.

"Man, for a second I thought you were going accept it"

JR's eyes fell to the table, still thinking about her facial expression.

*sorry but my popularity comes first over a nerd*



Zelo punched the boxing bag harder, with all the force he could produce.


Zelo punched 10x harder, causing YongGook to stumble a little.

"Why the hell are you not focusing today man?"

Zelo removed the helmet off his head, and the gloves from his hands.

"I just have stuff on my mind"

YongGook moved closer to his friend, placing a hand in his shoulder.

"Well sort the out, or next time you vs. Goo JoonPyo you will lose"

Zelo shrugged his hand off, not listening to his hyung. He didn't care about fighting JoonPyo, he was only thinking of Eunbin.

"You okay?"

Zelo grabbed a water bottle taking a long drink of it, afterwards placing the empty bottle in the bin.

"Yeah I guess"

Himchan sat beside Zelo, examining his face.

"its Eunbin again isn't it?"

Zelo shot his head up in shock, looking  at his friend.

"How did you-"

 "I'm just too good"

Himchan had a cocky smile plastered on his face, but it became a serious look.

"But really, what's wrong with Eunbin?" Zelo took a deep breath, gazing sadly at the ground.

"I just don't know wh

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xxyrcuxx #1
Chapter 1: Love it ! <3
twinkle_blossom #2
Chapter 37: Waah~ *claps* Awesome!!! >.<
I loved it!
Chapter 40: I love this storyyyy!
I even put a service on my phone so i can have a wifi on my ipod just to read this. AND! I read this in school. I don't surrender my gadgets because of this.Hahaha It's worth it though. <3

Off to the sequel! ~ ;D
sweetsforkpop #4
Chapter 40: I really like this story! Full of love triangles and fight and such. Love the cheesy ending!
claribelmiranda #5
Chapter 40: awwwww.....full of trials, but yet they're still together in the end, kekekeeekek, love love love :)
Chapter 40: I love the story! Awesome! <333333
KellyKiller #7
Chapter 37: awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
fawbnerdy05 #8
Your welcome^_^
& ima read the sequel tomorrow:(
My sisters need to use my phone:(((
fawbnerdy05 #9
Chapter 40: Great story!!
I love how kinkas fall in love with nerds!! Your story had so much emotion in.
Onto the sequel now:))