
Kingka meets nerd
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Eunbin and Zelo were sitting on a park bench watching the kids play on the play ground. Eunbin’s eyes were focused on the little boy and girl on the swing. The boy was pushing the little girl with a tender smile on his face.

"JanDi-ah! Do you want to go higher?"


The little boy and girl looked so happy together, almost like nothing could make them sad.


Zelo chuckled to himself, with a warm smile plastered on his face. Eunbin slowly turned her head towards him, examining his smiling face.

 *You look a lot better when you smile oppa*

 "what are you laughing at oppa?"

 Zelo pointed at the two kids on the swing, smiling brighter than before.

"Remember how I used to push you on the swing?"

A laugh escaped Eunbin’s mouth, as she was turning to face the two little kids.

"How can I forget. You made me fall of the swing!"

Zelo faced Eunbin with a gentle smile. 

"Yeah we'll.... sorry about that"

Eunbin shook her head smiling down at the ground.

"It's okay oppa"

Zelo gazed at her face. He suddenly stood up placing his hand out in front of Eunbin. She gazed questionably at his hand before moving her gaze to his eyes.

"Come on"

 She hesitantly placed her hand in his, letting Zelo drag her towards the swings. He softly pushed Eunbin to sit down, before softly and slowly starting to push her on the swing.


 "Just enjoy it Eunbin. I want to act like we used to, before your Omma made you go to a different school"

 Eunbin’s lips curved into a small smile, as she started laughing at his attempts to push her higher.


"Did you have fun today?"

"Neh, thank you oppa"

Zelo placed his hand on her shoulder, smiling affectionately at her.  As they passed by an ally way, a group of boys stepped out behind Eunbin and Zelo.

"Oh~ how cute"

 "Yeah a nerd and a fighter" 

Zelo turned around, and his playful expression changed to an angry one. Zelo grabbed Eunbin’s shoulder, pushing her behind him as the boys made their way around the two.

"Don't you think that you should let JoonPyo win a fight from now on?"

 "Why would I let him win? If he wants to win, then maybe he should learn how to fight”

One of the men walked closer to them, sending Zelo into panic mode. His grip on her hand tightened as the boy stepped closer to Zelo; stopping only inches away from his face.

 "This is a warning...... If you don't play by our rules, you will be badly hurt. Okay?"

Zelo didn't say anything, but only glared at him. Eunbin watched the boy’s disappear into the darkness, before turning her attention to Zelo.

"Gwenchanah? Who was that boy talking about?"

 "Goo JoonPyo. He fights against me. But I'm okay Eunbin"

He smiled at Eunbin.

 *I know your Faking the smile oppa*

"Come on let's go home"

He grabbed her hand dragging her in the direction of her house. Once they arrived at her house, he slowly let go of her hand.

 "Thanks Zelo Oppa"

 "Neh. Go inside first

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xxyrcuxx #1
Chapter 1: Love it ! <3
twinkle_blossom #2
Chapter 37: Waah~ *claps* Awesome!!! >.<
I loved it!
Chapter 40: I love this storyyyy!
I even put a service on my phone so i can have a wifi on my ipod just to read this. AND! I read this in school. I don't surrender my gadgets because of this.Hahaha It's worth it though. <3

Off to the sequel! ~ ;D
sweetsforkpop #4
Chapter 40: I really like this story! Full of love triangles and fight and such. Love the cheesy ending!
claribelmiranda #5
Chapter 40: awwwww.....full of trials, but yet they're still together in the end, kekekeeekek, love love love :)
Chapter 40: I love the story! Awesome! <333333
KellyKiller #7
Chapter 37: awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
fawbnerdy05 #8
Your welcome^_^
& ima read the sequel tomorrow:(
My sisters need to use my phone:(((
fawbnerdy05 #9
Chapter 40: Great story!!
I love how kinkas fall in love with nerds!! Your story had so much emotion in.
Onto the sequel now:))