Chapter 7

블루 로즈 (B L U E R O S E)


Minho woke up later that night, his body still on the flat surface of the rock. He sat up, a small sting in his arm causing him to flinch. He lifted his arm to look at the wound that was now wrapped with a piece of cloth similar to Taemin's shirt. Smelling something burnt, he looked over to see Taemin and the guy who injured him sitting by a fire, cooking fish that they probably caught.
"Hey," Taemin said as Minho walked over, taking a seat in front of the fire.
"Hey." The man next to him gave him a sympathetic look.
"Sorry about your arm," he said sincerely, an apologetic smile creeping up on his face.
"It's fine," Minho mumbled, but on the inside he was planning a way to strike him back. "It was only self defense."
"Here, have some fish." Taemin hand Minho a stick the fish stuck to the tip of it. He gladly took it and bit into it hungrily.
"How long have you been here?" Taemin started up a conversation due to Minho's mouth being stuffed.
"This is the beginning of my second week," the man spoke honestly.
"Whoa, how did you manage do stay alive?"
"Just like your friend said, self defense. My father told me how to handle myself in the wilderness, now it's finally being put to use."
"What's your name?" Minho asked with a mouth full of food.
"Oh, his name is Lee Jinki," Taemin answered for him. "He's looking for the blue rose like us. We decided to share the rose since we need it just as much as he does."
"You're sick?" Minho asked, puzzled because of how stealthily built the man was, obviously perfectly healthy.
"Ani, my wife."
Minho swallowed his food, "My boyfriend is sick, too. He's in the hospital..."
"They're both dying as we speak," Taemin said as hung his head. "So we need to hurry as soon as we wake up tomorrow morning."
"He's coming with us?"
"Um, yes?"
"Sweet, I like him, he's cool." Taemin shook his head.
"So are we in this together or what?"
Jinki nodded, as well as Minho.
"Good. Now I'm going to sleep."
"Same. And when you finish your fish, put the fire out and go straight to sleep okay?" Minho nodded. Jinki lightly ruffled his hair before going to lie down in the spot next to Taemin.

"How's your arm?" Taemin asked as he jumped over a log to catch up with Jinki and Minho.
"It's fine," Minho said plainly. "There's no need to worry about it, so stop asking, okay?"
"I was just checking on you, but never mind since you want to be like that." Jinki laughed, slowing to a halt as they neared a bridge. Minho stopped to his right, Taemin on the right of the latter.
The bridge was held up by four ropes, the bridge itself made out of wood.
"Great," Taemin sighed, throwing his hands in the air before running them through his hair. "How are we going to make over with this piece of for a bridge?"
Jinki looked over at Taemin with a brow raised, then nudged Minho with his elbow. "Is he always like this?"
Minho squinted his eyes in confusion, then shrugged. "Most of the time. Just put him near Kibum and he's a totally different person. Not one cuss word is heard. But leave him alone with me and he's a sailor."
Jinki gave Taemin a shocked glance once again before looking back at the bridge.
"We have to go one by one."
"What?" Taemin said as he walked in from if Jinki. "What do you mean one at a time?"
"You know exactly what he means, Taemin," Minho in. "Just get across the bridge, I'll be right behind you."
"Isn't there like some other way, Jinki hyung?"
"I'm trying to be logical here," he said, raised a hand up to his chin. "We can't go at once because... Well, look at it. It obviously can't take much weight, so you guys will be fine. The only thing I have to worry about is myself, since I'm the heaviest out of all of us. So that means that I would have to take slow and careful steps... While you and Minho can just easily walk on by. But since you both are going at the same time, you have to be a certain distance from each other, you have to stay balanced. Do you get what I'm saying?"
Taemin stared up at the man with a blank face. Minho smacked his teeth before pushing Taemin out of the way so that he would be facing Jinki now.
"He's an idiot. I get what you're saying."
"No wonder his face froze up..." Jinki clapped his hands. "Well, let's get going! Taemin, you first."
"Don't worry," Jinki said with a reassuring smile. "You'll be fine. Just don't look down."
"Perfect." Taemin made his way to the edge of the bridge and held on the the ropes. He looked behind him at the two older men before taking his first step foreword.
"That's good, Taemin!" He heard Minho shout. "I'm right behind you! Keep going and don't look down!"
"ALRIGHT, I ING GET IT! NOW QUIT TELLING ME THAT OR I WILL." Taemin yelped as he felt the bridge tilt, knowing that Minho had just started walking on it. He was in the middle of the bridge, still hanging on to the ropes for dear life as he took slow steps.
He sighed as he closed his eyes, tying to imagine himself being lighter than a feather, which worked very well because when he looked down, he was on the grass again. Turning around to see Minho in the middle of the bridge, he raised his hands up in the air. "MINHO, I MADE IT!"
"I knew you could do it!" Taemin smiled self-satisfyingly. "C'mon, Jinki hyung! Minho should be far enough away from you now!"
Said name shook his head as he waited for Minho to finish walking across the bridge. Cupping his hands around his mouth, he yelled, "I'm going to run across, okay?!"
"Be careful, hyung!" Taemin eyed Minho as he said "hyung", trying to figure out why it sounded so foreign.
Without a second thought, Jinki started to sprint across the bridge. But to his dismay, near the end, a piece of wood broke and his foot fell through. Before he could fall any further, he held on tightly to one of the ropes.
"Okay," he breathed. "I'm okay... I'm alive... Everything's—"
"HOLY !!! HYUNG!!" Jinki screamed as the bridge suddenly broke into pieces, causing the man to fall. His grip on the rope tightened, and instead of falling to his death, he swung until he hit head first on the huge rock that was the other side. His vision began to blur as he felt blood trickle down his face. He shook his head.
"Minho, Taemin! Pull me up, hurry!" Minho grabbed the other end of the rope Jinki was hanging on to and pulled hard, Taemin wrapping his arms around his waist to help him. By the time Minho and Taemin were a good six feet away from the edge of the cliff, Jinki had finally made it, his hands clawing at the ground so he could pull himself up. Taemin dropped to ground as he let go of Minho, the latter running to Jinki's aid.
"Hyung, you're bleeding!"
"No... Really?" Minho scoffed as he pulled Jinki up to his feet. He held the older man tighter as he started to wobble.
"You okay?"
"I feel dizzy," Jinki admitted, nearly falling over again. He looked around, blinking his eyes a few times to try to at least see things somewhat clearer. "There..."
Minho turned his head towards Taemin, who headed towards a cave. "That cave... Follow him. He may be oblivious as to where he's going, but believe it or not, he is going the right way."
Minho nodded before helping a limping Jinki to the cave Taemin had just entered.
A/N: am i that easy? ;~; well yes he's jinki! ^^
and the whole bridge thing and taemin pretending that he's lighter than a flower came from this.
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naznew #1
beautiful and suspend story..
wow i love first i thought u were really goin to let kimbum die but then you DIDNT YAY... oh second question wat about Jinki and his wife i wanted to find out wat happened...anyways tat was a beautiful ending i really liked how you ended it with "will you marry me" tat was just wonderful, amazing, and spectacular...cant wait for your next update thank you so much
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Can't believe it!!!! I'm crying again!! But this time my tears come with a huge smile.. :^_^:
That's such a beautiful ending, favourite part is the 'petal kiss' (?) know what am I talking about..It's the beautiful kiss ever!!
You will now be my favourite ff author for creating such beautiful, enchanting story!! ^_~v thank you soooo much!!
But really curious about he experiencing the same thing as MinKey?? And his arm ok now?? ~.~ can I request for a sequel?? ^_^
I know sometime I can be a bit too demanding..but can't help it..I would like to hear more from you!! ^3^
Another one?? Hooray they succeed!! ^o^ Wait..what now?? O.O You are slowly killing me, TaeminnieStar-ssi!!
Oh, could it be the witch?? *o*
Not even a minute since I post my comment..then it said that you post another one..sorry to post it twice..but I need to tell you what I am doing now!! I'm wiping off my tears after that sad touching MinKey moment there.. .~_~. Seriously, come you can be this good?? You have successfully made me cry TWICE!!!
Omo~it's a thrilling moment there..I even read it with my eyes wide open O.O..well you're not that easy just we have a feeling that the guy is Onew..^.^
Anyway, will be waiting for your next update..^_~v
Oh~and for the guy...I think he's Onew..^_~>
I swear I didn't expect the flashback to be 'that' (chapter 3)..hehehehe..but tell you what?? I have to admit you've done a very good job there..^.^ and the fairies and pixies..they are awesome..d(^_^)b
Now I'll be waiting for your next update..^_~v
p/s: I accidentally clicked 'unsubscribe' to your story just now..but no worries, I've subscribed it back..<^.~>
Kendall #9
I'm suuuuure this is onew ** XD I really loved the 3 chapets!! *o*