Chapter 10

블루 로즈 (B L U E R O S E)


Taemin opened his eyes, looking frantically around as a scream reached his ears.
"What was that?" He asked aloud.
The fairies and pixies froze, because they knew what it was, or... Who it was.
"Can someone tell me?"
"He's dead."
A pixie looked at Taemin with a bright smile on his face as the others around him started to cheer. "The witch! He's dead!"
Taemin's eyes widened, and he wished he could celebrate with them, but sighed sadly when he remembered that he couldn't feel his arms.
"Taemin-ah!" Said name looked to his right to see Minho and Jinki dashing over to him.
"Hyung! Did they tell you?"
"Tell me what?" Minho said as he crouched down to pick Taemin up again.
"The witch is dead."
"That's what that scream was?" Taemin nodded, Jinki smiling at the tension that loosened up between the two.
"Wait," a fairy said, causing everyone and everything to look at her. "He's still alive... But he doesn't have much time to live because of the death of his other half—the serpent. But he only lives to tell you three one last thing before he sends you off."
"What does he have to tell us?" Jinki asked as he stepped forward.
"The flower is in that cave, and that is where he's waiting for you."
The trio looked at each other before Jinki took the initiative to nod and started leading the way.

"Can I walk now?" Taemin suggested as they neared the cave.
"I know you don't want to."
"But I don't want hyung to be suspicious..."
"There's nothing to be suspicious about. We already know how much we love one another, so there's nothing to worry about when it comes to something as ridiculous as cheating."
"I want to punch you."
"What? Why?!"
Taemin sighed dramatically, "Because it wouldn't make sense of I didn't punch your shoulder and say 'You're an alright kid.'"
"He does have a point," Jinki added.
"Shut up, Jinki hyung," Minho snapped. "And I'm not a kid, I'm like, hecka years older than you. So shut it down, youngin."
"Now you sound old..."
"Taemin, I will ing drop you."
"Hey, hyung, your hair looks nice today and I love the outfit you're wearing today."
"I'm covered in blood."
"Which makes it even more fashionable!"
"Shut up, Taemin."
Minho stopped as he saw Jinki raise a hand. Just as he fairy said, the witch was waiting for them.
There he stood, the same blue cloak on, only his hood wasn't on. His light brown hair stuck to his forehead because of the sweat and it looked like his was crying blood, but he wasn't. He wasn't just hurt in the same way as his serpent. His full lips were parted as he panted heavily, sounding as though he was about to run out of breath.
"You killed my brother," he whispered, loud enough for the three to hear.
"That snake was your brother? How?"
"His soul... I trapped his soul in the snakes body after making him sign a contract with me... He didn't want to die, so I made him sign his soul over to me so he could leave eternally."
"Hyung," a voice sounded and everyone but the witch looked around to see where it came from. "Come with me."
"I don't—"
"Jonghyun-ah, come to heaven with me..."
"I don't deserve to. Come to hell with me."
"Aniyo... Don't you want to live happily and in peace with me again?"
The witch—er, Jonghyun—lifted his head, reaching his hand up slowly. "... I do..."
"Then come on, hyung. I'm waiting for you."
Jonghyun let his hand drop as he face the three boys again. "I will give this rose to you, and once I do, this place will be gone forever."
"Can we still share?" Taemin asked quietly.
"Half and half... The only way it will work. And it will still have the same amount of power."
"Told y'all."
"Now take this... And go. And have them eat the petals. Now, go cure the one who really needs it..." And with that, Jonghyun disappeared, his cloak falling to the ground. Behind Jonghyun was the blue rose, the key to Kibum's health as well as Jinki's wife.
"It's beautiful," Minho said, nearly inaudible.
Jinki carefully lifted up the case—only to let it slip from his fingers to crash to pieces on the ground. He turned around to see Minho and Taemin looking at him, their expressions easily saying, "What the actual how could you drop that it is not that hard to lift a ing case and place it to the side JFC".
"Hm." They hummed at the same time, their eyes boring into the back of Jinki's head as the latter turned back around. The last time he turned around, he had the flower in his hand, the rose sparkling beautifully.
"There's 12 petals," he announce as he already started to pick out his six. "Here, you can have it with the stem attached to it."
"Thanks," Minho and Taemin looked sadly at Jinki. "Do you think... We'll see each other again?"
"Let's have fate decide, yeah?" Minho nodded as Jinki poofed away before his and Taemin's eyes, the two boys disappearing with him.

They landed harshly on the ground on the lawn where the house used to be, Taemin whimpering loudly as his arms stung.
"C'mon, Taemin," Minho said as he picked the boy up for the last time. "Let's hurry to the hospital."

After settling Taemin in his own hospital room, he rushed to Kibum's, ignoring the people who tried to ask of he was alright because of the blood that covered him.
"Kibum!" He shouted as he busted into the room, the figure under the covers clutching the cloth over his heart and he squirmed around coughing heavily. He ran over to the older boy in an instant, taking his hand off his chest as he sat him up.
"Minho—" He choked, his voice even worse than before. "Minho, is that really you...? I'm too scared to open my eyes..."
Minho leaned over and pressed a light kiss to Kibum's lips, pulling back enough to let their noses touch as Kibum opened his eyes halfway. "I'm really here, Bummie..."
"Minho... The last person I want to see before I die..." Kibum smiled weakly as he rose a hand up to touch Minho's face, tears spilling over.
"I found the cure, I have it with me..." He pulled the rise out of his pocket and plucked off a petal, placing it against Kibum's lips. "Eat."
Without any retort, Kibum ate the petal, face contorting as he swallowed it. Minho smiled a small smile as Kibum continued to eat the petals, but paused on the last one.
"Kibum," he muttered, the older male looking up at him as his breathing slowed and his vision blurred.
"I love you." Minho stuck the last petal in between his lips before leaning down to kiss Kibum again, the latter taking the last petal from Minho's mouth and eating it slowly.
After hearing the last gulp, he kissed Kibum again, placing a comforting hand on his waste as the older weakly rose his arms to wrapped them around the other's neck. Minho's brows furrowed slightly as Kibum's lips moved slower, his arms loosening.
He pressed his lips harder against Kibum's, internally starting to freak the out when his heart beat wasn't as steady. He pulled away from the boy beneath him, watching him as he exhaled once, before his arms slipped from around Minho's neck.
"Kibum...?" Minho began to pray, but was cut off by the heart monitor. He stood up straight, eyes tripling in size as he stared at it, the line flat and the sound monotone. He started to shiver violently, tears collecting in his eyes. He looked back down at Kibum, his chest completely still. "Kibum... Kibum-ah... This—This isn't funny..."
As much as he hoped it wasn't true, it was.
He grabbed Kibum's shoulders, shaking him just as the doctors and nurses rushed in.
"Kibum! Kibum-ah! Open your eyes! I know you can hear me! Kibum!" The nurses took his hands off of the boy in the hospital bed, his tears making like a waterfall.
"Sir, you have to leave," a nurse said as another one and herself began to drag Minho out.
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naznew #1
beautiful and suspend story..
wow i love first i thought u were really goin to let kimbum die but then you DIDNT YAY... oh second question wat about Jinki and his wife i wanted to find out wat happened...anyways tat was a beautiful ending i really liked how you ended it with "will you marry me" tat was just wonderful, amazing, and spectacular...cant wait for your next update thank you so much
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Can't believe it!!!! I'm crying again!! But this time my tears come with a huge smile.. :^_^:
That's such a beautiful ending, favourite part is the 'petal kiss' (?) know what am I talking about..It's the beautiful kiss ever!!
You will now be my favourite ff author for creating such beautiful, enchanting story!! ^_~v thank you soooo much!!
But really curious about he experiencing the same thing as MinKey?? And his arm ok now?? ~.~ can I request for a sequel?? ^_^
I know sometime I can be a bit too demanding..but can't help it..I would like to hear more from you!! ^3^
Another one?? Hooray they succeed!! ^o^ Wait..what now?? O.O You are slowly killing me, TaeminnieStar-ssi!!
Oh, could it be the witch?? *o*
Not even a minute since I post my comment..then it said that you post another one..sorry to post it twice..but I need to tell you what I am doing now!! I'm wiping off my tears after that sad touching MinKey moment there.. .~_~. Seriously, come you can be this good?? You have successfully made me cry TWICE!!!
Omo~it's a thrilling moment there..I even read it with my eyes wide open O.O..well you're not that easy just we have a feeling that the guy is Onew..^.^
Anyway, will be waiting for your next update..^_~v
Oh~and for the guy...I think he's Onew..^_~>
I swear I didn't expect the flashback to be 'that' (chapter 3)..hehehehe..but tell you what?? I have to admit you've done a very good job there..^.^ and the fairies and pixies..they are awesome..d(^_^)b
Now I'll be waiting for your next update..^_~v
p/s: I accidentally clicked 'unsubscribe' to your story just now..but no worries, I've subscribed it back..<^.~>
Kendall #9
I'm suuuuure this is onew ** XD I really loved the 3 chapets!! *o*