Chapter 11

블루 로즈 (B L U E R O S E)

Later that night, Minho was back in Kibum's room, sitting in a chair beside his bed, holding the his hand as he cried endlessly on the edge of it.

He saw a small blue light on the tip of Kibum's finger. He sniffed, letting go of the older male's hand as the light began to grow. Minho watched in awe at how Kibum's skin turned the same color as the rose, a beautiful sparkling blue.

The whole bed started to glow once Kibum's whole body was fully colored in. He arched his back, Minho standing up now, and when his back hit the bed, the blue color exploded into smaller pieces, floating up gracefully into the air, fading away the higher went. Minho continued to watch Kibum with wide eyes, waiting for him to... Do something.

Opening his eyes, he rose a hand to his head, "Now I know what it feels like to go to heaven and back."

"Kibum..." Said name turned his head to see Minho, his eyes widening. "Kibum... Y-You're alive..."

"I... I am..." Kibum was taken by surprise when Minho embraced him within seconds, then buried his head into Minho's shoulder as he fisted the back of the other's shirt. He furrowed his brows as he breathed in the scent he missed so much, savoring the moment that Minho could hold him without worrying about crushing him. "Minho... Stop crying..." The younger boy's response was the tightening of the hug.

"You're alive," He whispered again against Kibum's neck. "I thought I lost you... I know I gave you the cure... I didn't... I didn't understand why you still died..."

"Minho," Kibum tried again. "Don't worry about it anymore. I'm right here, okay? We're both here together... And that's all that matters."

Minho sobbed at the words Kibum spoke close to his ear.

Kibum suddenly felt something weird on Minho's upper arm, one of his hands released he back of his shirt to lift up his sleeve, gasping when he saw the shirt-like bandage wrapped around a wound. "Minho! Your arm...!"

The younger broke the hug and looked at his injury with an unemotional expression, then back up to Kibum, who still stared at it.

"Leave it," he said finally.

"What? But... Doesn't it hurt? It's bleeding..."

"It does. It hurts really bad... But that doesn't matter right now."


"Kibum. We'll fix it when we get home tomorrow, okay?"

Kibum nodded slowly, searching Minho's drowsy looking eyes, immediately hugging him again.

"Minho-yah... Don't let me go," he mumbled against the younger boy's shoulder.

"I promise I won't..." Kibum shivered from the nervousness that a certain thought caused as it crossed his mind. He slowly pulled out of the hug, his hands still hanging on to Minho's shirt. Minho wiped his eyes as he sat still on the edge of the bed, careful not to fall off. One look in Kibum's eyes told him everything he wanted and needed to know.

"It's okay to cry, Kibum," Minho deadpanned, knowing the other's thoughts exactly. Kibum simply chuckled as a single tear left his right eye.

"Why do you love me so much?" Kibum admitted, speaking his thoughts as he usually would. "Why would you go as far as... Disappearing for god knows how long, searching for something to ease my pain? Are you crazy?"

"Ani," Minho said simply. "I'm in love. Just as simple as that. How do you want me to prove my love for you, Kibum? Must I jump off a cliff?"

"A-Ani... I just don't understand... Why—"

"Kibum." The older boy looked into Minho's eyes, now completely serious. "We've been to together for years. What on Earth would ever make you think that? Don't you trust me? Do you not love me anymore?"

"Ani, I love you with all of my heart...!"

"So what brings you to—"

"Can you—" Kibum paused, averting his eyes from Minho's. "C-Can you..."

"Can I what?"

Kibum swallowed before looking him in the eye again. "Can you—k-kiss me? Please... Just kiss me, Minho."

The younger chuckled lightly as he raised his hand up to Kibum's cheek with his thumb lovingly before cupping his face, both hands on either side of his face.

"I love you, Kibum," Minho whispered as he closed the space between them, bring Kibum's face closer to his until their lips met. Minho felt a warm moisture on his hand, but he disregarded it and continued to kiss Kibum.

The latter happily kissed the other boy back with quivering lips that were threatening to let out a sob, but never did. Minho's tongue glided along Kibum's bottom lip before on it gently.

The older of the two leaned forward, his head tilting up more as Minho's turned down, pressing their lips harder against each other. Kibum voluntarily opened his mouth slightly, allowing Minho's eager tongue to dance with his. The older moaned, the other gladly swallowing the beautiful sound.

"Minho—" Kibum pulled away, said name giving his one last chaste kiss before looking him in the eye again. "Can we go home now...?"

"Ani." Minho smiled as he just remembered something. "I told you I would find a cure, didn't I?"

Kibum giggled softly, "You indeed kept your promise, Minho."



"Hear me out, okay?"

Kibum nodded slowly, "Mm."

"Okay," Minho sighed. "Kim Kibum, I love you, and I always will. Forever and ever. And I hope you do too. So, I hope we can stay like this 'til—"

"Minho, what are trying to say?" Kibum interrupted, trying to get straight to the point.

Minho sighed again, "Kim Kibum... Will you marry me?"





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naznew #1
beautiful and suspend story..
wow i love first i thought u were really goin to let kimbum die but then you DIDNT YAY... oh second question wat about Jinki and his wife i wanted to find out wat happened...anyways tat was a beautiful ending i really liked how you ended it with "will you marry me" tat was just wonderful, amazing, and spectacular...cant wait for your next update thank you so much
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Can't believe it!!!! I'm crying again!! But this time my tears come with a huge smile.. :^_^:
That's such a beautiful ending, favourite part is the 'petal kiss' (?) know what am I talking about..It's the beautiful kiss ever!!
You will now be my favourite ff author for creating such beautiful, enchanting story!! ^_~v thank you soooo much!!
But really curious about he experiencing the same thing as MinKey?? And his arm ok now?? ~.~ can I request for a sequel?? ^_^
I know sometime I can be a bit too demanding..but can't help it..I would like to hear more from you!! ^3^
Another one?? Hooray they succeed!! ^o^ Wait..what now?? O.O You are slowly killing me, TaeminnieStar-ssi!!
Oh, could it be the witch?? *o*
Not even a minute since I post my comment..then it said that you post another one..sorry to post it twice..but I need to tell you what I am doing now!! I'm wiping off my tears after that sad touching MinKey moment there.. .~_~. Seriously, come you can be this good?? You have successfully made me cry TWICE!!!
Omo~it's a thrilling moment there..I even read it with my eyes wide open O.O..well you're not that easy just we have a feeling that the guy is Onew..^.^
Anyway, will be waiting for your next update..^_~v
Oh~and for the guy...I think he's Onew..^_~>
I swear I didn't expect the flashback to be 'that' (chapter 3)..hehehehe..but tell you what?? I have to admit you've done a very good job there..^.^ and the fairies and pixies..they are awesome..d(^_^)b
Now I'll be waiting for your next update..^_~v
p/s: I accidentally clicked 'unsubscribe' to your story just now..but no worries, I've subscribed it back..<^.~>
Kendall #9
I'm suuuuure this is onew ** XD I really loved the 3 chapets!! *o*