Chapter 6

블루 로즈 (B L U E R O S E)


Taemin rolled his eyes as Minho apologized for the 20th time that day.
"Oh my, God! Will you shut up if I forgive you?!" Minho nodded his head. "Well I forgive you. Now shut the up, Christ."
"What exactly are you guys looking for?" A fairy asked as she sat on Minho's head.
"A blue rose," he answered as he stuck out his tongue in disgust after stepping over yet another snake.
"Good luck," she said sadly.
"What?" Taemin stopped and turned around. "What do you mean by that?"
She flew down from Minho's head. "Who needs it the most?"
"My boyfriend, Kim Kibum."
She turned to Minho with wide eyes. "The last man who entered the Witch's house didn't make it."
The two boys looked at each other, eyes wide with shock, then back at the fairy.
Minho swallowed, "H-How did he die?"
"He was eaten alive by the Witch."
"Do I have to... Fight this... Witch?"
"No, you don't. You just have to find the Blue Rose at the end of this maze, and then he'll set you free."
"So how did he get eaten?"
"A python."
"What? That's it—"
"Minho, I don't think she means just any python." Taemin added seriously, looking around.
"He's right, the python I'm talking about is the bigger than the biggest. It's fangs sharper than shark's teeth, it's venom more poisonous than the most poisonous! And worst of all, its eyes will literally bore into your soul, and you'll become so afraid that you can't even move, which gives him the hint that he can take advantage of the situation—and eat you. But for the Witch's pleasure, it only coughs up half of your body, which the Witch boils, fries, grills or whatever. He'll find a way to eat you, it's like the python is his serpent."
"Oh, no," Taemin said as he covered his face. "I hate snakes, he's going to eat me, I just know it!"
"No he's not," Minho yelled, determination in his voice. "He's not going to eat either of us. I won't let him. I'm here to save Kibum and that's what the I'm going to—Taemin!"
"Wha—" Minho sped over in front of Taemin, the latter looking up at him as he towered over. Minho's face contorted in pain, his eyes squeezing shut, biting his lip, and a single tear escaping from his left eye. "Minho..."
Minho slowly opened his eyes, releasing his bottom lip as he began to talk, "S-Someone... Else... Is h-here..."
Taemin's eyes travelled lower on Minho's body and doubled in size as soon as he saw a large cut on his upper arm, blood trickling down.
Minho whimpered as he fell over, Taemin covering his agape mouth as Minho let out a pained scream once he hit the ground, dirt stinging his impossibly large cut.
Crouching down next to Minho, he cradled the older boy's head, the latter still whimpering in indefinite pain. "WHO'S THERE?!"
There was a few ruffling of the leave bushes, and out came a tall man with a bow, his arrows in a bag that he carried on his back.
His lightly highlighted brown hair long, but barely touched his shoulders, and was split on the left, making his hair shadow over his right eye. His shirt was a loose tank top that bunched up at his waist, his denim jeans fitted, ripping at the thighs, and his shoes were simple black Converse.
He tilted his head, "What do you want with the Blue Rose?" His voice was low and menacing, sending shivers down Taemin's spine.
"We just want hyung to be healthy again," Taemin answered, looking down as Minho continued to fidget in pain.
"Same goes for my wife. But I'm pretty sure she needs it more that you kids."
"We can share!"
"'Share'?" The man laughed. "Why would I want to share with you?"
"I'm sure that one petal will still hold the power needed to cure your wife... Please, we need this just as much as you do!"
The man rubbed his chin in deep thought, "Alright. I'll share. And if it doesn't work, I'm going to find you and kill you myself."
Taemin nodded understandingly. "... Um, c-can you please help him...?"
"I guess I could, since this is my doing." The man walked over and knelt down next to Minho, who was still twitching in pain.
"D-Don't t-touch me," he stuttered, crying out when the man ignored him and poked his wound. He then took Minho's free arm and slung it over his shoulder, Taemin helping him stand up.
Minho cringed with every step he took, his arm swinging self-consciously. The pain was unbearable and he wanted to scream even more, but he bit his lip hard, trying not to emit such a sound at this moment.
A few minutes later, they approached a long rock that had a flat surface. They lied Minho down carefully, the latter resorted to panting heavily. A pixie appeared in front of his face, flapping his wings fast as he made little sprinkles of light fall on his face. Minho suddenly felt drowsy, his eyes drooping as the pixie spoke words to him.
"Don't worry, we'll have you fixed up in no time!"
A/N: wow i am on a roll today :3 updating 3 times ^^ kkkk
anyways, who do you think this guy is?
lololol i actually know this time ^^
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naznew #1
beautiful and suspend story..
wow i love first i thought u were really goin to let kimbum die but then you DIDNT YAY... oh second question wat about Jinki and his wife i wanted to find out wat happened...anyways tat was a beautiful ending i really liked how you ended it with "will you marry me" tat was just wonderful, amazing, and spectacular...cant wait for your next update thank you so much
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Can't believe it!!!! I'm crying again!! But this time my tears come with a huge smile.. :^_^:
That's such a beautiful ending, favourite part is the 'petal kiss' (?) know what am I talking about..It's the beautiful kiss ever!!
You will now be my favourite ff author for creating such beautiful, enchanting story!! ^_~v thank you soooo much!!
But really curious about he experiencing the same thing as MinKey?? And his arm ok now?? ~.~ can I request for a sequel?? ^_^
I know sometime I can be a bit too demanding..but can't help it..I would like to hear more from you!! ^3^
Another one?? Hooray they succeed!! ^o^ Wait..what now?? O.O You are slowly killing me, TaeminnieStar-ssi!!
Oh, could it be the witch?? *o*
Not even a minute since I post my comment..then it said that you post another one..sorry to post it twice..but I need to tell you what I am doing now!! I'm wiping off my tears after that sad touching MinKey moment there.. .~_~. Seriously, come you can be this good?? You have successfully made me cry TWICE!!!
Omo~it's a thrilling moment there..I even read it with my eyes wide open O.O..well you're not that easy just we have a feeling that the guy is Onew..^.^
Anyway, will be waiting for your next update..^_~v
Oh~and for the guy...I think he's Onew..^_~>
I swear I didn't expect the flashback to be 'that' (chapter 3)..hehehehe..but tell you what?? I have to admit you've done a very good job there..^.^ and the fairies and pixies..they are awesome..d(^_^)b
Now I'll be waiting for your next update..^_~v
p/s: I accidentally clicked 'unsubscribe' to your story just now..but no worries, I've subscribed it back..<^.~>
Kendall #9
I'm suuuuure this is onew ** XD I really loved the 3 chapets!! *o*