Chapter 1

블루 로즈 (B L U E R O S E)


"How are you feeling?" Minho asked as he ran a hand through his lover's blonde and curly hair.
"Weak, as usual," Kibum replied, voice quiet and raspy from sleep. Minho cringed as the other let out a strangled cough. "I don't know if I'll make it through the surgery..."
"Don't talk like that, Kibum... You'll make it," Minho scooted his chair closer to the hospital bed where the other male lay.
It had been several weeks since Kibum had been hospitalized. Minho had tried his best to take care of him, and he trusted Kibum enough to take care of himself while he was at work, but Kibum's condition only seemed to have gotten worse. And as his faithful boyfriend, Minho visited him everyday—only if his boss didn't over work him.
Kibum smiled cheekily, "Minho-ah..."
"Yes? What is it?" Minho began to worry as he took Kibum's hand in his.
"I love you."
Minho brought Kibum's hand up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of it, then his palm, then the tip of his middle and ring finger... "I love you, too. We'll get through this together, okay?"
Blushing lightly, Kibum's smile grew bigger, his eyes becoming crescents as he nodded. Minho brought his wrist up to look at the time on his watch and his shoulders dropped over sadly.
"Do you have to go...?" He looked up at Kibum's worried expression, giving his hand a soft squeeze.
"I'm sorry," he sighed.
"It's alright," Kibum smiled again. "You have to do your job... Can't hang with sick people all day, right?" He let out a bitter laugh, followed by a cough that had him hunching over and placing a hand on his chest. Minho bit his lip as he watch his beloved slowly die, tears prickling at the corner of his eyes.
"I'm skipping work." Kibum looked up at Minho in slight alarm.
"What? No... Go to work. You can't—"
"I'm scared to leave you alone, Kibum..."
Kibum felt his heart warm at the pure honesty is his words. "Minho, I'll be fine. The doctors will be here if anything happens." He slipped his hand away from Minho's, using that hand gently fix the boy's bangs that hung messily over his eyes.
Minho sighed, getting up from his seat and looked sadly down at the bouquet of flowers that rested in his lap, now in his hands. After placing the flowers on the window sill, he heard a small chuckle. He turned around. "What?"
"You're always this way when you have to leave," Kibum said, looking down at his fingers as he fumbled with them in his lap. "So cute..."
"Kibum." The said one closed his eyes as he felt a hand caress his cheek. As he leaned into the touch, he felt soft lips on his neck, and another below his ear. He turned his head, the hand on his cheek sliding down to his neck, the tip of the other man's fingers lightly touching the ends of his hair. He opened his eyes to meet with Minho's half-lidded ones, only to close them a second time as the younger male leaned in for a soft yet blissful kiss.
Sighing when he broke away, resting his forehead against Kibum's, he whispered, "I love you."
Kibum held a hand up to his mouth, his cheeks growing in temperature. Even though it was beyond cheesy, he always appreciated how Minho would tell him that he loves him countless times. Minho placed another kiss on Kibum's forehead before standing up straight again.
"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Minho used a finger to tilt up Kibum's chin to look at him.
He nodded, "Okay."
Minho hesitantly walked towards the door of Kibum's room. He looked back over his shoulder to see Kibum watching him intently. He gave the other one last smile and a wave before opening the door to leave.
When the door closed, Kibum fixed his bed to where he could lay down, throwing the extra pillow on the floor. He lied down, facing the wide window and sighed as he closed his eyes for the last time that day.

That night, Minho returned home, tired more than he was yesterday. After takin off his shoes, he slid off his jacket, carelessly throwing it on the couch before walking into the kitchen. He had bought Chinese food on the way home, one less thing to worry about. He hated it though, because since Kibum hated take-out, he would always could for two. But since Kibum wasn't at home the moment, he had no other choice. He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, and before he got situated, there was a knock at the door.
Minho groaned as he set his bottle on the island so he could the door. "Who is it?"
"It's me!"
"I don't know who the 'me' is," Minho mumbled as he fumbled with the lock. He looked down at the person who decided to wander over to his house in the middle of the night as he opened the door.
"Hyung, I need your help."
"Taemin, what could you possibly need help with at this time of night?"
"Relationship." Minho sighed dramatically.
"Why can't you ever keep your noonas in check?"
"She's not a noona this time! She's a year younger than me. She's different..." Taemin made a weird gesture with his hands as he tilted his head. He suddenly straightened up, loudly inhaling the air. "Is that Chinese food?"
Minho's face went emotionless as he closed the door.
"Wait, I'm sorry, hyung! I won't eat it, I promise! I just need some advice! Please!" He rubbed the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb, obviously annoyed by his next door neighbor. "Hyung—Yah! Don't touch me! Keep walking, old man." Minho angrily opened the door again, only to snatch Taemin away from a mysterious looking guy that kept bothering him.
Holding Taemin close to him, he snarled at the guy, "And get the off my lawn. I just cut it this morning." The door slammed once again, making Taemin jump in his hold.
"This is why you shouldn't be out at this time of night," Minho scolded, letting go of Taemin to resume trying to eat his food.
"Thanks, hyung."
"Yeah, yeah. Now what's wrong with your relationship?"
Taemin plopped down in the seat across from Minho. "Nothing's wrong... She's just—"
"Different, I know that. So why is she so suddenly different?"
"She's from America, hyung!" Minho raised his eyebrows as a sign that he was impressed. "She speaks English... And when I tried to say something, she wouldn't stop staring at me."
"Well what did you say to her?"
Taemin cleared his throat, "I just wanna see you strip, right now."
Minho dropped his chopsticks as he choked on his fried rice. He'd been with Kibum long enough to understand... Dirty English.
"Taemin," he coughed. "Why the —why would you ask her that?!"
"Wait, what did I say?!" After Minho's translation, his face grew red in total embarrassment. "A-Ah..."
Picking his chopsticks back up to continue eating, he asked, "What did she do after you told her to... Strip?"
"Sh-She laughed," Taemin answered. "Then she asked me if I liked Chris Brown in perfect Korean!"
"At least she knows where it came from and that you're not a ert..."
"I'm not! Anyways, we started talking more—her Korean is very nice, by the way—and here we are now. Dating."
"Congratulations, Taemin." Minho straightened up as he realized something. "Wait, you only came in here to just talk to me."
"Well, I—"
"First of all, you don't even like me. You only talk to Kibum, and now that he's not here, you come over to pester me with your questions and problems."
"Aha, h-hyung—"
"Get out."
"Wait, hyung, let me—"
"Get. Out." Minho stood up, towering over Taemin with a menacing aura about him. Taemin instantly jumped out of the chair and ran to the door.
"Tell Kibum I said 'hi'!" Minho sighed as he sunk back down in his chair after Taemin left.
"Can't even finish my ing food," he grumbled as he left the food on the table to go to bed.
A/N: lol i feel terrible for putting key in a hospital
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naznew #1
beautiful and suspend story..
wow i love first i thought u were really goin to let kimbum die but then you DIDNT YAY... oh second question wat about Jinki and his wife i wanted to find out wat happened...anyways tat was a beautiful ending i really liked how you ended it with "will you marry me" tat was just wonderful, amazing, and spectacular...cant wait for your next update thank you so much
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Can't believe it!!!! I'm crying again!! But this time my tears come with a huge smile.. :^_^:
That's such a beautiful ending, favourite part is the 'petal kiss' (?) know what am I talking about..It's the beautiful kiss ever!!
You will now be my favourite ff author for creating such beautiful, enchanting story!! ^_~v thank you soooo much!!
But really curious about he experiencing the same thing as MinKey?? And his arm ok now?? ~.~ can I request for a sequel?? ^_^
I know sometime I can be a bit too demanding..but can't help it..I would like to hear more from you!! ^3^
Another one?? Hooray they succeed!! ^o^ Wait..what now?? O.O You are slowly killing me, TaeminnieStar-ssi!!
Oh, could it be the witch?? *o*
Not even a minute since I post my comment..then it said that you post another one..sorry to post it twice..but I need to tell you what I am doing now!! I'm wiping off my tears after that sad touching MinKey moment there.. .~_~. Seriously, come you can be this good?? You have successfully made me cry TWICE!!!
Omo~it's a thrilling moment there..I even read it with my eyes wide open O.O..well you're not that easy just we have a feeling that the guy is Onew..^.^
Anyway, will be waiting for your next update..^_~v
Oh~and for the guy...I think he's Onew..^_~>
I swear I didn't expect the flashback to be 'that' (chapter 3)..hehehehe..but tell you what?? I have to admit you've done a very good job there..^.^ and the fairies and pixies..they are awesome..d(^_^)b
Now I'll be waiting for your next update..^_~v
p/s: I accidentally clicked 'unsubscribe' to your story just now..but no worries, I've subscribed it back..<^.~>
Kendall #9
I'm suuuuure this is onew ** XD I really loved the 3 chapets!! *o*