
Cherry Tomatoes~ [HIATUS]


Your POV:

“Mi Young, where the hell did you disappear to after English?! I was so worried about you!” Hana scolded me, I felt happy knowing that she cared; it’s been a while since someone truly cared. People usually just pretended to care because they had no choice. I didn’t reply and just continued walking. I didn’t want to tell her about those girls, Yongguk and especially not Jongup, she might get ideas again just like with Daehyun. “Don’t ignore meeeee” She whined some more. Whenever Hana whined I would never get annoyed. He whining was just too cute to hate on, but then again everything Hana does was too cute. Daesung didn’t seem to think so though, he always told her to shut up and stop acting all melodramatic. The bicker a lot but despite all their arguments they were still the best of friends. They could easily be mistaken for a old married couple due to the way they treated each other. “Hana I swear if you don’t stop whining I won’t treat you on ice cream or anything else at all at that new cafe” Daesung warned her with her weakness. Hana loves ice cream and about everything sweet. After hearing Daesung’s warning she shut up instantly.

 We arrived at the canteen again and sat at the same spot we sat earlier. I looked around to see if I could spot Daehyun, Yongguk or Jongup anywhere but there was no sight of them. I gave up looking for them and turned my attention back to Hana and Daesung who were talking about some manga. Suddenly we heard girls squealing, it sounded so irritating. I turned to look what was going on when I saw 6 boys walking casually into the canteen. “Do they do this every single day?” I asked. I don’t think I could take hearing them day after day squealing like crazy people. Daesung and Hana nodded; from the look of it they didn’t really like it either. I looked at the 6 boys and identified each of their expressions. The guy with black hair was walking at the front; he seemed to be enjoying all the attention quite a lot. He even winked at a few girls. Yongguk had no expression on his face at all. Jongup was just smiling awkwardly just like in class. The blonde haired guy seemed sort of annoyed. Daehyun wasn’t really paying attention to the girls whatsoever. I scanned each of their faces individually until I laid my eyes on Zelo, who just happened to be looking back at me. I just gave him a look to warn him to keep his distance.  However he saw this as an invitation rather than a warning. He started walking towards me with a smirk on his face, it pissed me off. I could feel that some eyes were on me again “hey Miyoung-ah~ would you mind us sitting with you?” he asked cutely, or well trying to be cute. He wasn’t cute at all in my opinion. *Why would he want to sit with us anyway? Does he want revenge for what I said during English? It wasn’t that bad though* I was about to refuse but then Jongup also came and joined in “Miyounggie! May we?” He asked politely. I looked at Hana and Daesung to see whether they would mind or not but they just shrugged. I wanted to refuse again since I just knew I’d end up having another fight with Zelo but then the others came as well, so I had no choice but to accept.

Himchan and Daesung hit it off pretty well; they had a lot of common. I expected Hana to join them as well since all three of them seemed quite erted, but to my surprise she was having a discussion with Youngjae. I didn’t quite catch what it was about. Jong up, Yong guk, Daehyun, Zelo and me remained quiet. “So... How’s it going?” I tried starting a conversation since the silence was getting too much. “Well, everything was going fine. Until some new girl came, she had to sit next to me in English and let’s just say she is a bit of a bi— OUCH!” I kicked him from under the table before he could finish off his sentence. Good thing he was sitting in front of me, made things easier. “Oh my, are you okay Zelo?” I asked innocently, he glared at me. “Zelo, that’s not how you treat a girl now, is it? Be nicer” Yongguk commanded. I stuck my tongue out to Zelo, “but hyung!” Zelo complained. “No buts... Just do it” Zelo sighed. “So how is your first day going so far Miyoung?” Yongguk asked me, “Well, it started off crap but got better” I replied shortly, I would’ve said more but I didn’t want to bore them by talking too much. Plus I didn’t like talking too much anyway; I don’t like being the centre of attention. “Why did it start off crap?” Jong up asked curiously. “Well, some girl pushed me aside because she wanted to go through this crowd of girls. I fell and had to go to the nurse’s office, that’s when I met Daehyun. He helped me out a lot. Thanks again sunbae” I bowed lightly, I really was grateful that he ditched his lessons just for me. It meant a lot to me, I owed him. “Ah its okay don’t worry about it, is your leg better now?” Daehyun finally spoke. “Ne, much better. I owe you sunbae if you ever need anything just tell me and I’ll do it” I was determined to repay him; it would’ve been so embarrassing to just limp around the whole school looking for the nurse’s office. “Ahh I just remembered hyung don’t wait for me after school, I’ll be coming late... I got stuff to attend to” Jong up suddenly said and nudged me; I smiled slightly to myself remembering my plans with him for after school. I felt quite excited for our little outing after school; Jong up was a cool guy. Hanging out with him seemed fun, plus I get to have free cherry tomatoes.

 “So Mimi—“ I shuddered at the sound of that name, that name that everyone dear to me used to call me all the time. That name that I haven’t heard for the past 6 years. That name left me the same day I had to leave everything else behind. I thought I would never hear it again, not after what happened, I was wrong. I suddenly felt angry, I didn’t want to hear it again. That name was part of the past, the part that I didn’t want to remember or think about ever again. The part that didn’t matter anymore because it’s gone now. A tear started rolling down my cheek, why was I crying? What was the point? The past can’t be re-written, crying won’t help. It never does, and it never will. I am pathetic for crying, I made promised to myself on the same day of the funeral that I would never shed a tear again after that day. But I keep on breaking that promise over and over again just like I’m doing now. I’m weak that’s why, always acting tough in front of others, but deep inside I’m breaking. I’ve been breaking for 6 years now, 6 years because I cannot take that imagine out of my head. That imagine of my parents laying down there covered in blood. More tears started flowing down, the more there were the more I hated myself. I knew it was wrong to bottle it all up and think this way but I just couldn’t help it I was stubborn like that. “Miyoung can you hear me?! What the hell is wrong?! Say something for God’s sake!” I could hear faint voices calling my name; I wanted to say something back. Reply and tell them I’m okay but who was I kidding?  I wasn’t okay. I closed my eyes and tried calming myself down but the image just wouldn’t leave my mind. Someone started shaking me, I tried opening my mouth but no sound would come out. Why was I like this? Why couldn’t I just get over it and move on? Everything started feeling distant, I felt lonely. Lonelier than I have ever been, how was that even possible? How could someone feel this lonely while surrounded by so many people? It was scary, how could I feel like this just by hearing one simple name? A name that should be insignificant, a name that should be erased from my memory and heart.   


------------------------------Author's Note------------------------------

Hope this wasn't confusing lol :3 
Do you guys remember who called her Mimi before? It was in chapter 3 
Err...  Nothing else to say ._. 
Annyeong =^.^= 
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double update today ^^


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MinjiLee #1
Please update soon.. :)
hmmmm.. the alert said you update but there's no update yet..:(
new reader here.. i like the story.. :) im now thinking if its between daehyun or zelo since i like them both! hahahhaha!xD i also like jongUp :)) anyways, update chingu~!
hyogyeong #5
please put more space. im getting dizzy reading it x( but great story though :D update soon <3
I'm liking this story! It's too adorable for words <333
Did she see Zelo? xD AHAHAHA I wonder if it'll be awkward otl x3
Update soon ^^
update soon! haha cherry tomatoes >:D
aaahh~! so cute! update soon please~?