
Cherry Tomatoes~ [HIATUS]


Daehyun’s POV:
It was her again. I widened my eyes *what is she doing here* I wondered, she stared at me in surprise she was as shocked as I was. When I saw that her leg was bleeding I finally came back to my senses and stretched out my arm to help her up. “Mianhae..” I apologized. She took my arm and stood up, she looked hurt. I pointed at her leg while looking at her as a sign that I wanted to take a look, surprisingly she understood and blushed slightly, “I-it’s okay.. I was on my way to the nurse office anyway” She said shyly. “Should I take you there?” I offered, I was surprised of the fact that I said a whole sentence to a girl without stuttering. She smiled at me “N-ne” She replied nodding slightly. As we started walking I noticed how she was struggling so I put her arm around my shoulder and gave her an eye smile. She blushed even more and looked away. 
We finally reached the nurse’s office, I knocked on the door. “Come in” the nurse said. I opened the door and helped the girl in. *I haven’t even asked for her name, babo me* The nurse smiled politely at us and gestured for her to sit down. “Oh my, how did this happen?” She asked. She just shrugged in reply. *It couldn’t have been me could it? No.. She said she was going to the nurse anyway, but who was it then?* I was deep within my thoughts not even realizing that the nurse was already done putting a bandage around her ankle. She stood up moving her leg slightly. “It doesn’t hurt as much as before.. Kamshamnida” She bowed. The nurse smiled “Please be more careful next time.”
We walked next to each other in silence, “why weren’t you in class?” She asked. “The teacher left us on our own in class to revise, but everyone was just messing around.. It was too loud for my liking so I just left” I replied casually, I was so surprised at how comfortable I felt around her. It wasn’t hard to talk to her unlike other girls, she was different. “You don’t like loud places? Neither do I, they’re just so....” She struggled finding the right word, “Annoying?” I suggested. “Exactly!” She exclaimed happily. “Erm, I’m sorry I’ve been such a burden already but where is the reception?” She asked going back to her shy self. “No not at all, I’m more than happy to help, I’ll take you there” I looked at her sincerely. She smiled and thanked me again. When we finally arrived at the reception she asked the woman for a time table. “What’s your name?” She asked coldly not even bothering to look up, some teachers were just so rude at times. “Park Mi Young” She replied politely. She handed her a sheet of paper, Mi Young bowed and walked back to me. “Mi Young.. Nice name” I complimented.  “Kamshamnida~ What’s yours?” She asked, “Jung Daehyun” I said, she took my hand and shook it. “Nice to meet you Daehyun Sunbaenim” She smiled at me. “You know you don’t have to be so formal with me I doubt I’m that much older than you” I chuckled, “I’m 17” I added. “2 years older than me, I’ll just call you Sunbae then, Sunbae~” 
Your POV:
“So where are you meant to be now?” Daehyun Sunbae asked curiously. I looked at my timetable and scanned through all the lessons I had “Blergh.. History” I made a disgusted face. This made Daehyun laugh “Not a fan of history I see? What subjects do you like?” I thought about it for a while “I like most subjects, it’s just history and physical education I’m not really into” I replied unsure. “Then you’re going to love sports day, it’s in a few weeks” He said sarcastically. I groaned “Urgh, I’m so skipping that”  
We sat there talking for a while, about our interests and the school. Not once did we mention the incident of 2 days ago. Which I was happy about since it was sort of embarrassing anyway. Neither did we talk about life at home, that’s the last think I wanted to talk about with anyone, I didn’t want go through everything I went through in my old school. Overall I felt happy around Daehyun he is really nice to me, I wonder if he’s friends with that weird pink haired dude. This guy should teach him some manners. While we were talking there was this one question I was dying to ask, why he wears a mask. But I figured it’s for the best not to since it might be something he doesn’t like talking about, I should respect his private business. Suddenly the bell rang which made both of us jump slightly, it was break time. All students left their classroom and it chattering was heard all around us now. Daehyun stood up and apologized “Mianhae, I should probably go now, I’ll talk to you later yeah?” He said and left quickly before I could even reply. 
“MI YOUNG~” Hana shouted as she ran towards me, she tackled me with a hug almost making me fall down. “Yah! Careful she is injured remember?” Daesung scolded her. Hana looked at me apologetically I smiled at her to let her know it’s okay. “You smiled again” She gasped. “Smiling is good for you Mi Young, please do it more often” She added. I looked behind her and saw him again, “I’m sure I will from now on, I’m sure I will” Hana noticed that what I was looking at and hit my arm gently. “Daehyun?! Do you like him? Have you even talked to him? Tell me, tell me, tell me” She demanded. “Calm down Hana, I like him as a friend, and yes I have talked to him” I answered all her questions. “I need more detail than that! What happened exactly?” She was getting a little bit too excited. I sighed, *This girl..* I told her the whole story -well except for the incident at the grocery store- and she listened exceptionally well, not even interrupting me once. “Oh My Gawd! Do you know how many girls would kill to be in your place? Daehyun does not talk to anyone except for his friends or if he has to, especially not to girls” She told me. I was slightly surprised by this I didn’t expect him to be so popular among the girls, sure from what he didn’t hide behind that mask he looked good. But did the really like him that much? Would they be jealous of me if they found out? Just like they do in dramas? 
“I’m back guys, so what are you talking about?” Daesung asked, I looked at him confused, I couldn’t remember him leaving. “You were gone?” Hana asked clearly thinking the same as me. Daesung mumbled some things annoyed at how we didn’t even notice him. I smiled to the two of them and looked back at Daehyun who was sitting with the same guys I saw in the grocery store. He noticed me looking at him and winked, I blushed and just waved awkwardly at him. Thankfully Daesung and Hana never noticed me waving at Daehyun, they were too busy arguing. Like always.  
------------------------------Author's Note---------------------
Sorryyy~ I haven't updated for like 4 days now >,<
I had to revise for school and I honestly had no idea what to write.. T.T I know it’s kind of a short-boring chapter but I tried my best :p
for those who thought she/you saw  Zelo, you weren't exactly wrong.. I was planning on doing Zelo but while I was writing it I realized that I didn't want my story to turn that way so I decided that she'd see Daehyun instead..
Oh also.. that wink from Daehyun was a friendly wink so dont worry.. or maybe.. it wasn't ;) keke~
Thank you guys so much for commenting and subscribing I appreciate it <3 And maybe you could leave some suggestions too? Since I think I'm having a writer's block T.T I'll work hard thought and try updating asap >,<
Annyeongg~ ^_^
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double update today ^^


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MinjiLee #1
Please update soon.. :)
hmmmm.. the alert said you update but there's no update yet..:(
new reader here.. i like the story.. :) im now thinking if its between daehyun or zelo since i like them both! hahahhaha!xD i also like jongUp :)) anyways, update chingu~!
hyogyeong #5
please put more space. im getting dizzy reading it x( but great story though :D update soon <3
I'm liking this story! It's too adorable for words <333
Did she see Zelo? xD AHAHAHA I wonder if it'll be awkward otl x3
Update soon ^^
update soon! haha cherry tomatoes >:D
aaahh~! so cute! update soon please~?