
Cherry Tomatoes~ [HIATUS]

Your POV;

It’s been around a week since the incident, thankfully no one has mentioned anything about it ever since. I think I’m finally starting to get used to the school, not liking everything of course but maybe I will overtime, you never know. I still get dirty looks everyday but I don’t really mind anymore, I realised its better this way since I can tell what type of people they are. I’ve started spending some more time with Kai in the dance studio during lunch times since we met; he is fun to hang out with and an amazing dancer. He’s tried convincing me to dance too but I’m not ready to embarrass myself in front of him yet, I told him I’d rather watch. I also found out that he’s in my history class, I would’ve probably found that out if I hadn’t missed it on my first day, but I don’t regret skipping since that’s when I met Daehyun.

I yawned; I was sitting in English and thinking over everything that has happened ever since I came. I didn’t really need to focus too much in class since we were just going over some of the things I’ve learned previously. I started doodling in my book but got bored of it quickly, I couldn’t wait for lunch time, I wanted to see Kai again. I looked to my side at Zelo and noticed he was sleeping, again; or like he likes to phrase it ‘resting his eyes.’ We haven’t spoken much this week at all, I thought back about the conversation me and Yongguk had.

“Hey, I just want you to know that, Zelo feels really bad about what happened, he didn’t mean to upset you in anyway. And I know he can be annoying sometimes, but he’s a good kid, he means well he’s just bad at portraying his emotions.” He told me, I sighed wondering why he couldn’t just come apologise himself, I pressed my lips together before replying “It’s okay, I understand. I know he didn’t mean to upset me, but he still gets on my nerves.” This made Yongguk chuckle, he told me that that’s all and if I ever needed someone to talk to, he’d be there for me. He walked away before I could reply.

I felt bad, sure we didn’t have the best start but maybe that was because of my stubbornness? I snapped out of my thoughts as soon as I realised that I had been staring at him for way too long, I looked around to check if anyone had notices, thankfully no one did. I didn’t want them to misunderstand.

Zelo’s POV;

I couldn’t seem to fall asleep; I haven’t stopped thinking about what happened. I just can’t seem to understand what it is that I did that set her off like that. What made it worse is that I haven’t been able to speak to her after, I was too scared. Whenever I gathered the courage to finally speak to her, she was nowhere to be found. I never see her during lunch anymore either, not even with Hana or Daesung, who now by the way have started sitting with us. They’re pretty cool. But everything is just really bugging me, where does she go during lunch anyway? Does she really hate me that much that she can’t even stand to sit with us anymore, despite the fact that she does get on with the others. Suddenly I felt someone nudging me from my side, I groaned and looked up looking slightly annoyed, I expected to see Mr.Smith but to my surprise it was Miyoung, I sat up straight instantly clearing my throat awkwardly. “uhm.. are you okay?” she asked in a whisper, *aaaaaaand you embarrassed yourself again. Good job bro.* “y-yeah, I’m fine.. uhm, d-did we have to do something?” I stuttered in reply. *WHY AM I STUTTERING STOP IT UGRHH* she shook her head and tapped her wrist, I gave her a weird look. She rolled her eyes; she looked irritated and whispered “time.” I mentally facepalmed myself for not realising what she meant, it was so obvious. I’m so stupid. I checked my watch and told her we had 10 minutes left. “so close yet so faaaar” she groaned. “I thought you liked English?” I raised an eyebrow at her. “It’s not the worst.. I just want it to be lunch time already” she shrugged, I tilted my head to the side slightly, this is my chance to ask. “Where do you go during lunch anyway? I mean, I never see you anymore with Hana and Daesung..” I asked trying to sounds as casual as I can. She bit her lips as if she was thinking of how to answer the question. “I... I hang out with Kai” she replied after what felt like a century. She hadn’t exactly answered my question, but at least she gave me some sort of decent reply, it’s better than our conversation on her first day. I wanted to ask her more, especially about Kai. But I decided it was for the best to just keep quiet for now. The bell rang which I have to admit, made me jump up a little out of surprise. This caused Miyoung to giggle. She giggled. It sounded like music to my ears. We both packed our stuff without really saying anything anymore, but for once the silence didn’t kill me. For once I was happy that we managed to have a conversation, although it was short, without arguing. *this is your only chance to apologise, do it.* “See you later..” Miyoung waved and smiled awkwardly. I cleared my throat and went for it, otherwise I knew I would regret it later. “Miyoung, I’m really sorry.” To my surprise she turned around to smile again and she nodded motioning me that it was okay. I watched her walk out of the classroom.

I walked out not long after her and headed towards my locker to put my stuff in, I knew the others would probably be in the canteen by now but I still took my time. While walking I even started whistling, which is something I only do when I’m in a really good mood. What could I say? I just felt happy. Something caused me to stop along my tracks. I saw Miyoung, hugging another guy. I assumed it was Kai. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth together, I was pissed. I knew I didn’t have the right to, but I still was. Luckily I was in a spot where they couldn’t see me. I watched them walk away, together. Even after they went, I remained in the exact same spot. Remembering how angry I felt when she hugged Jong up, and now Kai. That’s when I figured out why I act the way I do around her. I like Miyoung.     

 -------------------------------------------------Author's note--------------------------------------------------



It was really obvious wasn't it? I hope the story will start getting more interesting from this point onwards. :D 

I'm having family over from another country tonight and they're staying here for like a week so I'm not exactly sure when the next update will be.. 

but after next week I have one week off school WHOOP, so maybe then? 

And like always feel free to comment some suggestions or just anything else in the comment box below (wooh I feel like a youtuber ehehe c: ).. It motivates me to continue writing.. And it could help me get more ideas.

Hope all of you are doing well, and since it's probably exam time for most of us.. GOOD LUUUUCK DUDEEEES~ 

Pyoooooooooo~ =^_^=


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double update today ^^


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MinjiLee #1
Please update soon.. :)
hmmmm.. the alert said you update but there's no update yet..:(
new reader here.. i like the story.. :) im now thinking if its between daehyun or zelo since i like them both! hahahhaha!xD i also like jongUp :)) anyways, update chingu~!
hyogyeong #5
please put more space. im getting dizzy reading it x( but great story though :D update soon <3
I'm liking this story! It's too adorable for words <333
Did she see Zelo? xD AHAHAHA I wonder if it'll be awkward otl x3
Update soon ^^
update soon! haha cherry tomatoes >:D
aaahh~! so cute! update soon please~?