
Cherry Tomatoes~ [HIATUS]


The Text in blue is when they speak in English

Black is just normal Korean ^-^


Your POV;


The bell rang (Duh), “What? 20 minutes is way too short!” I complained. Daesung chuckled “It’s just break time what do you expect? Lunch time is longer don’t worry, let’s just go to class now” He grabbed his bag and left without even waiting for me and Hana. “How rude..” I said under my breath. Hana turned to me with a worried expression, “how are you now? Can you walk?” She asked concerned. I got up without any problems, I couldn’t walk properly yet but I was finally able to limp without anyone’s help. It still hurt slightly but I didn’t tell her that, I didn’t want her to worry about me anymore. We arrived in front of the classroom 12 minutes late; Hana didn’t really worry about being late. According to what she told me  Mr. Smith was a very laid back teacher and wouldn’t mind. “Mianhae Mr. Smith~” She apologized cutely and bowed a little. “It’s alri- Oh who is that? Are you the new student?” He noticed me standing behind Hana awkwardly. Hana walked to her seat next to Daesung close to the back. “Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Mr. Smith, nice to meet you.” He asked and held out his hand. I shook his hand slightly surprised, in my old school the teacher would be much stricter and only speak in English. Here he spoke in Korean so casually, although his accent was a little odd. *Probably from England or something* I thought. “So would you like to introduce yourself in front of the class?” He asked politely. I nodded and turned to the class “Annyeonghaseyo my name is Mi Young-ah please treat me well” I bowed a whole 45 degrees. After I introduced myself there was a lot of whispering from the students. I couldn’t hear what they said properly and just shrugged it off. “Hmm.. Where should we put you?” Mr. Smith mumbled to himself. I looked around the class there weren’t really any seats left except for one. It was next to a person whose head was hidden behind a book, he was either really busy studying or sleeping. “Ahh, please take a seat next to, JUNHONG!” He shouted his name loudly causing him to wake him. He growled at the teacher annoyed. “Mi Young please take a seat next to Junhong” I stared at the boy named Junhong, also known as Zelo or cherry tomato thief. He looked at me blinking his eyes a few times. I walked towards my new seat slowly holding my bag tight; most of the girls gave me dirty looks. *It’s not like I chose to sit next to him* I sighed. I sat down trying my best to ignore him but I could feel him look at me, it was getting on my nerves. “Stop looking at me.” I snapped. “I wasn’t looking at you” He denied. I rolled me eyes; did he think I was stupid? How could I not have noticed it? I ignored him and tried focusing on the lesson and taking notes.

“You have nice handwriting” He complimented. “Kamsahamnida...” I replied coldly, I really didn’t want to talk to him but he kept on trying to start a conversation, first asking me about the weather then about the teacher, the school and so on. Every time I replied with a short answer just to end the conversation quickly.

“So now with the person sitting next to you make your own conversation based on the dialogue we have just read changing the details which are written in bold, as usual it doesn’t have to be based on reality you can come up with random stuff you know the drill” The teacher explained. *Oh. God. No.* I looked to my side and saw that Zelo had dozed off, again. *Aishh... How am I meant to work with a person like this?* I looked at him thinking of ways to wake him up. I pinched his nose; he started coughing and woke up. “What was that for?!” He asked me annoyed. I flicked his head and pointed at the dialogue. “You woke me up for that? So annoying.” He put his head down again to go back to sleep. “Annoying? Seriously you have no manners whatsoever, wake up!” I flicked his head again. “Ahh, will you stop doing that already! I have no manners huh? What about you? Don’t you know how rude it is waking people up in such way” He hissed. “Yes I do have manners thank you very much, and it’s your fault for falling asleep in class, now since you’re awake could we please finish of this dialogue?”I asked trying to be as polite as possible to prove him wrong about me not having manners. He glared at me “Fine, you start.” He looked out of the window irritated. I cleared my throat, and started reading and changing the detail just like the teacher had told us to. “Hello, my name is Mi young. I am 15 years old. This week a lot has happened. I moved and transferred school. I am currently in my new English class and the teacher seems really cool. However he has put me next to this weirdo clown who only sleeps in class and does nothing else, he seems very stupid” I spoke in fluent English. I smirked evilly at him and he just stared at me confused and angry. “Clown? Stupid? What are you trying to say about me! This is not what the dialogue says!” He replied in Korean sounding very offended. I sighed “If you weren’t sleeping you would’ve heard the teacher’s instructions babo” I mentally face palmed myself at his stupidity. “Just what... You’re so...Why are you... URGH forget it, is it my turn now?” He wasn’t able to finish any of his sentences properly causing me to laugh. “Stop laughing! I will start now... Hello, I am Zelo, I am 15 years old. Urhmm today there is a new girl in our class, she is urhm... very rude and annoying, I don’t like her. Uhm”  His English was better than I had expected but it was still a fail. He was struggling trying to find things to say to get back at me. I was about to make fun of him when he teacher interrupted. “Okay now class, any volunteers who would like to play the dialogue out?” No one volunteered, as expected. He looked around the class to pick someone and then he looked at me. “Mi Young and Zelo, would you guys like to do your dialogue in front of the class?” The teacher asked nicely, me and Zelo looked at each other not sure whether we could decline or if we had to do it. “We don’t have all day guys...” Mr. Smith and the rest of the class waited impatiently for us to start.

“My name is Mi Young, I am 15 years old. Today is my first day at Seoul Academy; so far I think this school is okay in some ways. I qui-“ “Mi Young, please tell me in English, how you find this class so far and what it’s like to sit next to Zelo” Mr. Smith stopped me in the middle of my sentence. *Why do I have to tell him what it’s like to sit next to this clown? I am so not going to say something nice. I don’t care.* “I quite like the class and lesson so far, and you are a very good teacher. There is one thing I would like to ask though. Does Zelo always sleep in class? I don’t really like sitting next to him. He’s just plain rude and ungrateful. I try to be nice and wake him up so that he can do his work and make it in life but no, this guy just gets annoyed. Also what’s up with his pink hair? Are you guys allowed to dye your hair into such weird colours? My old school didn’t allow us so I don’t know. I personally think it looks weird though like, why pink? I should point out though that based on this school’s grades and ratings it is far better than my school.” I said, Mr. Smith chuckled at my opinion of Zelo. The girls just gave me more dirty looks. “Well done Mi Young, your English pronunciation is perfect and so is the way you structure your sentences, far better than most people in this class. I’m impressed” Mr. Smith complimented me.

BRRIIING, the bell rang again. “Okay that’s it for today, see you guys next lesson. You may now leave” Mr. Smith dismissed us. I packed up all of my stuff while I was overhearing some girls talk about me calling me names. I shrugged it off; it wasn’t like it was the first time people said those type of things about me. “What’s wrong with my hair? And you were trying to be nice? Pff, you make me laugh.” He started laughing sarcastically. I just rolled my eyes and left the classroom. “Hey new girl! Who do you think you are?” I group of girls from class grabbed me and pushed me against a wall. “I have a name you know” I pointed out plainly. She rolled her eyes at him “Whatever, like I care. Listen to me I’m going to say this once and once only. If you say one more bad thing about Zelo or about the other kingkas we will personally make sure that the rest of your school life here will be a living hell. Arasso?” She threatened. I just stared at her emotionlessly. “I’ll take that as a yes” She smirked at me. She let go of me and left, she was followed by the other girls who just shot me glares.  


------------------------------Author's Note------------------------------

I haven't updated in like forever. I am sososo sorry for that T.T 

I had no clue what to write.. Still don't to be honest, I have no idea where this story is going lol

Hope you guys like it though.. :3 

and yes I know this chapter is sort of cliche but I tried my best >,< 

Please comment, your comments make me very happy and motivate me to keep going :D

Annyeong =^_^=


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double update today ^^


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MinjiLee #1
Please update soon.. :)
hmmmm.. the alert said you update but there's no update yet..:(
new reader here.. i like the story.. :) im now thinking if its between daehyun or zelo since i like them both! hahahhaha!xD i also like jongUp :)) anyways, update chingu~!
hyogyeong #5
please put more space. im getting dizzy reading it x( but great story though :D update soon <3
I'm liking this story! It's too adorable for words <333
Did she see Zelo? xD AHAHAHA I wonder if it'll be awkward otl x3
Update soon ^^
update soon! haha cherry tomatoes >:D
aaahh~! so cute! update soon please~?