
Cherry Tomatoes~ [HIATUS]

Your POV:

I walked around and finally found the grocery store after having to ask a few people for directions. Babo me, I shouldn't have ran away from that guy like that, I shouldn't have accused him of being in a gang. I don't know him. I shouldn't accuse people of such reckless things carelessly. Plus it would've saved me the emberassement of asking strangers. I walked in and grabbed all the products I needed, I recalculated the price again just to make sure I had enough money left. *Yes! As expected.. I was right and got enough money left keke~" I quickly skipped to the aisle where all the vegtables were. There I saw it, the love of my life. Cherry tomatoes. I smiled to myself as I noticed that there was only one box left. *Just on time* I thought happily. I imagined the sweet taste of Cherry tomatoes, I haven't had it in ages again. My old orphanage refused to buy me any more because according to them I was too 'addicted' Pshh.. Me addicted? To cherry tomatoes? Okay maybe a teeny tiny bit. But that still wasn't a reason for them to not buy me any, after all they were healthy weren't they? But that's all in the past now, I should really stop thinking about the past.. As I grabbed the last box with both my hands I felt two other hands. One under my left hand and one on top of my right hand. I looked up slightly and saw a guy with pink hair. *Pink hair? Who would want pink hair! Never mind that.. My cherry tomatoes!* We both stared at each other deeply in the eyes for a while. *Why won't he just let go? Urgh.* I decided to just break the silence " Yah! Let go of MY cherry tomatoes!" I hissed. "YOUR cherry tomatoes? I saw them first, back off!" He replied annoyed. *Who is he to tell me to back off?* I cannot let this kid agitate me, I won't allow it! I sighed trying to calm myself down. I looked up at him again "look kiddo, I really need these cherry tomatoes.. Can I please have them?" I pleaded. I was desprate I was so close to what I desired I couldn't just suddenly lose what I wanted most. No I won't lose something I love, not again. " Who are you calling kiddo? I really need them too!" He replied raising his voice slightly. "Ahh hell no. This boy is so rude, doesn't he know how rude it is to raise his voice to strangers?*

"Zelo, what is taking you so long? All you had to d-- Uh-uh.." He stopped halfway his sentence and stared at the scene we were making. I realized how rude we must've looked growling at each other. I quickly looked around and let out a sight of relief. *No one saw us Thank Goodness.* The pink haired cherry tomato thief supposedly called Zelo turned and looked a the blonde haired guy. "Hyuuuuungg, this girl won't give me the cherry tomatoes!" He whined. *My God this guys is so annoying!* I was getting seriously pissed. His hyung sighed and walked closer towards us, he looked from me to Zelo back to me again for a couple of times before he started speaking. "Can't you just share? Just have half each, there is quite a lot you know.." He suggested rubbing the back off his neck. I thought about it for a bit *it's better than nothing I guess..* As I was about to agree Zelo started complaining. "But hyunggg.. I don't want to" He pouted. *This guy! Really.. urgh* before I could say something 4 other guys showed up with 2 little kids holding their hands. "What's taking you guys so long? It's just cherry tomatoes" A guys said with a deep voice. *wow.. his voice is kinda.. y* I blushed as I identified each of them, realizing how handsome they were, until  I laid my eyes on a guy wearing a mask. *I-its that guy from before again* He noticed me staring at him and gave me an eye smile, which made me blush even more. I must've been the same shade as these tomatoes itself by now. "C-c-could I-i please have t-these cherry tomatoes?" I stuttered softly. A little boy and girl ran towards me and tucked on my top. I looked down at them, they stared at me with puppy eyes. "We want to grow big and strong just like our hyungs, but we need to eat our vegetables for that.. Which includes cherry tomatoes" The little boy said *wow.. For such a young boy he sounds quiet smart* "Please?" the little girl added pouting. I let out a sigh of defeat *how could I say no to such cuties?* "Please enjoy them, and promise me to be healthy" I gave them a quick smile. To my surprise they hugged me, I slowly patted their bags still suprised. "Gomawo!" They said in unison. *There goes my beloved cherry tomatoes, why oh why do I have a soft spot for little kids? They better appreciate it* I snatched the box away from the annoying kiddo's hands, I knelt down and handed the box to the little kids. Again they surprised me, both of them planted a kiss on each of my cheeks. They walked back happily to where the other 4 guys stood and held their hands. The guy with a really deep voice shot me a gummy smile which made my knees tremble and turned around walking away. The others just bowed awkwardly and walked off as well. I stood there for a while still in shocked of what had just happeded. I shook it off and went off to pay.

Zelo's POV:

"Cherry tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, cherry tomatoes!" Me, Mun Hee and Min Hee cheered. I could tell Himchan hyung was getting really annoyed, it entertained me since he couldn't complain because Mun Hee and Min Hee were as enthusiastic as me. I chuckeled to myself. As we walked into the grocery store we decided to split up. "Zelo you get the Cherry tomatoes, as soon as you're done pay for the tomatoes and wait outside for us to finish" Yong Guk commanded. I nodded in agreement and walked off to the vegetable aisle. There I saw it, just sitting there so gorgeously. My beautiful cherry tomatoes. I walked towards the last box *Yay~ just on time* I smiled to myself and grabbed the last box not knowing there was someone else. As I held the box with both my hands I felt two other hands. One under my right hand and one on top of my right hand. I looked up to see who dared to steal my cherry tomatoes and saw a cute girl. I stared at her admiring every feature of her face. After a while she broke the silence "Yah! Let go of MY cherry tomatoes" She hissed at me. I snapped out of my fantasies *her cherry tomatoes? Was she serious? these are mine! mine, mine, mine!* "YOUR cherry tomatoes? I saw them first, back off!" I replied annoyed. She sighed, she was seriously good looking.. If she wasn't stealing my cherry tomatoes I might have been nicer to her. "Look kiddo, I really need these cherry tomatoes.. Can I please have them?" She pleaded. *Kiddo? Was she for real?* " Who are you calling kiddo? I really need them too!" I replied angrily *I know I was being rude but I couldn't just give them to her,  Mun Hee and Min Hee wanted these as bad as i did, I musn't dissapoint them.* 

"Zelo, what is taking you so long? All you had to d-- Uh-uh.." He stopped halfway he probably noticed the tension between me and this girl whose name I would love to know. Maybe he could help me convince this girl to give me the cherry tomatoes though? "Hyuuuuungg, this girl won't give me the cherry tomatoes!" I whined, *wait why am I whining ? Now I emberassed myself infront of her! Babo me.* Youngjae hyung walked slowly towards us he looked at both of us for a bit, probably thinking of a way to solve this. "Can't you just share? Just have half each, there is quite a lot you know.." He suggested rubbing the back of his head. I looked at the girl judging from her facial expression she wasn't really sure what to do. "But hyunggg.. I don't want to" I pouted. *Oh God, this girl must think I'm really annoying.. urgh.* She was about to say something when suddenly she stopped and looked at something behind me, I was about to turn around but then heard who it was "What's taking you guys so long? It's just cherry tomatoes" Yong Guk hyung said in his usual deep voice. Girls usually fangirled hardcore whenever he spoke, I looked at how the girl reacted she was looking at each of my hyungs and blushed. Suddenly her eyes stayed on one figure her eyes widened a bit. I followed where her eyes were looking, it was at Daehyun. *Why is she looking at him like that? D-does she like him? Sure he is attractive.. b-but why him why not m--* I shook the thought of quickly. What was wrong with me? I didn't even know this girl. I noticed Daehyun giving her an eye smile. *Why would he do such thing? He never does that to a girl.. Do these two have something going on between them without me or the others knowing?* I looked back at her to see how she reacted, she blushed even more. "C-c-could I-i please have t-these cherry tomatoes?"She stuttered quietly. Mun Hee and Min Hee suddenly let go of Jong up's had and ran towards the girl. She looked down at them, they stared at her with their oh-so-famous puppy eyes. "We want to grow big and strong just like our hyungs, but we need to eat our vegetables for that.. Which includes cherry tomatoes" Mun Hee said, this boy was so smart for his ages I felt really proud. "Please?" Min Hee added pouting *there is no way she can say no to these two, unless she is heartless.. Cherry tomatoes are mine! Hehe haven't had them since yesterday evening~* The girl sighed "Please enjoy them, and promise me to be healthy" She gave them a quick smile it didn't last long thought. *That smile...* Suddenly they hugged her and thanked her in unison I smiled at the sight. After they had let go of her she snatched the box out of my hands and handed it to them. When she gave it to them they gave her a quick peck on each cheek and walked back happily to Jong up holding his hand again. Yong Guk shot her a quick gummy smile and walked off. The others bowed awkwardly and left as well, I just decided to do the same and ran after them. *I kinda want to see her again.. Maybe I should apologize for my impoliteness next time?*


------------------------------Author's Note------------------------------

Hellooooo~ Hope you guys liked this chapter! I apologize if it's a bit confusing >,<

My intetion with this chapter was to basically.. Show Zelo's personality in this story a bit more. I noticed how he probably came off as really childish in my first chapter. He really isn't like that, well he is when it comes to cherry tomatoes then. In this story Zelo has.. I wouldn't say a split personality.. Rather than that I would say he can be really mature at one moment and then suddenly really immature depending on the situation, he has a lot of personalities.. sort of? He is really protective over Mun Hee and Minhee because he loves them dearly. 

Anyway I hope you guys got what I meant xD please give me feedback so I could know what I did well, and what I could improve on..

Thank you all so much for subscribing and reading my story! I really appreciate it ;p 

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double update today ^^


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MinjiLee #1
Please update soon.. :)
hmmmm.. the alert said you update but there's no update yet..:(
new reader here.. i like the story.. :) im now thinking if its between daehyun or zelo since i like them both! hahahhaha!xD i also like jongUp :)) anyways, update chingu~!
hyogyeong #5
please put more space. im getting dizzy reading it x( but great story though :D update soon <3
I'm liking this story! It's too adorable for words <333
Did she see Zelo? xD AHAHAHA I wonder if it'll be awkward otl x3
Update soon ^^
update soon! haha cherry tomatoes >:D
aaahh~! so cute! update soon please~?