I'm Not Moving by Isadora_Quagmire

Two Moons Recommendations

I'm Not Moving

Author: Isadora_Quagmire

Pairing: Onew/Key

Rating: G

Length: 5 faily long chapters.

Summary: Key won't give up on Jinki, no matter how long it takes. 

Exie says: This is the story that won my Only Onew contest, and I promised her a long time ago that I would feature it here. I'm sorry, sweetheart! It's taken me far too long. Anyway, the contest was full of excellent entries, so for this one to win, I found it really wonderful. The way she uses language is absolutely beautiful. You can picture everything that's happening in the story, and I have to say I teared up a little, which doesn't happen to me at all ever. The flashback-present day format really works in this story, because you see what was, and what is. It deepens the emotions in the story, and I really enjoyed that. And also, although I know comas are sometimes overused, it's because many authors (including myself) often have no clue what they're talking about. But Isadora_Quagmire obviously did her research and I'm sure if I talked to her in person, she could easily convince me that she's a neurologist. I particularly liked the passage about the reason Onew chose to sing opera. I find myself thinking about that passage even when I don't actively register what story I'm thinking about. It was a really wonderful story and I am so honored that a story like this won my contest. 

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MikoDreamz #1
Chapter 3: Try reading 10080. It came out a few days ago but it's a amazing. It's a one shot.
Chapter 3: Baby's Breath.
Faidy15 #3
Chapter 3: You guys should read "10080"!!
Chapter 3: Honestly, Kris EXO-M have been reading that Absolute Chanyeol ~
Have you guys read Anterrograde Tomorrow? Oh god. That story. First and last time I read that I couldn't handle it. I resisted the urge to stop reading because of how broken it made my heart. And the ending just gave me the chills. It was the best way to end a fanfic, in my opinion.
airchiic #6
Chapter 2: *edit: actually, can i suggest eiminuest's entire Sarangverse series (which includes Turn up the bright lights, good night my angel, kaleidoscope, and a bunch of other stories?) the stories can be found here http://www.asianfanfics.com/browse/tag_rated/sarangverse the ones by eiminuest.
airchiic #7
can i reccomend "turn up the bright lights" (or "goodnight my angel"). TUTBL is here http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/336248/ and its a story about baekyeol, there's no and its not hardcore as its more of how they learn/train in the art of . Good night my angel (http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/352831/) is a prequel and has a better plot, but its much more hardcore that includes underage and .
Chapter 3: this is the fic that kris has read