Arbitrage by fumerie

Two Moons Recommendations


Author: fumerie

Pairing: Kaisoo

Rating: NC-17

Length: 22000 words

Summary: [street race AU... or is it.] There are three tracks to Do Kyungsoo's life. Track A, trader at an investment bank. Track B, new recruit of a race crew called EXO. Track C... track C involves someone named Kai and a whole lot of bad decisions.

Fiona says: I'm taking time out of studying for math to rec this fic because I liked it that much. Honestly though, it's not for everyone. Here are some reason why I liked it though. 1) The street racing concept - Yes, I understand that not everybody is a fan of this, but it's been like my personal kink to read street racing fic. I don't know when it happened, or why it started, but the thrill always has me sitting on the edge of my seat. I personally loved the descriptions fumerie used for the street racing parts of the fic. It just kept me on the edge the whole entire time. 2) The plotline - It's hard not to spaz about the plotline without giving it away, but the plot is so much deeper than the summary suggests. On that same note, EVERYTHING—that's right, everything—tied together at the end (at least for me), and that just impressed me to no end. 3) The characters - It seemed to me that even the minor characters got a background story by the end, and I was just so emotionally invested in Kyungsoo by the end of the story. (Kai, not so much. I couldn't really relate with Kai.) 4) The obvious thought and care that went into the fic - It's really hard for me not to care when the author obviously throws her all into a fic like this. I mean she even drew a diagram to accompany it XD

Now for some side notes. I believe that the title of the fic is actually quite fitting. Titles are always hard for me, so seeing this great title was like mindblowingly awesome. Also, even though the rating is NC-17, it's not . It can hardly be considered . It's actually such a small section of the story, and it does serve for plot development (in some way). Finally, I love how everything ties together in the end. I guarantee you that after you read the story and go over it again, everything will be seen in a completely different light. After reading the story, I cannot emphasize how much I like the summary of it, and that's only the summary, not the actual story. :P But obviously this is just getting long & rambly because I'm avoiding math. Final verdict: READ IT IF YOU'RE READY FOR YOUR MIND TO BE BLOWN. (But it's not for everybody. You'll see why in the end.)

Exie says: Unlike Fi, I wasn't crazy about this fic. The details were impressive. I will absolutely not deny that. They were impressive. Amazingly impressive. And yes, your mind will be blown multiple times. The amount of sheer thought that went into this fic is just amazing. The tiny things--I generally pick up on details, and this had me spazzing about the number of connections all over the place--were just...fantastic okay. The tiny things, the little foreshadowing, the offhand mentions of things that can be taken COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY the second time you read it. God those details are impressive. Fumerie can make you believe that she is an expert at street racing and at...other things that come into play in this fic. She knows what she's talking about and even if she doesn't it sounds like she does. And everything's tied up at the end. Again, it leaves you thinking. The end can be interpreted so many different ways...But yeah. This didn't make me crazy. I wasn't spazzing to Fi in all caps like I do when I'm in love with a fic. That's not to say I don't adore fumerie--she's written one of my all-time favorite fics that we will absolutely rec later, but this fic isn't for people who aren't into angst. Kind of like me. 


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MikoDreamz #1
Chapter 3: Try reading 10080. It came out a few days ago but it's a amazing. It's a one shot.
Chapter 3: Baby's Breath.
Faidy15 #3
Chapter 3: You guys should read "10080"!!
Chapter 3: Honestly, Kris EXO-M have been reading that Absolute Chanyeol ~
Have you guys read Anterrograde Tomorrow? Oh god. That story. First and last time I read that I couldn't handle it. I resisted the urge to stop reading because of how broken it made my heart. And the ending just gave me the chills. It was the best way to end a fanfic, in my opinion.
airchiic #6
Chapter 2: *edit: actually, can i suggest eiminuest's entire Sarangverse series (which includes Turn up the bright lights, good night my angel, kaleidoscope, and a bunch of other stories?) the stories can be found here the ones by eiminuest.
airchiic #7
can i reccomend "turn up the bright lights" (or "goodnight my angel"). TUTBL is here and its a story about baekyeol, there's no and its not hardcore as its more of how they learn/train in the art of . Good night my angel ( is a prequel and has a better plot, but its much more hardcore that includes underage and .
Chapter 3: this is the fic that kris has read