Photograph by coffeeinkorea

Two Moons Recommendations


(livejournal link)

Author: coffeeinkorea

Pairing: Jongkey (and side!2min)

Rating: PG-15/R

Length: ~30,000 words

Summary: Life's a lot more interesting with Kim Jonghyun around. 

Exie says: I read this fic back on livejournal a few months ago and I just really liked it. Everyone likes tsundere Kibum and everyone likes peppy Jjong. But this is more than just your average Jongkey fic. The thing that I loved about it was the character development and the relationship development. In a lot of fics, first date = BAM kiss and then or whatever. But in this one...there were so many times where they could have kissed if it were a badly written fic, but they didn't since it's not a badly written fic. It's slow and steady and beautiful. It's just a really nice, romantic story that may turn your blood to sugar but won't rot your brain. It all seems just very...I don't know, I wouldn't say realistic but there are elements of realism that a lot of stories lack these days. I guess this isn't a very good review, but if I didn't think this fic was worth reading, I wouldn't be rec'ing it right now. So I do recommend that you read it. Because it's worth it. 

Fiona says: First, I'd like to say that I actually read this fic before we decided to rec it, but I had to reread it because I didn't remember if I read it or not. It turns out the beginning was foggy in my mind, but by the time I got to the middle of the story, I definitely remembered reading it. I guess this means that in the beginning I wasn't too struck by the story. It started out in a pretty plain, cliché, but when their relationship actually started developing, I felt that emotional connection click. Now, I'm a romantic, and I definitely felt connected to Jonghyun with what he was doing. I actually thought that Key was being somewhat of a jerk for the middle bit of the story. The thing that drew me into the fic was the realism. Relationships aren't all good and aren't all bad, so I really loved how coffeeinkorea showed how hard it was in the beginning and even in the end when they still had their differences. The ending was definitely realistic, and it took in account the passage of time, which I feel like a lot of fanfictions don't do. (Mine included XD) My favorite part of the story, though, is the beginning of their relationship. Because it was their beginning, so many mistakes were made on both of their parts, and I felt like the feelings put into the fanfic were authentic. It prodded at my heart because I felt like anybody could be put into the shoes of Key. I could see myself in his position (if I was a guy LOL). Altogether, if you're a fan of realism in fanfic, I would reccommend this for you 100%, and even if you're not (kind of like me—I like more sweeping, romantic, cliché fanfiction most of the time), it's easy enough to make connections with the characters. The realistic elements are definitely what made this fanfic stand out for me.

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MikoDreamz #1
Chapter 3: Try reading 10080. It came out a few days ago but it's a amazing. It's a one shot.
Chapter 3: Baby's Breath.
Faidy15 #3
Chapter 3: You guys should read "10080"!!
Chapter 3: Honestly, Kris EXO-M have been reading that Absolute Chanyeol ~
Have you guys read Anterrograde Tomorrow? Oh god. That story. First and last time I read that I couldn't handle it. I resisted the urge to stop reading because of how broken it made my heart. And the ending just gave me the chills. It was the best way to end a fanfic, in my opinion.
airchiic #6
Chapter 2: *edit: actually, can i suggest eiminuest's entire Sarangverse series (which includes Turn up the bright lights, good night my angel, kaleidoscope, and a bunch of other stories?) the stories can be found here the ones by eiminuest.
airchiic #7
can i reccomend "turn up the bright lights" (or "goodnight my angel"). TUTBL is here and its a story about baekyeol, there's no and its not hardcore as its more of how they learn/train in the art of . Good night my angel ( is a prequel and has a better plot, but its much more hardcore that includes underage and .
Chapter 3: this is the fic that kris has read