Absolute Chanyeol by leadernim

Two Moons Recommendations

Absolute Chanyeol

Note: This story is no longer available to read. We'll let you know if it ever goes back up.

Please don't ask if we have the link. We don't.

Author: leadernim

Pairing: Baekyeol (and side!Taoris)

Rating: PG-13

Length: 11000+ words

Summary: Chanyeol isn’t the perfect robot but that’s okay with Baekhyun because he is anything but the perfect human. Loosely inspired by "Absolute Boyfriend" by Watase Yuu.

Exie says: Everyone's gushing about this one for a reason, guys. The absolute depth of emotion and the tiny little details that have gone into this fic evoke emotions from even me. I definitely teared up. It's a beautiful love story that has you thinking from beginning to end about what love really is. 

Fiona says: Aljdspfiuapoerjamldfaerpjaldkfjapeur. Haha, no really. I cry over fics a lot, but this one definitely had me bawling buckets compared to usual. The pacing of the story was impeccable; I really got into the characters and their problems, which meant that I was sooooo emotionally invested by the end of the story and...yeah... The story itself raises a lot of questions about what constitutes as human and not. One of my favorite things about the story was how it showed Chanyeol's emotional development. Everything just fell into place perfectly by the end because of all this change that had been occurring throughout. This is definitely a staple of the Exo fandom!

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MikoDreamz #1
Chapter 3: Try reading 10080. It came out a few days ago but it's a amazing. It's a one shot.
Chapter 3: Baby's Breath.
Faidy15 #3
Chapter 3: You guys should read "10080"!!
Chapter 3: Honestly, Kris EXO-M have been reading that Absolute Chanyeol ~
Have you guys read Anterrograde Tomorrow? Oh god. That story. First and last time I read that I couldn't handle it. I resisted the urge to stop reading because of how broken it made my heart. And the ending just gave me the chills. It was the best way to end a fanfic, in my opinion.
airchiic #6
Chapter 2: *edit: actually, can i suggest eiminuest's entire Sarangverse series (which includes Turn up the bright lights, good night my angel, kaleidoscope, and a bunch of other stories?) the stories can be found here http://www.asianfanfics.com/browse/tag_rated/sarangverse the ones by eiminuest.
airchiic #7
can i reccomend "turn up the bright lights" (or "goodnight my angel"). TUTBL is here http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/336248/ and its a story about baekyeol, there's no and its not hardcore as its more of how they learn/train in the art of . Good night my angel (http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/352831/) is a prequel and has a better plot, but its much more hardcore that includes underage and .
Chapter 3: this is the fic that kris has read