Assistant (Myungsoo/Naeun)

un morceau de l'histoire de la vie ~☆~ Oneshot and Drabble Collection

He was just finished marking Sungjong’s mistakes on his latest report when he heard someone called his name. He took his mind from those papers and lifted his head up.

There’s standing a girl. With her fair skin, plum lips and her brown wavy long hair. She smiled and bowed to him.

“Mr. Kim Myungsoo, right?”

He eyed her from head to toe before nodded my head.

“Who are you?”

The girl smiled once again before introduced herself, “I’m Son Naeun, Sir.”

“And what bring you here, Miss Son?” He asked her. She blinked for a second before answering nonchalantly .

“I’m your new assistant, Sir,” she said.He frowned and examined her once again. Damn Sungyeol, why didn’t he discuss first before just recruiting new people like that. And with the position as his new assistant. Like, what?

“Sir?” her voice—that fortunately unlike Namjoo’s hyper loud voices—bring him back to the world.

“Don’t” he said. She roses her eyebrow. Confused.

“I don’t like to be called Sir,” he added, “I’m not that old to be called so.” She smiled when she heard his explanation, “Just call me Myungsoo or oppa.” He said. He rearranged Sungjong’s report and put it back on the map—leaving Naeun in awkwardness and confusion.

“Sir… I mean… Myungsoo-sshi? Myungsoo oppa?” he only roses his eyebrow when she called her and hummed in response.

“So you need me to do something for you?” before she could took a breath and blinked her eyes, he already gave her ‘no’ as an answer and made her shut in an instant.

Myungsoo took a little sneak peek from the corner of his eyes and saw that his new worker still frozen at her place. He mentally chuckled and smiled.

“Or maybe a cup of coffee would be nice, Miss Son,” he said and her face brighten instantly.

She bowed and gave him her beautiful smile, “coming right away, Myungsoo-sshi!”.

“Remember. Black coffee, with a block of sugar. Or you can ask the janitor, they’ll help you for sure.” He said. She bowed once again before walked out from the room.

“Miss Son?”

“Yes?” she answered before she closed the door. Myungsoo smiled and said.

“Welcome to our company.”

She smiled and nodded her head, “thank you, Myungsoo-sshi.” she said before disappearing from his sight.



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Chapter 2: Hi, I got to know this fanfic by recommendation of muchlovegyuji~
This is only a one shot but impressive! I'm almost crying when they had fight then Sunggyu try to find her again... T_T
Can you make another shot for GyuJi please?
hannnibie #2
Chapter 8: would you update? I love howon namjoo story!!!
Chapter 7: oh god. even though the 7th chapter about woorong was short.
that was quite impressive. make more please~ hahaha.
Chapter 9: it's okay! don't pressure your self ^^
remember that life goes on!~
have faith in yourself & have confidence!
<3 happy holidays c:
puipui90 #5
Chapter 9: aww..dont be sorry..dont pressure urself too much...
take it easy okay..happy holidays too...
take care~~~
Chapter 9: Aww I'm sorry :( don't worry about us, we'll wait until you feel up to it! Take care and happy holidays to you!
Chapter 7: Namu's question hahaha xD Woorong is lurve :3
Chapter 7: LOL OH NAMU <3 hahaha so cute!