Coffee Shop Story (Sungyeol/Yookyung)

un morceau de l'histoire de la vie ~☆~ Oneshot and Drabble Collection

And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while; because girl you're amazing, just the way you are (Just The Way You Are – Bruno Mars)

Hong Yookyung sighed again and scratched the music sheets in front of her for the third time. She was exhausted. Her music assignment must be done before the end of the week and it’s already Wednesday, which mean she didn’t have enough time to make a new music arrangements.

Sometimes she’s a little bit regretting her decision to follow her own will to take the music major instead of following her parents will to get into the law major. Who knows if she need to made a new arrangement every month for her piano progress?

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t order this,” she said politely when she realized that someone just placed a slice of chocolate cake and a cup of hot coffee at her table. She looked up just to exchange glazes with a tall man. And she couldn’t help but blush.

Oh come on, with that big doe eyes, those long caramel-colored hair, that gum-smile and also the warm atmosphere that seems always surrounding him, it would be a lie if she didn’t feel that the guy in front of her wasn’t attractive.

“It’s a gift,” he said, “seems like you’ve been bothered by something. And for me personally, coffee always makes me feel better.”

She gave him a smile and thanked him before sip the coffee.


Sungyeol had his eyes on one of his customers in the café. He was leaning against the table, hands crossed on his chest, eyes fixed on a figure with brown caramel hair. Though Sungyeol knew it will break the rule for him to be eyeing on a customer when he was still working as a waiter but somehow his eyes were just too stubborn to obey his words.

The girl was so attractive to him. She was wearing a white summer dress, and a pair of flat shoes. Sungyeol had a feeling that she was here alone and she having a trouble. How did he know? Well, Sungyeol could see it all over her face. Peeping that his boss-slice-brother was not around, Sungyeol grabbed this chance.

And when she gave him a smile, seems like his world was stopped for a moment. How someone could looks that beautiful when smiling?

He didn’t know what got into him but Sungyeol sat in front of her, joining the loner.

“May I ask you what’s your problem, angel?” Sungyeol preferred to call him that because he didn’t know her name. And looks like Woohyun’s greasiness successfully spoiling him.

After all, she indeed looks like an angel.

“Nothing’s big,” she said while smiling, “just need to finish my assignment and I can’t figure it out.”

“May I see it? Maybe I can help you,” Sungyeol tried to offering a help. Who knows if he could help? Well, even though it’s not his specialty, he sometimes helps Myungsoo to writing a song that that guy would perform at the café.

“No need, thank you,” she politely refusing, “We just met I don’t want to burden you.”

“No problem,” Sungyeol said again, “it’s an honor to helping an angel.”

She giggled and covered with her hands with a polite manner, so gracefully just like an angel. But then she handed him her music sheets, “if you insist.”

He smiled widely—his signature choding smile—and took the music sheets.

“This is just the arrangement, you’re not writing the lyrics?” he asked her. She nodded.

“Yeah, why?” she asked back. Sungyeol scratch his head in a confusions manner and hand it back to her.

“Then I’ll pass,” he said, “I know nothing about piano. But if you need some help for writing lyrics, you know where to go.”

She smiled and nodded, “I will,—”

“Sungyeol. Lee Sungyeol,” he said.

“Allright then, Sungyeol-sshi,” maybe it’s just him or not. But Sungyeol kinda makes her feel comfortable, and it’s unusual for her. Because Yookyung always prefer to spend her times with playing her white piano at the corner of her room, or reading books at her family’s personal library. And the only people she could called them friends were only the hyper Park Chorong, Yoon Bomi, Jung Eunji, and Kim Namjoo, the silent one Son Naeun, and the youngest Oh Hayoung. But unfortunately all of them took a different major with her. Chorong and Bomi took dancing major, Eunji and Namjoo were in vocal class, Naeun at the art department, and Hayoung who took literature classes.

“May I ask you why you are alone, angel? Don’t you have any boyfriend?” he asked because it’s really bothered him. Of course he wanted to know if the girl in front of him already taken or not.

She shook her head, “no, we broke up a week ago.”

“Ahh.. then you’re pretty lucky.” Sungyeol’s words only received a frown from her.

“Lucky?” she raised her eyebrow.

‘Yup, you’re lucky because you can get a new boyfriend.’ Sungyeol gave her a cheeky smile.

‘Let me guess, you?’ She asked.

“Of course.” Sungyeol’s words made her laughed.


“Then, thanks a lot Sungyeol-sshi, but for now I’ll pass.” Of course Yookyung wouldn’t just accept it to get into a relationship after a few days breaking up with Peniel.

“Really? You’re going to pass on me? I’m not giving you a second chance.” Sungyeol asked, making Yookyung to giggle even more.

Yookyung acknowledged that fact by just looking at Sungyeol’s body shape. Her heart wanted to accept him though she knew Sungyeol was just fooling around to make her feel better.

“If you reject me, you have to pay to this.” he pointed at the half eaten cake and half empty cup.

Slightly Yookyung pouted “fine, I’ll think about it.” Yookyung said, wanting Sungyeol to pay for the cake and coffee because she didn’t order it. She took another bite of the cake and in satisfaction.

“This cake is really sweet, Sungyeol-sshi,” Yookyung said while smiling, “it’s really delicious. Did you make it by yourself?”

“Yes, I did. Do you like it?”

“Yes, I really like it,” her smile getting wider and she had to admit that Sungyeol knows how to make a delicious cake so she didn’t mind Sungyeol to brag because he deserved it the compliment.

“But I know something sweeter than all the cake in this café.” Sungyeol said, trying to make a suggestion.

“Really?” Yookyung said because what a coincidence that Yookyung loves sweet things.

Sungyeol gestured Yookyung to come closer to him as if he was trying to tell Yookyung a top secret matter. Yookyung obeyed Sungyeol by leaning closer to Sungyeol. But actually that was a mistake for her. When their faces were an inch close, Sungyeol suddenly pecked on Yookyung’s cheek.

She was startled when Sungyeol did that. He backed off and said, ‘You’re sweeter than the cake.’

His words made her cheeks burning red because of the blushing. Yookyung should be scolding Sungyeol now for kissing her cheek but somehow she liked it. It made her heart beat so rapidly. Yookyung was out of words now. Sungyeol was smiling at her while she was still blushing so hard. But just her luck when a waiter which she could guess is his workmate came to the table.

“Yah Sungyeol hyung, stop flirting with our customer or Sunggyu hyung will kill both of us.” The feminine guy pleaded Sungyeol to get off the chair before their boss came back to the café.

“Shut up, Lee Sungjong. You’re disturbing our sweet moment,” Sungyeol said and gave a wink to Yookyung. Lee Sungjong rolled his eyes and grab Sungyeol’s hand.

“Come on hyung, there’s too many Namgrease on your shirt,” Sungjong said, “we need to wash your shirt as soon as possible so you can stop saying that kind of this thing.”

“No, I wanna be with her!” he screamed with a high-pitched sound and Yookyung couldn’t help but laugh.

“You can do that later, come on, we need you in the kitchen.” Sungjong tried to pull Sungyeol from there and finally the tall ones get up. Lee Sungjong bowed at Yookyung.

“I’m sorry for my brother’s behavior,” he said.

“No, no, Sungjong-sshi. Don’t be! He’s a nice company.”

“See? She’s happy with me!” Sungyeal said with a high-pitch voice once again.

“Eww, stop being greasy” Sungjong complained, “I don’t want any more Namgrease disease in our café.”

“All right. All right. Go ahead, I’ll be there in a sec.” Sungyeol said—tried to shoo-ing his brother away.

After getting Sungyeol to promise that he will be at the kitchen later, Sungjong left them after apologizing once again about Sungyeol’s greasiness.

“I have to go now angel.” She may be heard it wrong, but somehow his voice sounds…sad?

“Seems like,”Yookyung nodded as he understood that Sungyeol needed to work.

“I have to go now, I have class in fifteen minutes,”

She had a great time today thanks to Lee Sungyeol. She owed that tall boy a lot for making her day feels better, “thanks for accompany me, Sungyeol-sshi.”

“I’ll see you again?” he asked. Yookyung nodded.

“Sure, Sungyeol-sshi.”

“Well, see you later, angel.”

Just before Sungyeol could go, Yookyung stopped him by grabbing his wrist,

“Wait Sungyeol-sshi,” she said, “Yookyung. My name is Hong Yookyung.” she thought it will be best if Sungyeol knows her name so he will stop calling her ‘angel’.

Sungyeol just smiled and said, ‘A perfect name for my angel.’




Oh I really love this personaly (:

And I hope you’ll like this too~


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Chapter 2: Hi, I got to know this fanfic by recommendation of muchlovegyuji~
This is only a one shot but impressive! I'm almost crying when they had fight then Sunggyu try to find her again... T_T
Can you make another shot for GyuJi please?
hannnibie #2
Chapter 8: would you update? I love howon namjoo story!!!
Chapter 7: oh god. even though the 7th chapter about woorong was short.
that was quite impressive. make more please~ hahaha.
Chapter 9: it's okay! don't pressure your self ^^
remember that life goes on!~
have faith in yourself & have confidence!
<3 happy holidays c:
puipui90 #5
Chapter 9: aww..dont be sorry..dont pressure urself too much...
take it easy okay..happy holidays too...
take care~~~
Chapter 9: Aww I'm sorry :( don't worry about us, we'll wait until you feel up to it! Take care and happy holidays to you!
Chapter 7: Namu's question hahaha xD Woorong is lurve :3
Chapter 7: LOL OH NAMU <3 hahaha so cute!