Make a choice

Apologies From A Sincere Heart

[Kyungsoo POV]

1 more month until our debut. and they still talk about me. I've done everything I could. Lose weight, talk more and even give my teaser time to everyone else. But they still hate me.

To make it worse, I realized that I had feeling for our group Visual. I heard Kai say horrible things about me but I couldn't bring my self to hate him. To be honest, this was actually the reason why I changed. To please the members yes but to please him most of all.

I left again trying to stop the sadness in my heart. I stopped trying to listen after I was almost caught crying. I went to the river again and let our all my feelings.

"WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE ME?" I screamed at the sky, tears streaming down my face. "WHY HUH? DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG? TELL ME!"

I couldn't go on anymore. It hurt too much. I was yelling my heart out when I heard something behind me.

"Who's there? Show yourself" I yelled. Bushes moved and came out Kyuhyun sunbae.

"Ah hyung hi." I said looking away s he wouldn't see my tears.

"Kyungsoo right?" He asked and I nodded. "Hey you don't have to worry you don't have to hide it."

I was scared that he knew what I was doing. I acted dumb to hide it. "What are you talking about hyung?"

"Don't lie Kyungsoo ahh. I heard what you were saying." Kyuhyun shi said sitting down on the ground and motioning for me to join him which I did. "Now what seems to be the problem.

I just stayed quiet not looking at him. He patted me in the back and said. "Is it about the debut? Or the other members?"

I froze. How did he know? I was shocked but stayed quiet. He sighed before throwing a rock to the river.

"I know its hard getting people to like you. All the members hated me when I joined Super Junior. They even voted to kick me out and told the CEO that they didn't want me. When they couldn't get rid of me, they decided to make my life hell. They made me clean the whole dorm, Get them what they needed and basically made me a slave." He paused before continuing.

"But you know what I did?" I shook my head. "I dealt with it. I did what they wanted and basically made myself a slave to them. After time, they changed, they didn't hate me anymore. They made me part of their family. They accepted me and now look. I bully them instead of the other way around." He said smiling at me.

"Kyungsoo, I know this is hard. But if you really want to be an idol, then don't let anyone stop you. If not don't worry about it, Its their loss not yours. Ok?" He said getting up.

"Thank you Kyuhyun shi" I said getting up too and bowing to him.

"You're welcome. Listen to what your heart is saying." He said smiling at me. "You never know, you might find someone special because of it."

Just then Sungmin hyung came out of nowhere. "Kyu hurry up, everyone waiting for you"

"Good talking to you Kyungsoo. Remember make a choice." He said and went with Sungmin hyung.

Make a choice. I looked to the sky and thought about it. Should I continue or just stop?


AN: Second chapter:) Poor Kyungsoo:(

Hoped you liked it and thank you for reading.

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PS: Sorry for the mistakes

PSS. Would you recommend me some sad songs cuz its really hard to stay sad with the music I listen to. Thank you:)

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Ireadeveryday #1
Chapter 12: I cried
Bigaaples #2
Chapter 12: The happy ending <33 they ended up together forever awh!
Mistycal #3
Chapter 12: WHAT. THE.

I mean stories don't always have a happy ending ofcourse, but that was just dark.
This story was indeed angsty, writer you did a good job!
Mistycal #4
Chapter 11: Oh my goddddddd.... This just , that's why haters should learn to back off and let people rest.
Chapter 12: ... what the actual
LoveBigBang4life #6
Chapter 12: Chapter 12: I DID NOT EXPECT THAT! im a crying mess
Chapter 12: When life isnt actually a fairytale T^T
Chapter 12: Oh my god. This was too sad and cruel. Damn
Chapter 12: I'M CRYING SO HARD