Dance with Me
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She didn’t realise how creepy the SM building was this late in the night until she entered the silent practice room, turning on the off lights.  Without all the other trainees around, it definitely felt a bit eerie.  But she heard faintly hear SNSD’s music from upstairs, where all the SM stars usually practised.  And she realised, that this was the usual time when they and many of the other SM artists trained, late at night after all their exhausting schedules.  She wondered if she had the will to do the same as them.  To be able to train either though your body is sore and tired and lacking a lot of sleep.  But for now, their stamina gave her motivation.

If I can’t even do this, how can I become an idol? She thought, determined to get the dance perfect.

Her teacher had generous made the video for her and sent the video to her phone.  She watched the video with all the concentration she had left, before turning the music on and began practicing. 

Little did she know that someone was watching her from the doorway.  When she stopped for a break, that someone walked into the studio, his footsteps getting her attention.

She turned to see the familiar black hoodie, but now his hood was down and he was only wearing his cap.  And she was met with a pale faced boy, whose sharp features couldn’t be hidden by his cap.    But his face wasn’t the important thing here, the thing she was focusing on was why was he here.

“You!” She exclaimed.  “What are you doing here?  Did you follow me here?”

She moved away from him. 

Surprised by her accusations, he held up his hands in front of him, as if to represent he wasn’t carrying anything harmful.

“Woah woah. I’m a trainee here as well….  I just happened to bump into you again.”  He looked slightly cross that he was being misunderstood.

Slightly relieved, Jieun let her guard abit, but she was still suspicious.

Noting her suspicious face, he sat down carefreely on the ground in the back corner of the room anyway. “Well whether you believe me or not, its up to you.  I’m gonna sleeping here for a bit.  You can ignore me and continue your practice.”

He then took his hoodie off and folded into something he could use as a pillow and rested his head on it.

She sighed, too sleepy and exhausted to continue talking to this weird kid.  She turned the music on again and continued practising.

But before long, she had another unexpected visitor. 

He came into the room, yelling, “Yah! Sehun! Your mum keeps calling me, can you go back home now?” 

The person who just entered turned to see Jieun in the room as well and saw that she was practising.  Well it was kind of obvious from the music .  From the reflection in the mirror, Jieun saw that it was Jongin.  Trying to ignore his stares, she continued practising, but kept getting stumped on the same section again.

The pale-faced boy, Sehun as Jongin had called him, suddenly had sat up and also paid attention to her.   He then bluntly remarked to Jongin, “She’s quite bad...” 

Jieun paid no attention to him and continued practising.  Jongin after observing her for a while before he came up to her and asked, “Want some help?” 

She looked him with doubt so he assured her, “I’m not making fun of you.  I just want to help.” 

He looked at her with a very sincere and earnest expression.  It was the type of expression, Jieun couldn’t understand.  She was confused by his kindness.  It made her want to ask him the countless questions running through her head. 

But this moment, she ignored them and thought about his offer.  Since he was from the advanced dancing class, she assumed he must be pretty good at dancing, though she had never seen him dance herself.  She was desperate for help though, the thought of evaluation always stuck in her head.  She turned the music off for the moment and handed him her phone and quickly pressed play on the video for him to see the dance moves.

“This is the routine I need to learn.” Jieun said.

He looked at her impressed.  “This will definitely be helpful.”

But she didn’t know if she should that as compliment or an insult to the fact he couldn’t follow her own dancing. 

“You’re stuck here, am I right?”  He paused the video and rewind to the few seconds to the section where Jieun couldn’t properly execute through dance steps.

“Yeah.  I cannot get that part right at all.”

Jongin looked through the video a few more times before giving her phone back to her and said, “I think I’ve got most of it down.  I’ll dance it once through for you first.  If some of it is a bit off, tell me.”

He went over to the CD player and pressed play.  Jongin then began dancing.

And this when Jieun realised she had completely underestimated him. 

She thought he was going to be good, she didn’t know he was going to be this good.  Despite it being the first time, he danced to the routine with seemingly good familiarity; his moves sharp and sleek.  Jieun looked at him in complete awe.  He made the dance routine feel alive.  Even though Jieun herself had seen the dance steps many many times in her class, his interpretation of it was on a whole different level. 


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