What is Love?

Passing These 365 Days

By this time next year, I wonder what I will be like...What you will be like...


"Tao Tao Tao! Huang Zitao!" Tao was shook from his sleep by the pain of Laoshi jumping on his stomach.

"What...what the hell." he said groggily.

"You're late!"

"Huh what?"

"You were suppose to meet Kris outside, half an hour ago!"

"What?! ! Why didn't you wake me?" he tore out of bed and stumbled towards the window to see if Kris was waiting outside. He wasn't.

"I did wake you! You told me you were getting up!" Tao ran around the room trying to get ready at the speed of light.

"Did he just leave? No he wouldn't, he would at least knock!" he grabbed his bag, and checked his phone as he ran down the stairs. No new messages.

"Oh good morning Tao." Tao stood in the kitchen, frozen. Kris was there preparing breakfast with his mother dressed as a maid.

"K-Kris? Mom? What's going on here?"

"Oh Tao dear, Kris came half an hour ago, and I told him you were asleep so he decided to help me prepare breakfast for you." she said cheerfully.

Laoshi trotted down the stairs, keys jangling in . "Good Tao, you're still here! You forgot your-" Laoshi dropped the keys at the same sight that shocked Tao. "Well what is going on here?"

"Breakfast." Kris smiled. "I've even prepared a tiny plate for you."

Kris and Cayin placed the dishes on the table while Tao and Laoshi sat down. Cayin glanced at her watch, "Oh my gosh, I'm going to be late for my doctor's appointment. Just leave the dishes in the sink when you're done, I'll wash them later." she quickly waved to her son before leaving.

"You really helped cook this?" Tao asked looking at the good food, that seemed even a little too good for his mother's cooking.

"Yup. I'm not really the best at cooking, but your mother helped me a lot." he said putting his hands on his hips.

Tao giggled, "I can't cook at al either, so don't feel bad."

Kris smiled before taking his seat at the table. They began to serve themselves, and Tao helped put food on Laoshi's plate. "Sorry for being late, I overslept."

"It's okay, really. I was actually planning to stop by anyway."

"Huh, why?"

"No reason really. I just felt like coming over, and I've never been in your house before. It's nice."

"Thanks, and this food is really good."

"Yeah it is, your mom is a great cook. She even made my cooking look good." Kris sighed.

"Oh cmon you can't be that bad of a cook."

"Ha, I wish. I'm a horrible cook."

"That reminds me, what did you want to eat?"

"Huh?" Kris looked confused. "Oh the list! Hmm, well I don't know really. Just something that tastes really good."

"Oh...Well what do you want to do today?"

"I don't know really, do you mind if we stay here then?"

"No I don't mind at all, we could just go up to my room for now." They put their plates away and headed up the stairs. "Thanks for making me breakfast..." Tao blushed.

"Oh? It was no problem, really. Especially since I didn't do much."

Tao led Kris to his room, Laoshi following them. "Well here it is."

"Nice room." Kris said looking around. "Heh, you really can jump from balcony to balcony." he moved to the book shelf. "Oh you like these books too? I didn't know that you read them."

"Well yeah, I know that most teenagers don't read them but I find them interesting."

"Me too." Kris pulled a large album off the shelf. "A photo album?" he smiled.

"Oh! Yeah, you can look if you want..." he replied a little nervously. Laoshi snickered in the side.

Kris flipped through the album. "Awww. You were cute as a little boy, and Laoshi was cute as a little cub too."

"I still am!" she said.

"You have a lot of family pictures..." he said flipping through page after page. "Nice..."

"Yeah, my mom likes to take a lot of pictures. Especially when she's all dressed up."

"You have a nice mom." Kris said sadly.

"Did something happen to your mom?" Tao asked cautiously.

"She died when I was really young. I doesn't really matter right now though."

"Oh." He'll be with his mother soon... "Do you miss her?"

"Yeah. She was really nice, she didn't deserve to die so young. Nobody does."

Tao reached over and grabbed Kris's hand, he didn't flinch. "Do you want to go somewhere?"

"Yeah, we could go shopping or something." he replied placing the album back on the shelf.

The three of them decided to go to a mall, which was crawling with teenagers. "Look Kris! Isn't that stuffed animal cute?"

"Yes it is, it's very cute." he smiled. Tao pressed his nose to the window in a cute way, that warmed Kris's heart. He reached over and grabbed Tao's hand. Tao was startled, looking down at his hand. Kris was smiling, looking into the window.


"Oh sorry, I just really wanted to hold your hand." Kris let go.

"No, it's okay. You can keep on holding it." Tao reached out his hand, and Kris grabbed in once again.

The two walked hand in hand, as Laoshi peaked out of Tao's bag suspiciously. Is it possible for love to be just like in dramas? And between two guys?

People began to stare a little, but the couple was so caught up in the warmth of each other's hands that they didn't even notice the comments of girls whispering about how two cute guys were holding hands in such a public place. As the past the food court, a girl from their class nearly choked on her food. "Tao? Kris? No way!" she whispered to herself. She quickly brought out her phone and snapped a picture. "No doubt, it's them! Wait until Chanyeol sees this!"

Tao caught sight of a plushie store, and quickly dragged Kris to it. "Oh my gosh! That panda plushie is so adorable."

"It looks like you." Laoshi snickered.

"Well I think it's cute." Kris smiled. "Wait here." he let go of Tao's hand and walked into the store.

"Kris what..." Kris was talking to the lady at the register. She smiled and quickly took the plushie from it's display by the window. Kris paid for it and walked out the store with it. "Here." he smiled.

"You bought it for me?" Tao was flustered.

"Yeah, you wanted it, and you've been so nice to me. Trying to make my last days good ones."

Tao hugged the panda. "It's not just that I'm doing it to make your last days good. It's because I really like you."

"Huh really?"

"Yeah, at first I always thought of you as stuck up, and rude. But you're completely the opposite. You have a kind heart, and you don't take life for granted. I really like that about you."

Kris rejoined his hand with Tao's. "And I always thought of you as a shut in who was a freak for carrying around a stuffed red panda.

"Hey!" Laoshi snapped from the backpack.

"But..." Kris laughed, "you were actually a beautiful boy who had so much to say, and so much to do with someone."

Tao blushed, and he covered his face with the panda. Kris laughed, and they left the mall to go home. "Wow it's so dark already." Kris said as they were almost home, still holding hands. Finally the arrived to the front of their houses.

"Kris, thanks for today. I had a lot of fun."

"I did too." They slowly let go of their hands, and smiled at each other for a second. "Good night."

"G-Good night." Tao stared at the ground, and Kris kissed him on the forehead.

Tao's heart skipped a beat before it began to beat a thousand times a minute. He quickly went back into his house, and rushed up the stairs to his room. Laoshi jumped out of the backpack. "Heh, heh, heh. What was that Tao?"

"N-nothing!" Tao buried his face in the panda Kris hand bought him.

"Please Tao, I've seen enough dramas to know-"

"It's not like that!" 

"The first step to love is denial."

"This is not love!" he quickly snapped back.

"How would you know about love? You've never been in love."

"Well neither have you, and dramas don't count! I've watched a few dramas to know that love is never as perfect as in dramas."

"You never know Tao..."

"I do know! I do know what love is."

"No you don't!"

October 6th:

Love is something that you just know right away right? Love is something that you feel deep inside yourself, that keeps you up at night and makes your heart skip a beat every time you get a text message from someone. Well actually I don't know at all...I'm sure Laoshi is right a little about what love is, but I guess it is a mystery. What is love?

I LOST MY MIND~ Okay I finally finished! ^^ I just realized that already 6 chapters have past! So I need to straighten out this fanfic (or else it's going to be like 100 chapters long before they actually admit their love) But it's all straightened out now yay!

@Bliss_Destiny: Thanks! But kick his gently okay? Wouldn't want to ruin such a nice XD You'll know the present soon! ^^

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Since I no longer update here this fic has been dropped til further notice.


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Chapter 2: I LOVE THIS
Love2Laugh #2
Chapter 15: .....HEEEEEOOOO NAH!!!! AUTHOR-NIM!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL !!! its freakin 2:30am over here i have read freakn non stop with this wonderful piece of art and you had to stop here!!!! You kill me! I swear! Y U do this to me?! I beg ya to update this pwez~update soon and i shall read the crap out of it :D pwez update...I will use Tao's method...-bbuing bbuing-.....Oh yush author-nim update this story >:)
chanyeol, just leave taoris alone, and go find baekhyun :P
your story so interesting :3
waiting for the next :3
and take your time :3
NO~! ok, fine, collect your "creative juices" and be back soon. I love this story... I also feel really weird telling you to collect your juices... orz IMAPERV.
I find this extremly fluffy.
I don't know why though.
Makes me feel all bubbly and tingly inside.