Love Blooms at Night

Passing These 365 Days

"You weren't the first person who I dated, but you were my first love. Nobody can ever know that."

Takano, Sekaiichi Hatsukoi


Laoshi flicked her tail back and forth, "Calm down a little won't you?"

Tao paced around the room, "How the hell can I? Tomorrow is Kris's birthday! We're spending the day together, and I'm so freaking nervous!"

The red panda sighed, "Do you want me to come with you? I'll be like your little chaperone on your little date."

"It is not a date! And I can do this by myself." Tao snapped back.

"Why don't you just get some sleep okay? It's already midnight." she replied glancing at the clock.

"You're right..." Tao sighed, getting ready for bed.


"Tao...Tao..." Kris cooed.

"Kris? What the hell-"

"Shhhh..." Kris said putting his finger to the boy's lips. "Just be quiet for now, okay?"

"Alright Kris...anything for you."

Tao closed his eyes as he felt Kris gently cup his chin, and bring it closer to him. Their lips were about to touch when Kris paused for a second.


"Yes Kris?"

"Tao...Tao...wake up Tao..."


"Tao! Tao! Wake the hell up!"

"Mmm Kris..."

"Tao!" Laoshi yelled jumping onto his stomach.

"Huh what?" he yelped, waking up.

"It's time to wake up." Laoshi replied, annoyed.

"Oh, it's just you. Where's Kris?" Tao said burying his face back into the pillow.

"You were dreaming about Kris? Seriously? Just wake up okay..."


A little while later Tao was up and ready to go, he had showered, and put on the nicest looking casual outfit he could piece together. Standing outside his house, he took a glance up at his room's window, where Laoshi had her paws pressed up against the window, watching with great interest. Tao took a deep breath and walked over to Kris's house. His stomach was full of butterflies.

"K-Kris! Happy birthday!" Tao smiled once Kris had answered the door, "Ready to go?"

Kris responded with a laugh, "Hell yeah! I've been waiting forever! Now what exactly do you have planned?"

"Uhh...well...nothing huge, sorry." Tao said, looking down at his feet.

Kris put an arm around Tao, "That's perfectly fine! Just tell me what you had in mind, okay?"

"Well I was thinking that we could go to Pacific Place, and do some shopping. Then later go out and check out some of the nightlife. Is that okay?" he replied, blushing.

"Yeah! That be great! Let's go."

A train and bus ride later the two were standing inside the gorgeous mall.

"Wow, it sure is a nice mall. Have you ever been here?" Kris asked.

"Only once...I don't really go to places like this." Tao nervously replied, adjusting the straps of his leopard print back pack.

Kris smiled at the other's obvious nervousness. He grabbed his hand, "C'mon, let's go see what this mall has to offer!"

In no time at all, Tao had been submerged into the glamorous stores, his true personality rising to the surface. Everything was so beautiful, he couldn't help but squeal a little when he saw something to his liking, while Kris would simply smile and shake his head.

"Oh Kris look at this bag, isn't it amazing? Oh but this coat! It would look great on you! Try it on please?"

"Kris, Kris look! It's a Gucci store!"

" don't even own any Gucci."

"Said who?" Tao glared back at Kris.

Tao ran around the Gucci store like a little kid in a candy store, running back and forth between purses exclaiming how beautiful and amazing every thing looked, while the sales women laughed at how cute they thought he was.

Kris browsed the selection, he really wanted to get something for Tao, even if it was his birthday. But everything there was way to expensive, he didn't even have that much money in his wallet. Finally his eyes landed on a Gucci wallet, reasonably priced. It was far more expensive than any wallet Kris had ever bought, but it was the cheapest thing in the store, and he had seen Tao's wallet. It was an old one that the other didn't really seem to fancy.

Kris purchased the wallet, and dragged Tao out of the store, who had been too distracted by all the merchandise to even notice Kris's purchase.

"Gucci is wonderful, isn't it?" Tao smiled.

"Yeah. So I bought you this," Kris said handing him the bag, "I know it isn't much but-"

"Oh my god! A Gucci wallet! Kris thank you so much!" Tao jumped up and down, as he quickly transferred all of the contents of his old wallet into the new one.

"You're welcome." Kris smiled.

"Oh...but I didn't get anything for you, and it's your birthday." Tao replied sadly.

Kris pat Tao on the head, "Hey, cheer up! You planned this for me, and to me that means more than anything. Consider this your gift, a gift I whole heartedly accept."

Tao smiled, "Really? Then...thank you."

"Is there anywhere else you'd like to shop?" Kris asked.

"No...but there is this restaurant here. It's a pretty nice restaurant for people like us, I was thinking maybe we could eat dinner there."

"Lead the way then, it is dinner time anyway." Kris said checking his watch.


After being led to a table for two by their waitress, the two quickly jumped into the menus.

"Wow, they have a lot of things here, and all so affordable." Kris said, "Nice restaurant pick."

"Oh it was nothing, I just looked up the restaurants that were here and found this one. Do you know what you want to order?"

Once the food had arrived, the hungry boys dug into their meals. It was delicious and for a few minutes they ate in silence, inhaling as much food as they could at one time.

"It's good!" Tao said, mouth full.

"Tao, you have food all over your mouth." Kris laughed, picking up a napkin and wiping it off of his face.

Tao felt his cheeks redden and he quickly faced his lap, "Ummm, thanks. Is your meal good as well?"

"Yeah! It's very good."


The cold night air bit at their faces. Their tummys were full, and they were ready to go home, but only after paying a quick visit to the place Tao had wanted to take Kris at night. Victoria Peak.


Kris and Tao stood at the top of Victoria Peak, the view was stunning, the water was glistening with the lights reflecting from the buildings, and young couples huddled together for warmth while they took pictures, and whispered romantic things to each other.

"Oh my hands are cold...I knew I should have brought my gloves." Tao muttered.

Kris quickly took off the glove on his right hand, and handed it to Tao.

Tao put it on, "But what am I suppose to do with one glove?" he thought about his still freezing left hand.

Kris smiled and grabbed his bare hand, "Now both of our hands are warm."

Tao's heartbeat shot up, and he hoped that nobody could hear it, because it was beating damn fast.

The two boys stood there, taking in the beautiful sight, the only people there were young teenage couples, probably no older then him and Kris.

Just confess Tao...just tell him how you feel. Be like, Kris I love you. No no no, this is bad, this isn't like one of Laoshi's stupid dramas. I'm a guy, he's a guy, this isn't right. Wait a I gay? No way...I'm gay. Oh my god why didn't I think about this before? Urgh oh well...okay Tao, just take a deep breath and tell him how you feel. It's not like he hates gays or anything, so you have nothing to worry about. Okay, okay, one, two-

"Tao, I love you."

"I'm in love with you! Wait what?"

Kris looked into Tao's eyes, which were equally as shocked, " what?"

"I love you, and by the looks and sounds of it, you love me too."

Tao blushed and made a small nod, "Y-Yes. I love you Kris, and I hope that's okay with you."

Kris smiled, "Tao, why wouldn't I be? So, now will you be my boyfriend?"

He might as well have proposed, because Tao was acting like he did, "Yes! Yes Kris I will!" he blurted out, feeling like I truly was in one of his pet panda's romance dramas.

The two shared a stupid laugh at both of their stupidity and mixed up feelings. Then, Kris gently placed both hands on Tao's cold cheeks, and closed his eyes, leaning forward.

Tao closed his eyes as well, knowing what was about to happen, his heartbeat was beating faster and faster, until his warm lips were greeted by Kris's warm lips.

Tao x Gucci, don't kill me. I've been to Pacific Place, it was nice, I bought stickers there. Thank you for your comments and for subscribing! I hope this chapter pleased many of you, and now I will go to bed. Because I'm pretty damn sure I have a cold.

@Dancemach97: YES. Because it's my fic and I can do unrealistic stuff like this.

@Japanda:  I tried not to make this that heavy in dialogue...but it's still good I hope. :D

@UndergroundMemories: I love it too, I always wonder who's connected to who. XD

@Evilblea: Red rash of fate. >:D

@Blondie: Yeah, I like the ankle much better then the pinky. It just seems more unbreakable, and intertwinable to me. ^^

@jioonful: That's okay. Chanyeol is just like Chanyeol from EXO and Laoshi is a talking red panda that lives with Tao. :)

@minzi_loves: Awwww thank you! I love you too ^^

@MoodyMint-IceCream: Yes anime and manga, how did you knos. -hugs- It's only November, they still have plenty of time. :'D

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Since I no longer update here this fic has been dropped til further notice.


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Chapter 2: I LOVE THIS
Love2Laugh #2
Chapter 15: .....HEEEEEOOOO NAH!!!! AUTHOR-NIM!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL !!! its freakin 2:30am over here i have read freakn non stop with this wonderful piece of art and you had to stop here!!!! You kill me! I swear! Y U do this to me?! I beg ya to update this pwez~update soon and i shall read the crap out of it :D pwez update...I will use Tao's method...-bbuing bbuing-.....Oh yush author-nim update this story >:)
chanyeol, just leave taoris alone, and go find baekhyun :P
your story so interesting :3
waiting for the next :3
and take your time :3
NO~! ok, fine, collect your "creative juices" and be back soon. I love this story... I also feel really weird telling you to collect your juices... orz IMAPERV.
I find this extremly fluffy.
I don't know why though.
Makes me feel all bubbly and tingly inside.