Flee from Love and it Will Follow Thee

Passing These 365 Days

"When I first met you, I never knew I'd fall this much in love."

-Takano, Sekaiichi Hatsukoi


"So please explain to me once more, why you and Kris were rolling on the floor laughing your dear asses off when I got home?" Laoshi asked Tao, trying her best to put on a serious face.

"It's just because we heard something funny okay!"

"Uh huh. And did it have anything to do with the face that Kris's name is written all over this magazine with hearts next to them?" Laoshi said pointing to the "crush quiz" they had taken.

"It was just a joke! We were joking!" Tao blushed.

Laoshi sighed and tapped her paw, "Tao do you have something to tell me?"


"You know Tao, the best way to express you're feelings is to tell someone about them. You like Kris don't you?"

"Of course I like Kris! He's a great friend."

Laoshi rolled her eyes, "Don't play innocent with me. Are you in love with Kris?"


"Tao, don't you lie to me."

"Fine! Yes! I'm a stupid little boy who's in love with Kris!" he yelled blushing.

Laoshi smirked happy with his confession, "See that wasn't so hard was it?"

"So what's it to you? It's not like this is going to get me anywhere in life."

"You're so stupid Tao. Well his birthday is coming up isn't it? Why don't you tell him then! Go and confess!"

"How about no."

"Okay now you're just being stubborn."


Tao opened his front door to see Kris standing there. "Hey Tao! Ready to go?"

"Yeah!" Tao happily replied as he shut the door behind him. "It'll be fun to go visit that park again, and maybe participate in some of the events there. I remember I use to do them all the time!"

Kris laughed, "Yeah me too."

They reached the park, and the sun was already high in the sky, and the weather was very hot. "It's so hot!" Tao said, wishing his shorts were even shorter.

"I agree." Kris replied.

They watched the kids run back and forth, playing field games, like potato sack races, and scavenger hunts.

"Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again." Tao sighed. "Life was so much easier back then, you know?"

Kris nodded, "Yeah. You didn't have to worry about school, homework, drama, and love."

"Love?" Tao asked.

"Yeah, love. Sometimes it can be so stupid. I just wish I could find someone that I loved."

"But I thought you did. What about all those girlfriends you had?"

Kris sighed, "I really hate to say this because it makes me sound like an , but I never loved any of them. I just dated them to get my mind off things. Thinking about it now, I was really mean to mess with those girl's hearts, even if they were just a bunch of filthy ."

"So what exactly are you looking for in a girlfriend?"

"Huh...someone who's kind, sweet, calm and innocent. Someone like you."

Tao turned red, "M-Me?"

"Yeah a girl like you."

"Oh." he replied a little disappointed.

"Hey look! Three legged races! Let's go join!"

Soon Tao found himself tied to the boy he liked with a blue string. They stood at the starting line ready to run across. The bell sounded the beginning of the race and they ran across the overgrown grassy field, laughing as they tripped and fell. When they reached the end Kris brought Tao in a huge hug, making his heart flutter.

"No way! Why is my ankle all itchy?!" Tao said looking down at his red ankle. The sun was setting and Kris and him had decided to spend the rest of the day together after being at the park.

"It looks like poison ivy...woah I have it too!"

"What?! There was poison ivy in that field? Seriously?! I can't believe it!" Tao said shocked, as he scratched at his ankle. "Oh I gotta get home!"

"Tao don't scratch at it. It'll only get worse. C'mon let's head home." Kris grabbed Tao by the hand and they began to walk home, but Tao was too itchy to get excited over it.

"I can't stand this anymore! Why aren't we home yet?!" Tao stomped. "Isn't your's itchy?" Tao asked looking down at Kris's ankle, which looked as red as his own.

"No, it doesn't really bother me actually. And it bothers you a lot?"


Kris smiled and swooped Tao up, holding him bridal style in his arms. "Kris, what the hell are you doing?!"

"We're almost home anyway. This should make it hurt and itch less, okay?" he smiled.

"O-Okay..." Tao tried to hide his embarrassed face, it was all too much for him to take in all in one day.

Kris laughed as he delivered Tao to his front door, where he quickly rushed up the stairs and back into his room.

"Whoa Tao, what's wrong?" Laoshi asked seeing Tao so flustered.

"Kris he-he poison ivy and he-he-"

"Yes? Yes? Spit it out!"

"Stepped in poison ivy and he carried me home in his arms!" he blurted out.

Laoshi started laughing, "So I guess that explains you red ankle?"

"Yeah, Kris's ankle looks just like mine. It's so weird, it's just this red band around my ankle."

"To me it looks like a red ribbon tied around your ankle."

"Huh? Really- Oh Laoshi please don't."

Laoshi nodded her head, "Red string of fate. And it leads right to Kris."

Tao sighed and buried his face in his hands, "I was thinking that too..."

Laoshi smiled, "When two people are destined for each other, there will be a red ribbon tied around their ankles. It was placed there by the gods."

Yes, finally I get somewhere with this fic. Red string of fate guys, red string of fate. You probably know it better as the red string tied around the pinky finger, but the legend I heard it was tied around your ankle, and I like that one better for some reason orz;; Thank you for all your kind comments and for subscribing! <3

@Japanda: Aww thank you! I feel like I'm best at writing dialogue...T-T

@Evilblea: Finally he has admitted it! (/=3=)/

@Bliss_Destiny: Thank you! ^^ I tried to make it cute, but I have like no experience when it comes to these things XD So I got the ideas from all the dramas I watch...

@kuroka: No you're not weird! Thanks! ^^ I hope you like it~ And I will wipe your tears if you do cry :'D

@Blondie: Thank you! If only he and Kris could be this sweet to each other in real life...

@MoodyMint-IceCream: Ahahaha sorry there was no kissing! But the actual romance, can you feel it coming after 12 freakin chapters? :D

@jioonful: Since I said so. :U Yes, Chanyeol and Laoshi are two different people. ^^ Wait how are you confused by that? Just wondering XD


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Since I no longer update here this fic has been dropped til further notice.


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Chapter 2: I LOVE THIS
Love2Laugh #2
Chapter 15: .....HEEEEEOOOO NAH!!!! AUTHOR-NIM!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL !!! its freakin 2:30am over here i have read freakn non stop with this wonderful piece of art and you had to stop here!!!! You kill me! I swear! Y U do this to me?! I beg ya to update this pwez~update soon and i shall read the crap out of it :D pwez update...I will use Tao's method...-bbuing bbuing-.....Oh yush author-nim update this story >:)
chanyeol, just leave taoris alone, and go find baekhyun :P
your story so interesting :3
waiting for the next :3
and take your time :3
NO~! ok, fine, collect your "creative juices" and be back soon. I love this story... I also feel really weird telling you to collect your juices... orz IMAPERV.
I find this extremly fluffy.
I don't know why though.
Makes me feel all bubbly and tingly inside.