Fall Easily and You Will Fall Hard

Passing These 365 Days

"I won't let him steal you from me...I'll save you, and then you will love me."


"Really? His dad?!" Tao explained to Chanyeol what had happened after he left. "I never knew..."

"I seriously thought he was a girl!" Tao laughed.

"I can't believe it. I've known Kris since we were babies but I never knew his dad cross dressed."

"I guess that is why my mom likes to go out with him so much."


"Oh my mom likes to dress up. Not as a man though, like as cute things like maids and stuff."

"That is kinda weird."

"There you are Tao!" Kris was running up to school hallway. Seeing Chanyeol he froze, "What are you doing with Chanyeol?"

"Oh well we were just talking." Chanyeol replied.

Kris grabbed Tao's arm and dragged him away, "Lets go Tao."

"Kris whats wrong?" Tao asked

"It's nothing. I just wanted to talk to you." he brought Tao to their usual spot behind the cafeteria, Laoshi jumped out from Tao's bag.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Here." Kris handed him his list of things he wanted to do before he died. Under number two it said: 3. Eat the best tasting food in the world

"Eat the best tasting food in the world? That seems really hard."

"Well the best tasting to me."

"Then what have you always wanted to eat?"

"I don't know."

"Hey Kris, you've known Chanyeol since you were kids right?"

"Hm? That is right."

"Then does he know about your condition?"

"No he doesn't. I feel like he shouldn't."

"Because you don't want to make him worry?"

"Yes and no. It's just, I feel like he just shouldn't know okay?"


"Hey Tao, Kris, want to hang out after school? We could go out to eat or something." Chanyeol brought up.

"Sure." they both replied.

When school was out for the day the trio (plus Laoshi) headed down to a cafe near the school, which was already bustling with students. After ordering and receiving their drinks they found a empty table and snatched up immediately. A few minutes later, Kris got up to use the bathroom.

"So Tao you consider me as your friend right? Cause I consider you my friend and I just wanted to clear that up." Chanyeol said

"Oh yeah I consider you as my friend." he smiled back

A gay couple snuggled behind them.

"Hey isn't that Luhan? Doesn't he go to our school?" Tao asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah and thats his boyfriend, Sehun. They get along pretty well if I do say so myself. He goes to a different school."

"Oh. They're cute together."

"Yes they are. Speaking of that, now that you're my friend this seems like a good time to tell you that I'm gay." Chanyeol replied.

"Oh really? Thats fine with me."

"Yeah, but only my family and Kris know so don't go spreading it around okay?"

"Don't worry I won't."

"What about you Tao? Any girl you like?"

"No, nobody really. I've actually never been in love."

"Really never? Dude you're like what? 17? Nobody ever caught your eye?"

"Yeah, nobody really ever caught my eye..." Well there was Kris, I don't know but I feel something special with him. Friendship? More then that?

"Aww don't worry. I'm sure that special person will come around soon." Chanyeol said reaching over to pat Tao's back

Kris returned to see Chaneyol patting an upset Tao's back. "Woah what happened here?"

"Oh nothing Kris. Tao just told me that he's never been in love! Sad huh?"

Kris raised an eyebrow. "Oh please Chanyeol. Like you've ever actually been in love."

"Hey! I'll have you know that I have in love with plenty of great guys! They just never loved me back..."

"Pathetic." Kris scoffed.

"Well I'm in love with someone right now!" he replied proudly.

"Oh really? Who is it this time? The guy who made our drinks ten minutes ago?"

"Geez Kris no! I don't fall in love that easily."

"Actually Chanyeol you do." Kris said rolling his eyes.


"Tao I'm tired." Laoshi whispered from Tao's backpack.

"Then take a nap. We'll be home soon, we're walking to the train station." Soon Tao felt Laoshi settle into his pack for a nap.

"The train should be here in ten minutes." Chanyeol said.

"Excuse me but do you know how to get to this restaurant?" A blonde haired foreigner asked the trio.

"Uhh Kris?" Chanyeol nudged his English speaking friend.

"Oh yes! Here I'll help you." Kris said ushering the foreigner out of the station. "I'll be right back."

"No rush." Tao replied back. "Wow, I didn't know Kris spoke English."

"He speaks Korean, and Cantonese too. I used to help him with his Korean." Chanyeol replied back, almost forcing out the words.

"Kris sure is amazing. I truly admire him." Tao said dreamily.

Chanyeol had a glare of anger on his eyes. He glanced around the station, it was practically empty, and those who were there wouldn't even flash a glance at the two boys. It was as if they were all alone. When Chanyeol realized nobody was watching them he grabbed Tao's arm and pulled him into a kiss. He forced his tounge into the unsuspecting boy's mouth while Tao stood there wide eyed. He held them together until Tao was begging for breath. Chanyeol parted their lips a few centimeters apart, his eyes bore into Tao's shocked eyes.

"I'm sorry but I fall in love too easily."

This chapter was suppose to be up on Saturday, but I was literally out all day so I couldn't get it up, and then yesterday I was so tired for being out all day that I couldn't get it up either, but it's up now! Thank you to any new subscribers and please feel free to review (I love getting reviews) Also don't hesistate to point out any mistakes/typos I made (I proofread but I might have missed something)

I'll reply to all of the reviews here ^^

@exobabe: Thank you! I tried to make them cute XD

@Bliss_Destiny: Thank you for the lovely review! I like to make my fics realistic but I felt like I kinda blew it with the talking red panda ;;>.> But thank you!

@emo_bear: Thanks! Did I make it really sad? D:

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Since I no longer update here this fic has been dropped til further notice.


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Chapter 2: I LOVE THIS
Love2Laugh #2
Chapter 15: .....HEEEEEOOOO NAH!!!! AUTHOR-NIM!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL !!! its freakin 2:30am over here i have read freakn non stop with this wonderful piece of art and you had to stop here!!!! You kill me! I swear! Y U do this to me?! I beg ya to update this pwez~update soon and i shall read the crap out of it :D pwez update...I will use Tao's method...-bbuing bbuing-.....Oh yush author-nim update this story >:)
chanyeol, just leave taoris alone, and go find baekhyun :P
your story so interesting :3
waiting for the next :3
and take your time :3
NO~! ok, fine, collect your "creative juices" and be back soon. I love this story... I also feel really weird telling you to collect your juices... orz IMAPERV.
I find this extremly fluffy.
I don't know why though.
Makes me feel all bubbly and tingly inside.