With a Dash of Rum

Passing These 365 Days

If I can just forget about it, it will disappear in my own reflection.


"Laoshi! Hurry up please!" Cayin called from the kitchen.

Laoshi trotted up to Laoshi with a small bag in , Cayin took it from her and patted the panda's head. "Thank you Laoshi, now I can complete this dish with the oranges you picked from the neighbor's tree!" she smiled

"But mom, isn't that wrong?" Tao asked sitting at the dining table.

"Oh of course not! These oranges were hanging outside the fence anyway." she said inspecting each fruit, "Good picking Laoshi."

Tao lay his head on the table and groaned, "What's wrong Tao?" Laoshi asked.

"Nothing, it's just Kris and Chanyeol have been driving me crazy all week!"

"Really? Why?"

"I have no idea, ever since that day Chanyeol came over last week everything has been upside down. I mean, not like in a bad way. It's just Chanyeol suddenly hung around Kris and I all the time and Kris seemes out of it too. He doesn't really like it when Chanyeol is with us. The only time he's not around is when me and Kris eat lunch behind the cafeteria."

"I never noticed." Laoshi said trying to think of the events that had happened that week. "Why do you think that?"

"Don't know, maybe Chanyeol is trying to show friendship?"

"Maybe he's just trying to get you to like him back."

Tao groaned again at the idea, rolling his face onto the table. The house phone rang and Cayin quickly answered it. "Hello? Oh sweetie hi! Huh? Really? But there will be so much left over food then! And you know this food can't last another day. Yeah I know you're job. No, no it's fine, you can't help it. Okay see you later tonight dear. Love you." she hung up the phone.

"What did dad want?" Tao asked.

"He can't be home for dinner! The office is making him work extra hours. Can you believe that?! And this great meal will go to waste."

"Why don't you invite some friends over?" Laoshi suggested.

"Ah! That's a great idea. Hey, Tao why don't you go next door and ask Kris and Yixing if they'd like to come over for dinner. It's still early so they shouldn't have eaten yet."

"Okay..." Tao said tiredly, picking himself off of the table and out the door, Laoshi trotting behind him.

Tao was exhausted and as he knocked on the door of Kris's house he didn't know really what to expect. After all, he was inviting him over for dinner. His mind sprung to life for a second at the thought. Kris over for dinner? Isn't that like a date? Wait, no! His dad will be there too and it's just having a friend over. Happens all the time. Geez Tao you need to get your mind straight.

"Tao? What brings you here today?" Kris asked opening the door, interupting Tao's triain of thought.

"Oh Kris! Umm, well my mom cooked this really good, big meal but my dad can't come home for dinner so we were wondering if you and your dad would like to come over for dinner."

"Really?" Kris grinned. "That would be great! Let me get my dad!"

Kris returned a minute later with a man. Tao gawked at the similar face, it was the first time he had seen Yixing dressed as a man instead of a woman.


"Thank you for having us over." Yixing said as Cayin put the dish on the table.

"Oh it was nothing really! This meal goes bad after just one day and I would hate to see my hardwork be wasted."

They all began to eat and Kris smiled, "Mrs. Huang your cooking is truly amazing!"

"I agree, Cayin I don't know how you cook this well. You're family is very lucky to eat your cooking everyday!"

Caying blushed, "Oh why thank you! And you're welcome anytime. I always make too much food anyway."

"It's true." Tao replied sipping his drink.

Since somebody who didn't know about Laoshi being real was present, she had to eat in Tao's room. Finishing quickly, she snuck down the stairs to spy on the dinner party. Tao and Kris were sitting across from each other, while Cayin and Yixing did the same on the opposite end. They were laughing and smiling, but Kris and Tao ate in silence, not even making eye contact.

"Tao, is something wrong?" his mother asked.

"Huh?" Tao replied, looking up from his food.

"You've just seen so tired lately, and not yourself. Is anything the matter?"

"No, nothing." he said chewing.

"Well okay then." Cayin said concerned, not wanting to get into personal matters with company over.

Kris looked concerned as well, he stopped eating, "You haven't been feeling well Tao?"

"Well, a little. But it's nothing really." Tao couldn't lie to Kris that well.

Kris could see right through him, like numerous other times, but like Cayin he didn't want to bring this up at such a cheeful occasion.

Once the meal was over, Cayin brought out the desert she had prepared. It was a sponge cake filled with fruits and whipped cream, just like in all the other bakeries, except her's was better.

"Wow! Mrs. Huang you made this?" Kris said astonished, it looked like something that had popped out of a bakery.

Cayin nodded as she cut a slice for everyone. "Enjoy!" she smiled before taking a bite.

The room was filled with "Mmmms" and "This is great!" But there were none from Tao. He store at the perfect slice of cake. His favorite cake for that matter, and his mind exploded with all the thoughts he had been thinking throughout the day. The confusion over Chanyeol, the exhaustion of having to keep up with Kris who seemed to suddenly be annoyed with everything his best friend did, and the overall stress of Chanyeol and Kris butting heads every ten minutes. It just made him want to scream.

He took his fork, raised it high into the air and stabbed it straight into the cake.

"Tao? What's wrong dear?" Cayin quickly asked. But Tao said nothing, and instead stood up, and walked up the stairs to his room.

He even ignored the whispers from Laoshi asking what was wrong as he walked up the stairs. Tao plopped onto his bed and store at the ceiling, closing his eyes, he tried to rest his mind. A cool breeze came in through the open window, and for what seemed like an hour, Tao just lay there, trying to calm down and understand what was happening.

"Tao?" Kris asked, he was standing in his room, having gotten there via the balcony.

"Kris!" Tao said sitting up.

"Okay tell me, what's up with you?" he asked sitting next to Tao on the bed.

"Nothing really."

"Tao, you know you can't lie to me." he said looking him in the eyes.

"Okay fine! It's just that you and Chanyeol have been arguing, around me all week, and you act so different around Chanyeol now, and Chanyeol just clings to us all the time and I don't know what's going on and I don't like it!" he poured out everything on his mind and buried his face in his hands.

"There, there Tao. I'm sorry I made you feel bad, I didn't know I was acting like that. I'll improve okay?" Kris said rubbing the boy's back.

"Really?" Tao asked.

"Really. I promise okay?" Kris smiled.

Tao couldn't help but smile back, "Okay Kris. I believe you."

As they talked the light quickly faded to darkness, on October 12th.


For some reason the button the insert a horizontal line has disapeared for me. >:U Anyway, have your parents ever picked fruit off a stranger's tree because it was hanging over the fence? Cause mine have...a lot. I reached 30 subscribers! Hazzah! Thank you so much for subscribing and all your kind comments. I appretiate it a lot.

And because I have no shame in advertising myself..I wrote a new Taoris/Baekyeol/Sulay/Xiuchen/Kaisoo/Hunhan fic, and it would be great if you'd check it out (because I'm pouring my heart and soul into that fic, like all my other's of course) It's an action romance. So if it appeals to you, you should go check it out! ^^



@Bliss_Destiny: Sadly, yes. I know a lot of people who fall in love after literally knowing the damn person for five minutes. ;;>.> Ha ha but I guess it's good if it's someone like Chanyeol...

@MoodyMint-IceCream: HONG KONG BUDDIES -hug- Thank you! He he...I'm actually a natural er myself. One time my best friend was slow dancing with my other guy friend, and let's just say...I kinda ran through them yelling ! And of course I did that numerous times, because...WHAT IF SHE GETS PREGNANT?! XD I don't really want to give anything away, but yes, there will definently be some big tension between Kris and Yeolie :3

@Evilblea: Ahahaha yes! But the question is: What did he say? Oh wait I already know...

@Shanqueen: Aww thank you so much! TwT





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Since I no longer update here this fic has been dropped til further notice.


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Chapter 2: I LOVE THIS
Love2Laugh #2
Chapter 15: .....HEEEEEOOOO NAH!!!! AUTHOR-NIM!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL !!! its freakin 2:30am over here i have read freakn non stop with this wonderful piece of art and you had to stop here!!!! You kill me! I swear! Y U do this to me?! I beg ya to update this pwez~update soon and i shall read the crap out of it :D pwez update...I will use Tao's method...-bbuing bbuing-.....Oh yush author-nim update this story >:)
chanyeol, just leave taoris alone, and go find baekhyun :P
your story so interesting :3
waiting for the next :3
and take your time :3
NO~! ok, fine, collect your "creative juices" and be back soon. I love this story... I also feel really weird telling you to collect your juices... orz IMAPERV.
I find this extremly fluffy.
I don't know why though.
Makes me feel all bubbly and tingly inside.