
Passing These 365 Days

"Actually I really like you." I can't bring myself to say it out loud. I don't want to do something insensible and then get hated by you.

-Gumi, My Unrequited Feelings for You


"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." Tao panted as he quickly shut his bedroom door.

"Tao? Tao what's wrong?!" Laoshi quickly jumped from the desk to Tao's feet.


"You, you, you?!"

"Confessed!" Tao slid down the door and buried his head in his hands.

"What happened? What did he say?"

"He...confessed back."

"What, really?" Laoshi was utterly shocked.

"Yeah...and we kissed."

Laoshi looked like she was about to pass out on the spot, she could hardly believe what she was hearing. So they loved each other? So they were dating?! What did this mean?!

"Tell me exactly what happened."

"Well after shopping and dinner, I took him up to Victoria Peak and well, I knew I really wanted to tell him how I felt and he told me he loved me first, but I pretty much vomited out my confession a millisecond later because I didn't know he would say that! It was just...surprising."

"Just like a drama..."

"Would you stop bringing your dramas into stuff like this?" Tao huffed.

"Well it is, you know!" she quickly replied, "It's times like this that real life copies dramas!"

Tao shook his head and sighed, "So what do I do now?"

"Well he's your boyfriend now, so you guys well act like a couple. Wait not act, you are a couple. So it should be natural right?"

"That's the thing! I don't know how to act like a couple."

"And that is where I have your back! I'll help you!" Laoshi said enthusiastically. "I know how cute couples are suppose to act!"

"Laoshi, I need real advice. None of your crap dramas, alright? Kris has been in tons of relationships, he probably knows just what to do, while I'll just be all awkward around him and embarrass him." he sighed once more.

"Don't worry, Tao. I'm sure that whatever happens, you'll know just what to do! It's like a common instinct you gain when you go into a relationship."

"How would you know that?"

"I've observed many new couples, Tao. They just seem so natural, so perfect. It really is like a common instinct, and that's why I have come to the conclusion that it is something that just comes naturally once in a relationship."

"A natural instinct you mean? Well I don't know, it seems pretty far fetched."

"Trust me! In no time you'll be just like a couple that's been together for years. So when's the first date?"

"We haven't really discussed that yet, we were still caught up in the confession moment, I think Kris was pretty into it up until we got to my house. Then he just kissed my cheek and said goodbye."

"Wait a're gay? I just realized that!"

"What? I am? Oh my god, I'm gay!" Tao exclaimed, shocked himself.

"Okay, okay, now that that is over let's re focus alright? You need to call your boyfriend and arrange a date!" she said forcefully, "Gotta dial that number! He is now your's and your's only, do you hear me? You have to take charge!"

"Y-Yes, I'll take charge! But I do have one little worry..."

"What is that?"

Tao rubbed his arm, "School is going to be very awkward."


The entire school nearly blew up when the happy couple walked into school. Tao had been clinging to Kris's arm the whole walk over and now right into the school, Kris had a smirk on his face, he enjoyed the warmth from Tao's body and the feeling of his arm.

"What, what is going on here?" Melanie asked approaching the two.

"Oh, we're dating!" Kris replied triumphantly.

"You're what?!"

"Dating, we love each other and we are dating." Kris replied once again, calmly.

Melanie whipped out her cellphone and frantically sorted through it until she found the photo of them at the mall, holding hands, "Then this!" she said showing them the picture, "Is a sign of affection?"

"Oh what is this?" Tao asked peering into the small cellphone photo, "It's, oh my god! It's us, that day at the mall!"

"Why do you have this picture?" Kris asked curiously, getting a better look at it.

"Doesn't matter! So you two were holding hands as a couple?"

"Well actually we weren't dating yet in that photo." Kris said.

"Then when did you two start?"

"Oh only a few days ago, on my birthday! The sixth!"

"But that was only two days ago!" Melanie replied, voice shaking.

"Yeah, so what?"

"No-nothing! Gotta go!" and she dashed off back down the hall.

Tao let go of Kris's arm, "What was that for, Kris?"

"I have no idea, she's probably off to go tell the whole school that we are dating...and gay."

"Is that a bad thing or a good thing?" Tao asked, seriously not sure.

"Most likely both."

Upon reaching their classroom, they were greeted by silence and the murmurs of the other students, all staring right at them. A few girls were smiling and giggling at them, others gave them cold looks, but all in all it just wasn't a great place to be in, Tao was actually relieved when Chanyeol hurried up to them.

"So is it true? The rumors of you two dating?" he asked.

"Well of course it's true, why wouldn't it be?" Kris calmly replied.

"So you two are i-in love?" he pointed to both of them.

"Well, duh."

Chanyeol rubbed his eyes and focused his attention on Tao, "Who confessed first?"

"I did." Kris replied, "Well we kinda confess at the same time. I believe Tao was about to confess when I butted in and confessed at the same time as him. He looked really surprised."

"I was! I didn't know you would confess to me like that." Tao said.

"Nonetheless, I still love him." Kris smiled, thowing an arm over his lover. "Chanyeol what's wrong?"

Chanyeol flashed a huge smile, "Nothing, nothing at all!"

But with ever so true rumors spreading around a school as fast as a wildfire, nothing is good at all. Not one thing.

Finally updated this story...VICTORY SCREECH AHHHLOLOLOLOLOLOLO~ I hope you guys didn't forget about me. T-T I'll upate much more now! Writing this chapter made me remember how much I loved writing this fic! So thank you for all your love and support and...40 subscribers! -hugs- I just love all of you so much, even if the number is miniscule compared to my other fics, I am still just so happy. Because all 40 of you (that's a lot) read my writing, and you enjoy it enough to want to continue. So thank you.

@Japanda: I updated, yes! ^^ Yeah it will be very very sad. -creys-

@Dancemach97: Yes, it's very cute! Well I thought it was cute. >w

@Bliss_Destiny: You're reading one of my fanfics, there are no happy endings. 8D I'm glad you liked it though!

@MoodyMint-IceCream: The ending...hmmm...seems so far away....-looks up nostalgically- Maybe the shall come, maybe it shalt not. Yeah it's coming.

@minzi_loves: Awww like a little fangirl? I just love those moments! You feel all warm and fuzzy and it's just, well you just can't. XD Yes Tao x Gucci, I will go down with this ship.

@Evilblea: Nah, luckily it wasn't a dream, BUT IT WAS LIKE A DREAM~ And now let the actual romance in this romance fic begin.

@Elf_Of_SPARKLYU: OMO I CAN'T. JUST LET ME. -hugs- There. I'm so happy you like my fic. :'D

@sujuismylife: Yes it is set in Hong Kong! Because it's the place I'm most familiar with orz;;. I'm very happy you like it!

@Lemonadismdrew: DRAMA IS HERE GURL. Well not in this chapter, but like more drama soon. Like next chapter, yes. Ahahaha I read/watched/listened to Junjou Romantica! Same with Sekaiichi, but I like Sekaiichi better. Please don't hurt meh. ;--; I've pretty much read all of Nakamura's works. But my favorite of her's by far has to be Hybrid Child. I cried all over the place man.

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Since I no longer update here this fic has been dropped til further notice.


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Chapter 2: I LOVE THIS
Love2Laugh #2
Chapter 15: .....HEEEEEOOOO NAH!!!! AUTHOR-NIM!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL !!! its freakin 2:30am over here i have read freakn non stop with this wonderful piece of art and you had to stop here!!!! You kill me! I swear! Y U do this to me?! I beg ya to update this pwez~update soon and i shall read the crap out of it :D pwez update...I will use Tao's method...-bbuing bbuing-.....Oh yush author-nim update this story >:)
chanyeol, just leave taoris alone, and go find baekhyun :P
your story so interesting :3
waiting for the next :3
and take your time :3
NO~! ok, fine, collect your "creative juices" and be back soon. I love this story... I also feel really weird telling you to collect your juices... orz IMAPERV.
I find this extremly fluffy.
I don't know why though.
Makes me feel all bubbly and tingly inside.