Mirror, Mirror

The Haunted Mansion
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BACK! ^^;;; Sorry it took so long XD but I did say I wouldn't be able to update fast right? ^^;;; Been hella busy and-- well enough of the talking, let's get on with this! *w*








"So... You can like, make potions or something?" Tao curiously asked Tiffany. It was as if he was more interested in the fact that he was face to face with a supernatural, rather than fixing the problem you and your friends were facing. This in turn earned him a few rolling eyes. You couldn't blame him, though. For you, any form of knowledge presented itself as food for your thoughts.

Apparently, the witch was rather bewildered by the random question thrown to her by the young boy. She has never encountered anyone who was plainly just curious with what she does for a living (for centuries, may I just say).

A smile found its way to the witch's lips. It was the first time in her life where she didn't feel the need to hide.

"Potions. Cast spells. Basically what you already know about witches." She calmly replied. Tao nodded with a serious face, signaling the witch to go on. Tao wasn't exactly the best with asking follow-up questions, so this was what he did whenever he wanted to know more. The others decided to lend an ear as they figured there wasn't anything dangerous with where the conversation was heading.

"Potions can be done with almost anything that can be mixed with liquid. It depends on the elements contained in each ingredient. To put it simply, it's not very different from putting together the right ingredients for a specific type of dish." The witch stated.

"So it's like, when you want to make a potion that can do a specific effect, its ingredients would be different from a potion that should do something else, is that correct?" Kris asked, joining in with a growing interest in the topic.

"Precisely." The witch answered. "However, Any type of potion will never be effective without a spell. Therefore, no matter how powerful a potion is, it is useless unless it is blessed by a spell."

"A spell casted by a witch?" Lay asked.

"No." The witch answered, to your surprise. "Anyone can cast a spell on a potion."

"That's like saying anyone can be a witch." You pointed out.

"Yes, and no." the witch continued. "The only difference with witches and normal human beings is that we have more psychic energy within ourselves for us to be able to cast spells."

"But you said anyone can cast spells." Suho throwed in. You found it amusing how all of you who remained in your house gathered to listen to the witch talk.


"That is right. However, it takes a certain amount of energy to cast spells. For every spell that's casted, energy is used. For spells with minimal effects, the energy used by one person can be regained in no time. But for powerful spells, they'd take away years of your life."


"And this would explain why you were supposed to be dead when you tried to save Josephine years ago. You were transfering all the energy you had to her." Lay concluded, to which Tiffany nodded to.


Sehun kept quiet in the background. Although the boy seemed pleasant, he shared a distinctive trait with his brother Luhan. And that is to never trust an outsider completely. He took every word that came off with a grain of salt, questioning every now and then if he should put his trust on her completely. It wasn't that he despised the witch. It was simply because Sehun always chose to reserve judgement until he hears all sides of a story.

"Another thing that illustrates how powerful spells are is that, they can be casted with or without potions. They can be casted on anything tangible." The witch pointed out. "The caster of the spell simply just has to focus all of his energy on a specific element, and chant the right spell."

"Cool." Tao's eyes sparkled as he stared at the witch. Suddenly, an idea popped in his head. He stood up, took TIffany's hand and almost dragged her to the kitchen to everyone's surprise. Alarmed, all of you called out to him as you ran to the kitchen to follow.

Tao let go of the witch's hand the moment they reached the kitchen. "What the heck are you doing?" Chanyeol nagged at Tao, but the younger boy simply ignored and continued asking the witch questions.

"Okay." He started like an excited puppy. "What ingredients here in the kitchen is possible to use for a harmless spell?"

"Okay that's enough." Chanyeol said, getting to Tao and pulling on his arm sternly. "I think we're done here." Tao failed to realize that it was a dangerous idea to explore the witch's capabilities.

"If she wanted to harm us, she would be able to cast spells on us without potions, and she would've done it long before we had this conversation!" Tao argued, displaying his complete trust on the witch.

The witch lowered her head as she checked on her waist subtly as if she was searching for something. Goosebumps trailed down your spine as you figured she must've been offended by the sudden doubt you and your friends exhibited towards her.

Little did you know that the witch was up to something. A plan.

"Are you okay?" Lay asked, attempting to touch her shoulder, but withdrew at the last moment. The witch lifted her head.

"Would you happen to have a full length mirror?"




After the full length mirror was set up in the middle of your living room, the witch handed you something. To your surprise, it was Chen's phone.

"How did you get this?" You asked her

"I got it earlier." She answered. "It doesn't matter how, we need it with this spell."

"What are you planning to do?" you continued to ask.

"With this mirror, we can get to the mansion and try our luck to help. Focus your attention on the owner of that phone." She instructed.

"Chen? Why him?"

"You will know when the time comes. All I can say for now is that I know for sure that your friend is in danger. We have no time to lose."


"Wait, hold up." Sehun said, finally having enough of the witch's tactics. "This is stupid! How are we sure you're not up to something?"


"We don't have the time for this! Your friend is in danger! Now, I want you to--"

"Whoa-- ok lady, you don't get to order me around." He retorted. "If Chen's really in danger as you say, then I will help him out IN PERSON." Sehun strode to the living room and grabbed his coat. "You're all free to come with me and help out, otherwise don't even think of doing something as dangerous and as stupid as this." Sehun demanded coldly before he proceeded to your front door.


Without a word, Chanyeol and Kris followed the youngest of your team.

Only you, Suho, Tao and Lay were left with the witch. There was a brief moment of silence before the witch decided to speak again.

"If you want to save your friends, we have to start immediately. Gather around the mirror, we don't have time to lose." All of you did as she ordered.

"Minnie, you step forward, infront of the mirror. We will be communicating with your friend through this mirror. You will be the one who does the talking."

"What?" You asked lifting your head. "Why me? I thought you were supposed to--"


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The HAunted Mansion: LIKE, ERMEGERD IS THIS FOR REAL?! *w* CHAPTER 13 IS UP YO~! :)))


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bookworm514 #1
Chapter 13: Please update. I'm looking forward to how it ends! I hope you are doing alright.
:( please update this story. Its such an awesome piece to ho to waste :'(
Chapter 13: gonna subscribe this in a minute. just wanna say hi and thanks for writing this fic and i hope you can continue writing it bcs like you said the story is approaching its end. it'll be a pity if you cant continue writing it anymore. it's a good fic. great plot and awesome story line. pls come back and update this story authornim T_T i supposed you also dont want your readers to be waiting for the update for another one year aren't you?
update please authornim!!!
Butterfly19 #5
Chapter 6: One of my favorite fanfic of all time :D <3
ukisshinee_15 #6
Chapter 13: Chen really loves to troll people.. XD
please update soon...
Chapter 13: lol funny that all this time, i was seeing amber as lady josephine xD
and chen did troll here too :D
Chapter 13: Chen will forever be himself xD Update soon~ :)
jikachoo #9
Chapter 13: I was about to put in my comment last night but i fell asleep. This summer class is draining my energy out, sorry. TT__TT I was really surprised you updated! I thought you're gonna be updating once you arrived in Canada. But thank goodness you did update. :D

Since Chen is one of my biases, I actually find him hot while speaking that way. "Wait for me my queen" and his other lines. I don't actually know why.

The story is coming to an end, really? Aw. Just when I thought the story's getting a lot more interesting. I actually thought the just started. Lady Josephine's appearance was the part I was looking forward to. :)

Before I forget, will there be more romance between, i don't know, Chen and Lady Josephine? Ehehe kidding. Romance between LuHan and Minnie, I mean.

I need to reread this whole fic once again. I mean, it has been a long time since i last read chapter 11. So just to refresh my memory. Hope the next update will be soon! Nonetheless, this is my favorite suspense/horror (?) fic. <3
Chapter 13: baby chen is still baby chen chen :") brb, creying~~♥