
Cupid's Bachelors



Heechul stared coldly at Cupid, whom was simply smiling, and it was clear that if Cupid even dared to speak, my cousin would kill him immediately. If that were to happen, it would be a shame seeing as Cupid turned out to be a rather good mentor who helped me ease my nerves during the few days it took me to adjust into my new home. Our new home to be exact, seeing as Heechul and I were now living with the bachelor’s.


It was a bit uncomfortable seeing as they all believed I was a girl and often were careful and polite around me, but still I found it somewhat entertaining. On the first day, all of the guys ran over and helped with my and Heechul’s luggage though most of it was my cousin’s. Key and Jonghyun had a little debate on who would take my biggest bag and it continued until Minho came out of nowhere, took it, and walked to my room. I couldn’t help but laugh at the dumbfounded looks on both Key’s and Jonghyun’s faces, that was a definite highlight of my first day.


My room was simply amazing and of course I roomed alone seeing as I was a ‘girl’. Guy clothes already filled most of the closet and I sighed, it was easy to tell most of it was surely expensive. I wasn’t sure if I would be comfortable in such clothes, but I had to try especially when I was doing this for Heechul and I. Dinner time was quite amusing and one of my absolute favorite parts of an average day (or as average as a day can be while being a bachelor) in this luxurious condominium.


Heechul, however, seemed to have more trouble adjusting to our new surroundings. Over the course of our first few days he had managed to almost burn down our home and had many of his diva fits that seem to scare the others with the exception of Cupid. That man seemed more interested in causing them than looking for a solution to stop them; this only seemed to irritate my cousin even more.


Today would be my fifth day here in the Bachelor pad of sorts and getting back to my cousin and mentor, Heechul was trying to get Cupid to change his mind on my ‘debut’. I was just too simply show up with the group, but of course Heechul had to object. As to why he objected, I necessarily had no idea on the cause, I found nothing wrong with it.


“H-she will not be going out on the spotlight!” Heechul hissed.


“Why not? It was part of the deal,” Cupid replied calmly behind his shades (something I haven’t seen him without).


“She will be mauled by the fans!”


“Which is why the guards will be there protecting us.”


“Have you seen how rabid they can become?!”


“Yes I have and I assure you nothing will happen to her.”


“Like I would trust you,” Heechul glared.


Cupid simply stared before leaning forward causing myself and the others to widen our eyes. Heechul froze up and found Cupid’s face near his and I had to wonder if they would kiss.


“You should start,” I heard faintly before Cupid abruptly erected himself and smiled at my now somewhat pink cousin.


I just gaped at the reaction; I hadn’t seen him flustered like this before. Heechul seemed to quickly recover, just as Cupid ordered us to get ready for the outing, and sent the man a glare before grabbing my wrist and dragging me to my room slamming the door. I sat down on my bed as I watched him pace back and forth cursing.


“He is so irritating!”


Again, I never had seen my cousin so worked up about anything or anyone, well maybe his ex.


“Why are you so worked about it?” I asked.




“That is not an answer hyung,” I replied.


“Well it is mine!”


“He didn’t do anything wrong, it was our deal,” I tried to reason.


“Yes well he just had to go rub it in my face!”


“No he didn’t and this isn’t about me. I heard what he told you Heechul.”


Just as those words left my mouth, Heechul turned pink and shook his head with fervor. I was taken back at how much they seemed to affect him and then something clicked; I couldn’t help but smile.


“You like him,” I muttered.




“Denial hyung,” I teased.




“Um, is everything alright in there?” I heard Onew ask from the other side of my door causing us to freeze.


“Uh, yeah we are. Heechul is just having his moment so it’s better for him to let out steam,” I quickly lied earning a glare.


“Oh… okay then and I’m sorry, but Cupid would…um like you to hurry,” Onew explained.


“Okay, thanks Onew-shi,” I replied.


“Y-your w-welcome. Please call me Onew!” I heard him stutter and nearly squeal at the end.


I heard his rushed footsteps leave from my door and I had to admit it was a bit strange. I sighed and asked Heechul if he could leave so I could change without causing suspicion. Heechul glared, threw a pillow that I managed to dodge before walking out and slamming my door again. I sighed at the misfortune of the door feeling its pain and feeling sorry for the abuse.


I sighed to myself and moved to choose my clothing of choice, which was harder than I expected seeing as all were good choices. I pouted and tilted my head and wondered why it had to be so hard! I just finally decided on a plain simple silk maroon dress shirt, black dress pants, belt and matching shoes. I adjusted the collar to keep it somewhat casual. I combed my blonde hair before looking at myself once over and leaving the room.


It was then that I noticed that the guys were all in the living room downstairs, waiting. I was nervous, wondering what they would think about my choice. I slowly made my ways to the stairs and I was about midway when Onew noticed my appearance.


“T-tae?” he asked earning everyone’s attention.


I just gave a nervous smile once I reached the bottom, staring at them curiously as I waited for some sort of reaction. I bit my lower lip in anticipation, wondering. I could see they all studied me before Jonghyun smiled and nodded.


“You look, amazing,” he complimented and I couldn’t help but blush.


“Thank you,” I replied softly with a small smile.


“Yeah, you definitely look like a guy now,” Minho suddenly chimed.


That’s because I am a guy, I thought to myself but I just gave him a smile as if I were agreeing.


“Alright then, let’s go. Heechul, you stay here,” voiced Cupid, but of course my cousin couldn’t keep quiet.


“Like hell I am! I am going with Tae to make sure she’s safe!”


“How exactly will we explain you to the press then?” Key asked crossing his arms.


“I don’t know but you need to think of something because I won’t allow her to go anywhere with you without me!”


I could only roll my eyes at him and shake my head; this would certainly be interesting from now on seeing as Heechul seemed to believe everything I had to do needed to go through him first. I already could tell this would turn into another argument.


“Really Chullie, I think-,”


“Bastard! Don’t call me Chullie!”


And there they go.




Finally updated this new chapter though I was surprised how it turned out.

I hope you like it.

Please leave a review lovelies.

I would like to know what you guys think of the story so far honestly, I need feedback and would appreciate the help to anyone who replies.

Any questions? Please leave it with the review.

I know the writing isn't the best, but please excuse my errors.

To clear up any confusion, I did not edit Tae's picture of previous chapter myself.

I don't have the technology for it, unfortunately so all credit goes to its creator.


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Chapter 13: I Love this story hope you continue it :)
boosher #2
New reader here!!! This story is so interesting and I can't wait to see where it's going!!
Good luck with school!!! I hope you Ace everything!!!!
Chapter 13: I'll be waiting, good luck in your studying hun. ;-D
Tykkii #4
Chapter 13: Awww.. I'll be waiting! study hard!
HiBirdSong #5
Chapter 12: i miss han geng... but i'm chinese so it's okay ^^
please update soon! hwaiting :3
Wonderful again cant wait for the next chapter ^^ I love pissy Heechul I just cant OTL
That was such a Minho thing to do. Love it. XD
Hohoho. Chullie (lol the nickname) is developing some feelings for Cupid naaaao. Tsk tsk. So much in the air. Someone's bound to choke on it and act. I do hope that Heechul would yank off Cupid'a shades from his face. I'm so curious. D: (yeah~ sajin sok nega) Wahaha. Sorry. Just had to do that.
Anyway, do hope you update soon! More of Onew's cuteness please? Hehe.
KeyGal #8
Lol. Chullie.
lol yeah Heechul likes him, keke; Onew was so cute bless him; can't wait to see how the outing goes, update really soon. <3
Oh Heechul <3, I just love him here