
Forever Love

Minho smirked to himself as he sat quietly in the car. I have found my target. He's cute enough to make Jonghyun jealous. He let out a soft chuckle and started the drive home.



The sunlight filtered in and shined in Key's eyes. He slowly breathed in and flipped onto his back to stretch. Letting out a groan of satisfaction, Key rubbed the sand from his eyes and smiled. I feel happy. He thought as his gaze drifted to the sleeping figure beside him. Key maneuvered his body so that he was laying on his side. "Jonghyun," He muttered quietly and reached out to touch his face. Key traced his lips and trailed his soft touches across Jonghyun's sharp jawline. Key brought his fingers back up to run his thumb over Jonghyun's full lips and squeaked when he opened his mouth and bit his thumb. 

"Key," Jonghyun spoke with Key's finger still in his mouth. "I'm hungry, can you cook me something?"

Key shook his head and winced as Jonghyun's hold on his finger tightened. 

"Yah! Let go of my thumb!" Key yelped once more as Jonghyun shook his head and bit down harder. "Okay! Fine! Fine! I will!" He gave in and clutched his thumb to his chest the moment Jonghyun let it go. He smiled and closed his eyes, satisfied that Key was going to feed him. He felt Key get up and reached out to grab him by the waist. "Hey, I didn't say now, did I?" He pulled Key back down and nuzzled the back of Key's pale neck.

"Can we lay in bed for a bit? I'm still tired." He muttered while planting little kisses on his neck. Key sighed and tried to hide the happiness he felt inside. "F-fine." He nervously stuttered. Jonghyun chuckled. "Don't be nervous around me. I'm still the same Jonghyun you've known for years. The only thing different about me is that I love someone." He flipped Key, so that they were now facing each other. "And that person," He leaned in and smiled. " is you." He was about to kiss Key but his phone rang, breaking the spell. 

Jonghyun hissed in frustration as he checked his cell phone. "Who is it?" Key asked. He sighed and said, "Minho." Jonghyun threw his cell phone across the room and moved closer to Key, snuggling into his chest. "Aren't you going to answer it?" He asked Jonghyun. He shook his head. "He'll probably leave me a message so I'll listen to it later." He looked up at Key and smiled. "But you have my full attention for now." Jonghyun placed a sweet kiss on Key's lips and chuckled. 



Onew sat up in bed and clutched his growling stomach. "Tae-" Just as he was about to call for Taemin, he walked in holding a tray of hospital food. "-min..." His voice faltered and stared hungrily at the tray of food. "Yes?" He responded and set the tray on the table. 

"Hurry and bring me some food." Onew waved him over. Taemin bit his tongue, holding back a smile. "Ah- yes." He slowly walked over and handed Onew the food.

"Alright, when you're done, you can just leave it there and I'll be right back to clean it up." He bowed and left the room. 

Taemin scurried into a waiting room and took out the bracelet he had been working on since last night. "Aish!" He shouted in frustration and dropped a bead. The braid unraveled a bit and Taemin let out a sigh. Jinki, you better not loose this bracelet I'm making you. He picked up the blue bead again and started to braid it with the leather strands. Thank you anyways for letting me keep your wishing bracelet. His eyes drifted to the golden chain and smiled to himself. Taemin stopped working on the bracelet and placed it in his lap. His fingers reached over and rubbed the bead and carefully whispered, "I wish for Jinki to get well soon and for him to be happy again." He smiled once more while picking up the bracelet and started to work on it again. 

"Finally!" Taemin jumped up in excitement and stretched. He held the finished braided leather bracelet and slipped it into his pockets. Then he opened the door to Onew's room to give it to him.

"J-Jinki!?" Taemin shouted once he realized that Onew's bed was empty. "J-Jinki where are you?!" Taemin frantically scanned the room with his eyes and rushed to open the bathroom door. Seeing no one, he ran out of the room and searched the hospital looking for Onew. 

Out of breath, Taemin returned to Onew's room an hour later. He collapsed on the floor and closed his eyes. His chest rapidly rose up and down, trying to regulate his breathing. "Yah- what are you doing down there?" Taemin's eyes shot open and he sat up.

"J-Jinki?!" He muttered. Onew gave him a strange look and continued to stare at Taemin, who was turning a shade of pink. Taemin covered his face with his knees and quietly sobbed. 

"Yah!" Onew shouted. "Why are you crying in here? Go do it somewhere else." He continued to cry and muttered something. Onew sighed and sat up in his bed. "Shh, stop crying okay?"

Warm arms wrapped around Taemin's shoulders and his head was against someone's chest. "What's wrong?" He paused for a second, surprised to hear Onew's voice so close to his ears. 

"I-I thought th-that you were d-dead and that th-they took you a-away." Tears continued to stream from his eyes. Onew chuckled and tightened his hold on Taemin. "Never, haha. I just went to throw away the food you brought me." His cheeks burned as he realized how stupid he was because he ended up crying for no real reason. He pushed Onew away and stood up. "S-stupid! Why couldn't you wait for me to come back!?" Onew's eyes opened in surprise. 

"I waited for over 2 hours and decided to do it myself, since it seemed as if you weren't coming back."

Taemin reached into his pocket and flung the bracelet at him. "That's because I was finishing up this for you!" He shouted at Jinki and rushed out of the room. Onew picked up the bracelet and inspected it. "Wow," He muttered and quietly slipped it around his wrists. 

Taemin wiped away the rest of his tears and left the building. Why am I crying? I am stupidly crying over a patient I barely like.He kicked the smooth cement and slipped, landing on his . Aish! Stupid Jinki and his stupid voice. Damn him and his warming smile. Stupid Jinki. It's not as if I like him or anything like that. Taemin's thoughts were interrupted by a shadow that fell over him. "Do you need help getting up?" A deep voice greeted his ears. He looked up and automatically flinched as he realize that it was the guy from last night. "Hello? Are you there?" Taemin snapped out of it and quickly stood up, while brushing off his clothes. "C-Choi Minho?" He stuttered. Minho flashed him his bright smile and nodded, confirming that it was really him.

"Nice to meet you again...?" He paused, waiting for a name. 

"Taemin, Lee Taemin is my name." He shyly looked away from Minho's flawless face and blushed, forgetting about his conflicting feelings for Onew he had felt earlier. 


Minho held Taemin's personal information in his hands, waiting for him to finish his shift at the hospital. All of the money I've spent tracking this boy down is going to be worth it. To his surprise, Taemin came out earlier than expected. "!" He stumbled out his car just as Taemin slipped and fell down. Thank you god! Time to put my plan into action. Minho smirked and slowly walked over his target. 



Key reached for Jonghyun's hands as they entered Onew's room. "Hey Onew." Jonghyun smiled at him while Key clinged to his side, afraid that Onew might start regretting saving his life. 

"Hi you guys." He feebly replied and gave me a small wave. Key's shyness disappeared when his eyes noticed something different with Onew.

"YOU PUNK!" Key yelled and let go of Jonghyun's hand to hit Onew on the chest. He shielded himself and shouted in defense, "What!? What did I do wrong?!" 

Key scrunched his nose and roughly grabbed Onew's wrist. "You're not wearing the bracelet I bought you on your birthday! You promised me that you wouldn't take it off until it falls off! It's not possible for you to loose it after wearing it for 3 years!" 

He glared at Onew and waited for him to reply. Onew kept quiet. Key's eyes zoomed in on the bracelet Taemin had made him. He reached forward and tried to tug it off. "Stop! You're going to break it!" Onew protested. Key ignored his pleas and continued to tug on it. "I said stop!" Onew yelled angrily and at that moment, Key gave it a final tug and the bracelet broke.

The blue beads scattered all over the cold tiles, making a little tink sound every time it bounced. Onew leaped off the bed and started to gather the beads. Key immediately bent over and tried to help him. "I'm so sorry Onew. I didn't mean to do this!" He apologized. Onew did not respond and Key touched his shoulders. 

"Get out! I don't want you ever here again!" Onew roared at him. Key's bottom lip trembled as Jonghyun escorted him out of the room.

No matter how many times I try to erase Key's name from my heart, it always finds a way to reappear as a scribble. A scribble that I can't seem to decipher. I don't understand why I can't stop loving him. Onew let his tears fall freely, hoping to lighten the heavy burden of loving someone who doesn't love you back. 

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sorry you guys ... I've been really busy! I'll try to update soon! Please don't leave me :c


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PetitFreak0525 #1
Chapter 10: Awwww I love this fic! I'm so happy because in the end Onew and Taemin are together *-* it's what I wanted since the beginning xD. Well, I wanted Jongkey too at first....but Jjong is an (Minho too) and Key is better alone x). And gosh...that JongHo in a previous chapter was so great *-* so y.
Chapter 10: What about key and jonghyun?
Magichami #3
Chapter 10: Key and jonghyun?
Chapter 10: What about key and jonghyun?
Chapter 10: YAY, WHOO, GO ONEW, FIGHT FOR WHAT YOU WANT, GET LOST MINHO ONEW'S GONNA LOVE TAEMIN RIGHT' Taemin obviously didn't love Minho he just thought he might, coz as soon as Onew said he loved him and asked him to stay with him he agreed, keke, yay; and bravo to Key, I'm so, so proud of him, Minho and Jonghyun deserve to be all alone; I really wish that you would do a sequel so that we can see how OnTae get on, and see them being really happy, and see Key fall in love again, and seeing Minho and Jonghyun suffering would be nice, they deserve not to be happy, and to watch the people they wanted being happy with someone else; not that Minho loved Taemin at all, he was just messing with him; I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for a sequel. <3 <3 ;-P
vicklatifah #6
Chapter 10: So what happened with key and jonghyun?
thestrangelittlegirl #7
Chapter 10: OMG... ok this is not the main part of my comment but, Key's y English... *-* YEAH!!! THAT'S RIGHT ONEW!! FIGHT FOR YOURSELF!!! <333 I don't really like Jongho in this story.... :( Key should find himself sb btr!!! :D *ahem* woohyun *ahem*
Chapter 9: OMO, POOR KEY, at least he knows the truth, I'm so proud that he didn't stick around for excuses from Jonghyun; I love that he got himself a knew look, and totally ignored Jonghyun when he saw him, and spoke to him in English, keke; and Taemin, he knows how Jinki feels now, coz he heard everything him and Key were saying, I wonder how he's gonna react; can't wait for more, update really soon. <3 ;-D
This fic is to heartbreaking. Seriously.
I can't stand seeing my OTP like this; -hoping something good will happen- NO ONKEY. ____ THAT ____.
Aigooooo,stupid jonghyun!Let key rest:((