Fade Away...

A New Breath

That evening, after such a celebration with Jaejoong and Yoona, you was tired, and needed to go to sleep. She lay on her bed, and coughed. She put her hand over her heart and started coughing harder. Suddenly, blood started coming from her nose!



Sunny opens the door, after hearing you cough several times. "you ah, are you--?! you!!! What's going on?!" you would not stop coughing, and she continued spitting out blood. She couldnt even sit up. Their parents were not home that night, they went to work. Sunny called the ambulance, and they came in no time.


Sunny has called Yoona and Jaejoong up, and they came as soon as they heard. "Sunny Unnie, is she ok?!" Yoona says starting to cry. Sunny nods and smiles softly. "She'll be ok, she's in the emergency room at the moment..." Jaejoong is sitting on the bench in the corner, worrying to himself. Soon, Sunny, Jaejoong & Yoona are causing crowds in the hallway. 


"Lee Sunkyu, Kim Jaejoong and Im Yoona, what are you three doing in the hospital?" a reporter asks. "My sister is sick." Sunny replies. The reporter and fans gasp, and worry for Mi Ho/you. Some other reporters take photos and start posting it on the web.  Suddenly, the doctor comes out of the Emergency Room, sadly. 


"I'm sorry... We...lost her." Yoona and Jaejoong looked at each other in disbelief. "Aniya, that must be a lie. you is still alive!" Yoona says. Jaejoong shakes his head. "Yoona... Forget it." Yoona starts to cry. "you is alive." she repeats. Yoona starts to cry  crazily, and Jaejoong pulls her out of the hospital.


"Yoona, calm down. look, you might of died for a reason... maybe she needed to go back." Yoona shook her head. "She deserves to live here on this earth just like us! i dont understand why they took her away from us!" Yoona continues crying. "She even made it as a solo singer.. she really wanted to be one..." 


Jaejoong starts to tear up, too, but he knows he has to stay strong. 

"Yoona," he says wiping away his tears. "Lets keep on fighting for you's dream."

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chapter 3 posted!! ♥ PLS COMMENT OR JAEJOONG WILL GET ANGRY :P jkskjks ILY


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stevenkosman #1
Chapter 8: Make a sequel please....
I love this story
I want the ability to live tha dead than live again and so on
Angeldj369 #2
Omg O_O by the time you said angeldj369 died...
i love it!
i love the character you created she is awesome.
the only person who can live die live die and continue coming back.
will there be a sequal?
@shiiramonika @KJpoper

Yeah, wow, you guys figured iht out alone .. You see, "You" didn't come back to life just as a miracle, it was because she was a gumiho. i know in the foreword of "Last Breath" it said she died of a diesease, but I decided when writing this that "You" were a gumiho that was sent to be a part of their lives to experience friendship & true love. Now, at C Jes, "You" is living her FINAL life, as a human :)
Sorry for confusion, but I am a little stupid, and I somehow change story lines and turn out to ruin it. Sorry :(
shiiramonika #5
she is a gumiho so that's why she can live again?
OMFG THAT IS SOOO SAD TT_____TT why did she die? pls explain...
Woooahh. Is that really me?
sonesn #8
update soon!