Take Care of my Girlfriend

A New Breath

you's P.O.V

What an awful day... I think I hurt Unnie and Oppa for not recognising them... Hmm, but I really don't... I sat down on my bed and opened the diary they were reading from earlier. What was in it that made them cry?  I flipped to the last page, the same page they read from.

"I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me the most...
I'm sorry for being the worst friend ever...
I'm sorry for not listening to your troubles anymore...
I'm sorry for disappearing without fixing my problems...
I'm sorry for not being the person you want me to be...
I'm sorry that I cannot forgive you...
I'm sorry for writing this without a reason to be sorry." 

It really sounded like I wasn't sorry at all... It just sounds like excuses to seem sorry... Ah! This is probably why Oppa and Unnie were upset! I didn't seem sorry at all! Hm, maybe I should show them that I'm sorry? Wait, but that person wasn't me. It's not really my fault that she wasn't sorry... No wait. Mustn't I say sorry? Everyone thinks that we're the same girl; she's just my past life... Should I finally accept that?

I know that I want to be ME, but I can't be ME if I pretend to BE her. Although, I might be her...What should I do? I put the diary away and stoppped worrying. I'll just be myself, and I'll be fine. I've just got to accept who I am. Hm. Maybe I have to study a little more?


The next day


Author's P.O.V

It was another ordinary morning for everyone. There wasn't much noise in the house, since Sunny had to go somewhere, and their mother went to work. As usual, you was left alone at home. By herself. She didn't have much to do - just watch tv, but soon got tired of it. Yep, she decided to do something. She decided to go somewhere. She's going to the parlour today. To get her hair dyed brown. Just the same way that the old you had it.

She grabbed her bag, then left the house. Her pocket was vibrating, so she answered her phone. "Hello?"....."Krystal!"......"Oh really? I'm on my way there too"........."Okay, I'll see you there!" Krystal was you's best friend - they met three days after she discharged from the hospital. you didn't know that she already has a best friend - Yoona. If you doesn't accept Yoona as a bestfriend and Jaejoong as a boyfriend, you can really find a boyfriend soon.

When she arrived at the parlour, she looked for Krystal. "Krystal!" she called as Krystal walked towards her. "Annyeong, you! Long time no see!" she hugged her for a few seconds, then let go. "C'mon. Let's get our hair dyed." you giggled as they took a seat in the waiting chairs.

After getting their hair done, you walked out like the old you


Yoona's P.O.V

I called her a million times and she has not answered. Not even once. Apshht. Maybe she's busy... I have to think positive. She is not ignoring us... I turned to Jaejoong who was looking worried. I tried calling her one more time, but again, there was no answer. She really must be  busy. Suddenly, something on the corner of my eye caught my attention. you!

I looked in that direction, and started walking that direction. Where was she going? I could hear Jaejoong's voice behind me. "Yoona, where are you going?" I completely ignored him and continued to walk. I'm sure that it was her. I know who my best friend is. Finally, I saw her. "you--..." I turned around and ran. I saw exactly what I didn't want to see.

It was you with new friends. I know, I seem a little selfish, but...you is my best friend. Hasn't she accepted me as her friend? When I saw them hugging and smiling, laughing together, I felt like a million bullets shot my heart. But then again, I should be happy for her. She's smiling. It's not what you'd see everyday from her... But I miss her.

You can't blame me for that, you is an amazing person.


Jaejoong's P.O.V

After Yoona rushed past me, I felt way more curious. I looked to where Yoona was looking. New friends. I knew Yoona would've felt this way. Maybe we should just give up and walk away. you has new friends. "Ahahaha! you, let us met your boyfriend!" her friend yelled out loud. An arrow just pierced my heart. Boyfriend...??

I walked away, thinking about giving up. I know I should. If I can give up, why don't I?




you's P.O.V

"Meet my boyfriend?" I shook my head. "Y-You can't-t!!" Jaejoong wouldn't agree to meet my friends. "Aww, why not? Are you afraid that we'll take him away from you? Don't worry~ We have guys on our own..." Luna said smiling. Victoria rolled her eyes. "Guys who don't even know we exist~" Sulli laughs really loud.. "AHAHA, Nichkhun Oppa doesn't know you exist!!" Victoria glares at her, telling her to shut up.

"Apssht, just because he's a kpop star..." Amber says. "So will you let us meet him?" I looked at everyone. They really looked desperate.


Even Sulli started to do aegyo. Oh no, it's so cute... I have to show them Jaejoong. I have to. I called Jaejoong three times, and he didn't answer. I called once more, and finally, he answered. "Hello? Oppa?" After I said that, he hung up. That's it. If he won't come, then I'll go. "Guys, I'll meet you in an hour. I need to find him. Meet in my house, 'kay?" They all nod as I leave.

What's wrong with Jaejoong? Is he upset at me? Hm, I probably did do something wrong. I ran to where Yoona and Jaejoong liked to watch the sunset. Nope, not there. I went to where they liked to eat icecream. Nope, not there either. I finally went to the play ground that I used to play on when I was younger. CHECK. "Oppa, Unnie!"

They looked up and looked away. It seems like they cried... "Oppa... Unnie... Are you upset?" Yoona turned away. "Someone really special to us turned away from us today..." Jaejoong said looking down. I tilted my head in confusion. "Eh? Who, Oppa?" Jaejoong shook his head. "She's way too clueless to mention right now."

I thought hard, and could only think of myself. "I-Is it me?" Yoona stood up from her seat. "Yes, it's you! you, how could you?! You replaced me with five different friends! I was your best friend from the start!" Yoona was yelling at me, and I didn't like it. But I understand... "Yoona Unnie, you are my best best best friend... I just can have more than one best friend... But you're my closest one." Yoona looked back up and nodded. "I'm sorry, you... I think..I just got really jealous." She bowed 90 degrees, and said sorry again and again.

"It's alright, Unnie. It's not your fault." I turned to face Jaejoong who was sitting down on the bench still. "Let me meet your boyfriend too, okay?" he said not looking up. "Mmm, Oppa, you'll be surprised when you meet him. I'll show you a picture of him..." I looked through my bag.

*Note to super Cassiopeia fans
I know this picture is from Mirotic. I just picked it ks it was there :L


"Yah! Wh-Where'd you get that from?!" he asked jumping up from the bench. "You gave it to me, Oppa! It's mine, then, isn't it?" Jaejoong looked away, then back to me again. "you, you remember that?" I thought for a moment, then nodded my head. Recently, I have been remembering a little more of the past all of a sudden. "Oppa, you have to remember who my boyfriend is, and you have to respect his role, arasseo?"

He nodded. "Okay." Yoona stood up. "OOOOOOhh, cute♥ now I'll be seeing you guys soon, I've got to go to my cousin's birthday party, okay?" Jaejoong and I nod. "Bye, Unnie, take care!" I waved my hand until she disappears.  We stand there silently for a few minutes... "Oppa, I need to show you to my friends..."

"Huh?!" he asked jumping backwards. "I kinda promised them an hour ago... C'mon, they'll be waiting~" I grabbed his hand, and we walked towards my house. I know. I feel a little awkward holding his hand like this, but remember. I have to accept the truth and respect it. But also... I feel something when I hold his hand... I think I've fallen in love. There's something inside me that is tingling. It's my heart! I can feel it beating fast...

We finally arrived at my house. Omo, they're waiting right at the front of the house. They weren't facing this way, so they didn't see us. I walked across the road, still holding Jaejoong's hand as they finally turn around. "Omo!" Sulli said which made everyone turn this way. "Y-You're boyfriend looks like a kpop star!" They continued to make more compliments for Jaejoong. He introduced himself, and they introduced themselves.

"How'd you guys meet?" Luna asked when we got inside. "Well, in high school. We were friends." I answered. Jaejoong looked shocked. ....Omo. I'm suddenly remembering these things again. "Wow, really? Then how long have you guys been dating?" Krystal asks. "For 3 years..." I answered again, hoping that I calculated it right. Jaejoong again looked so surprised. I wonder what was so surprising.


When they leave :P

"Oppa, what's wrong? Why'd you look so surprised?" I stood beside him in the balcony, feeling the fresh air rush past me. "It just surprised me that you remembered...." he answered. "Yeah, it surprised me too..." It was silent again. Urhh, why does it have to be so awkward?!?!  "Oppa..." I whispered. "Saranghae." I looked down, wondering why I said that. "I love you too." he replied. The next few minutes were just silent. "you..." he whispered. "I'm glad that you could remember me." I turned to him, and he surprisingly pulled me to him. He kissed me... I'm very glad that my first kiss...was from someone who I loved.



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chapter 3 posted!! ♥ PLS COMMENT OR JAEJOONG WILL GET ANGRY :P jkskjks ILY


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stevenkosman #1
Chapter 8: Make a sequel please....
I love this story
I want the ability to live tha dead than live again and so on
Angeldj369 #2
Omg O_O by the time you said angeldj369 died...
i love it!
i love the character you created she is awesome.
the only person who can live die live die and continue coming back.
will there be a sequal?
@shiiramonika @KJpoper

Yeah, wow, you guys figured iht out alone .. You see, "You" didn't come back to life just as a miracle, it was because she was a gumiho. i know in the foreword of "Last Breath" it said she died of a diesease, but I decided when writing this that "You" were a gumiho that was sent to be a part of their lives to experience friendship & true love. Now, at C Jes, "You" is living her FINAL life, as a human :)
Sorry for confusion, but I am a little stupid, and I somehow change story lines and turn out to ruin it. Sorry :(
shiiramonika #5
she is a gumiho so that's why she can live again?
OMFG THAT IS SOOO SAD TT_____TT why did she die? pls explain...
Woooahh. Is that really me?
sonesn #8
update soon!