The Beginning of the End

A New Breath
A/N: Hi guys. I finally decided to write a chapter 1, but please be patient, because I really want to think this through. Some chapter layouts might turn out gay, because I can only update on iPad for now . I hope this isn't a big problem for you; it might take a while until my laptop finishes it's repair. Anyways, when quotation marks are like this example: 'A New Breath', it's a thought. When its like this, "A New Breath", it's speech. Please read on and enjoy. -HikariNee! xxoxo~


Yoona sighed as she threw her textbooks onto her bed.

"Urhh! Why can't I get this right!?" she yelled out. She was getting really fustrated for not getting the results she wanted for her exams. Yoona was now attending Seoul University - the greatest university in all of South Korea. She was expecting results over 95%, but got 89%. She tried to pull out her drawer from her study desk, but it wouldn't budge. "Oh, COME ON, YOU STUPID DRA--AHHHHHH!" she screamed as she fell backwards, pulling out the drawer, as many of her belongings fell out.

Yoona crawled to the fallen mess, to fix it up. She came across a picture of herself, Jaejoong and you. Her eyes started to water. "you," she whispered, as she buried her face into her hands. "you!!" she screamed. "Yoona?" her mother called from downstairs. "Are you alright?" Yoona ran to her desk, and grabbed a bunch of tissues to cover her face. "M-Mum, is dinner r-ready?" she called back opening the door.

"Oh, yes, sweetie... Is there something wrong? Why have you been crying? Is there something wrong?" her mother asked preparing her a bowl of bibimbap. "W-Well, I-it's nothing..." Yoona whispered. "Umma... C-Can I go out for a walk before dinner?" Yoona's mother nodded, as Yoona walked out. "Come back soon!" her mother called after her. Yoona would've answered her back, but she wasn't in the mood to talk. She stepped outside, and felt the breeze hit her.

'Wow, it's really cold this evening...' Yoona thought as she wrapped her scarf around her neck. 'Should I go to the park?'

Yoona sighed, as she waited for the cars to finish passing by. She stuck her earphones in her ears, and played the song, "Proud" by DBSK. Suddenly, something caught her attention. "you?!" she yelled. She rushed forward, forgetting that cars were still rushing past. "Yah, Yoona-ah!" luckily, Jaejoong was there too, and pulled her back. "Yoona! You should really watch where you're walking!" Jaejoong scolded.

"J-Jaejoong, you don't understand... I saw you..." she said, pointing in the direction of the trees. "Trees?" Jaejoong questioned. Yoona rolled her eyes, and pulled Jaejoong across the road. "Come on!"

Yoona was right. It was you. Except, she looks...different. "you!" Yoona yelled out. you, who heard Yoona call her, turned around. "Umm, do I know you-u?" you asked nervously. Yoona moved closer to you. "Y-You're you?"she asked. you nodded her head. Lee you."

Yoona stepped forward and gasped, grabbing you's arm. "you... Lee you? Y-You're R-Really Alive!!" Yoona screamed throwing her arms around the dumbfounded girl. "B-Bestfriend?" she replied. Yoona didn't reply, but continued to sob into you's shoulder. Jaejoong stood behind Yoona, and spoke up to you.

"You don't remember us, do you?" he asked. you shook her head. Jaejoong sighed, and grabbed Yoona's arm. She, surprised, stared at him and stopped crying. "O-Oppa... What is it?" Jaejooong sighed, and seriously said to Yoona, "It's not her. It's not the Lee you we know. It was a mistake." you stepped forward. "Y-Yoona and J-Jaejoong-g?" she whispered. "D-Do you know us!?" Yoona gasped stepping closer to her, pushing Jaejoong's hand away.

you shook her head. "No, it's just that I heard your names somewhere... Um, if you don't mind, I'll be going home now..." Yoona sighed softly and nodded. "I guess you should head home anyway... It's getting dark..." you smiled and nodded. "Goodbye," she said and bowed. "Do you need help getting home?" Jaejoong asked. "N-No Thanks..." she replied, and left.

"Jaejoong, I swear. it's her. She has the same voice, eyes, and when I hugged felt the exact same way when I hugged you..." Jaejoong was left silent, and didnt know what to do. "R-Really?" he stuttered quietly. "Jaejoong! I know who my best friend is!" she yelled. Soon, they hear a familiar scream. "you!!"

They both run to the direction where they heard it. They found you surround by a 7 member gang. It was the worst gang in the area. Infinite. "Well, what do you we have here? Another two targets?" the tallest one asked smirking. "L-Leave her alone, you idiots!" Yoona yelled. "Like that's gonna do anything," Sungyeol whispered to Howon. "Just like the rest- a ." Yoona stepped forward and started pulling onto Sungyeol's hair. "You stupid retard! How dare you call me a !" She kicked his stomach and slapped his face. Yoona grabbed you, and ran. Jaejoong followed.

Soon, infinite just went home, not bothered to chase them. "you, are you okay?" Jaejoong asked. you nodded. "I-I'll be going now." She hugged Yoona, and thanked her. She stood silently in front of Jaejoong, not knowing what to do. She suddenly stepped forward by herself, and kissed Jaejoong's cheek. "Thankyou," she whispered walking away. Jaejoong cupped his hand. 'you... It is you...'

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chapter 3 posted!! ♥ PLS COMMENT OR JAEJOONG WILL GET ANGRY :P jkskjks ILY


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stevenkosman #1
Chapter 8: Make a sequel please....
I love this story
I want the ability to live tha dead than live again and so on
Angeldj369 #2
Omg O_O by the time you said angeldj369 died...
i love it!
i love the character you created she is awesome.
the only person who can live die live die and continue coming back.
will there be a sequal?
@shiiramonika @KJpoper

Yeah, wow, you guys figured iht out alone .. You see, "You" didn't come back to life just as a miracle, it was because she was a gumiho. i know in the foreword of "Last Breath" it said she died of a diesease, but I decided when writing this that "You" were a gumiho that was sent to be a part of their lives to experience friendship & true love. Now, at C Jes, "You" is living her FINAL life, as a human :)
Sorry for confusion, but I am a little stupid, and I somehow change story lines and turn out to ruin it. Sorry :(
shiiramonika #5
she is a gumiho so that's why she can live again?
OMFG THAT IS SOOO SAD TT_____TT why did she die? pls explain...
Woooahh. Is that really me?
sonesn #8
update soon!