
Out of the Blue

"I like her," you said. "She's really pretty." The inside of your head is so light that your words are like feathers too.

"Donghae, everyone knows she's a ," I said non-chalently.


"She accepted me!" you grinned happily.

I sighed and shook my head, "you're gonna get hurt."


I watched as you walked past me, hand in hand with her. You did not even send a glance in my direction. Great, you tossed our friendship away because of her. Your face now showed arrogance, I wondered what she did to you. You even purposely bumped into a poor fellow on your way. 


Behind the school field, I saw her making out with a random guy. I scoffed and turned around to walk off, but was met by your shocked face. Your eyes shifted and met mine. You gulped, trying hard not to show your tears. 

"Are you okay?" I asked, but you stubbornly walked away.

I followed you, till you stopped at the doorstep.

Turning around, you whispered, "go ahead and laugh at me."

I took some steps forward till I was standing before you and placed a hand on your shoulder. 

"I'm not gonna make fun of you. I was your best friend, still am."

You finally let your tears go and hid your face in my chest. 

"I'm sorry, Hyukjae."

I only smiled lightly, wrapping you in my embrace.

Inspiration: Nu'est - Face

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Your Kyumin oneshot with the flowers is really sweet ^^
Angsty, but sweet. What can we, eunhae shippers, want more?