
Out of the Blue

"Where are you headed to, sir?" the taxi-driver asked.

"I don't know, just keep driving," Hangeng said. And it wasn't a lie, he really didn't know where he should go.
It was quiet, way too quiet for the driver's liking. So he the radio.
Hangeng listened as the DJ said some jokes. He didn't particularly liked radio programmes, but he didn't ask for the channel to be changed. He watched as even the driver's expressionless face laughed along. Hangeng didn't understand why they were laughing, he didn't find anything funny anymore.
He looked out of the window, watching the wandering people. He wondered how their lives were like. Then a sad song came on as requested by a listener, a song Hangeng used to listen to a lot. Is there someone else who's experiencing the same feelings as him? Maybe he wasn't as lonely as he thought he was. 
"Stop here," Hangeng paid and got off the taxi. He walked into a bar, and ordered some soju.
He didn't know how much he drank, but he remained sober. Why was it that everything tasted so bitter tonight? 
He walked out, stumbling a little at the steps. Accidentally banging into someone, he mumbled a sorry and realised the wallet on the ground. He picked it up, he was the owner. He stared a little longer at the picture attached inside, his eyes getting moist as he scanned the faces of the other twelve men. 
He walked past a homeless man, lying in the cold. Some people don't have a home. 
He used to have one, Hangeng remembered. 
He still has one, but the difference is there's no longer anyone waiting for him back at home. 
He's all alone. 

Inspiration: Tablo - Airbag

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Your Kyumin oneshot with the flowers is really sweet ^^
Angsty, but sweet. What can we, eunhae shippers, want more?