Digital Love


Digital Love


Write your personal mobile phone number in a piece of paper bill and what do you get? She was dared, she didn’t want it as well, but her friends insisted. For one—she didn’t have a love life and I don’t think she ever will have if not for that stupid idea. And then, pay it to a nearby store as a payment to whatever you just bought and let’s see what you get. Just another one of your fairytale dreams come true or something true to reality, but rather life-changing?


Brought and intertwined by fate…
Love and laws in the digital world,
is way different to reality

ruwee together with France, presents…
Digital Love


Chun, Wu
>The man who was dared to call an unknown mobile phone number

Chen, Ella
>The woman who’s loveless; dared to put her number in a piece of paper bill

Ain’t magical,
but a digital kind of love

Why don’t you play the game?


We hereby declare that we don’t own any characters in the story. Any similarities to actual persons, living or deceased are purely coincidental.

© 2008 France and Ruwee
All rights reserved


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trappedinnostalgia #1
Chapter 16: awww this is cute!
Visiting old fics!