Chapter 3

My Amnesia Boy

a/n: gsdhafajgfdas i'm so sorry for not updating sooner OTL

i've been low on inspiration lately, and... 



anyway, i'll just leave this here for you to read now

okay i'll just shut up



Sungyeol watched the younger male across him, eyes closed, hair ruffled, and a peaceful expression on his face. 

Sungyeol mentally slapped himself.

What the actual , Sungyeol; are you actually watching him sleep? 

A dirty e, that's what he was. 

Four days had passed since Sungyeol had found L on the street, and so far, everything was strangely normal. 

Too normal.

Sungyeol narrowed his eyes into slits that could put his friend, Sunggyu,'s eyes to shame. 

Kim Myungsoo, even after losing your memory, you're still as mysterious as ever. 


"Hey hyung." 

"Yes, L?"

"When are you planning to take me out?" Sungyeol was glad that he wasn't drinking anything at the moment, for he would have spat it out; unfortunately, he still choked on his saliva, taking a few moments to pound on his chest to relieve the burning sensation in his throat. 


L watched on silently, observing the older boy's reaction.


"Wh-why would you want to leave the house?" Sungyeol chuckled nervously. 

"How else would I be able to remember anything if I just stay cooped up inside the house?" Sungyeol pondered on this statement for a while.


Well, he's right. 


You're afraid that someone might find him and eventually bring him home, aren't you. The same nagging voice whispered bitingly inside his head.


Your biggest fear is that his family, who's on the lookout for him, would eventually rescue him. 


You're scared that you'd turn out to be the bad guy, event though you really are.


It's your fault, isn't it? His father already banned him from seeing you, and his fiancée is probably waiting for him, too. 


If you weren't so thick-headed, you would have just let everything be.


If you weren't so thick-headed, you'd probably be able to move on and heal. 


Sungyeol slammed his fist down on the table, startling even L. 


"Okay, just be careful on your way. Bring a sweater; it's kind of cold outside. " L sensed the shakyness in the taller's voice, but decided to leave it at that, and walked out of the house, leaving a silent Sungyeol.




L trotted down the slippery road, silent and deep in thought. 

He recalled Sungyeol's face earlier, and how broken his voice sounded like. 

The other male had sounded so vulnerable and heartbroken, that if L hadn't walked out of the door promptly then, he would've hugged the elder. 

For some strange reason, his chest constricted painfully whenever he'd see Sungyeol with that sullen expression of his, biting his lip, and tears on the verge of leaking out. 

Lost in thought, L didn't notice the car heading towards him. 

Everything was a blur, and L could only briefly make out the car's loud honking, and a strong, firm, grip on his elbow pulling him away from the road, and the back of his head hitting a warm, muscular chest. 

Said chest vibrated when the stranger spoke.

"Hey, you alright?" L blinked. He was spun around to face the mystery man (judging from the low pitch of the person's voice). 

Short, black hair, tanned skin, and a smile that practically shouted 'greasy'. 

"I'm fine." L muttered. The stranger smiled. 

"I'm Woohyun. Come with me, you shouldn't be out in the cold weather." Woohyun grabbed a hold of L's hand, and L noted briefly the firmness and warmth of Woohyun's hand, and how it was slightly rough and had callouses here and there. 

Unlike Sungyeol's, which were probably baby-smooth and silky--

L blinked. 

Why the hell was he thinking of Sungyeol at a time like this? 

And so L just followed the stranger named Woohyun, not even considering the fact that the man could've been a serial killer, or a , or... I really don't know. 


"....But Gyu hyung---"

"No 'but's, Sungyeol. I'm coming over immediately, whether you like it or not." Sungyeol wasn't given any time to argue, since it would really be strange to speak to a dial tone. Sungyeol grabbed his hair in frustration.

His childhood friend, Kim Sunggyu, was really annoying at times.

Ever since he can remember, he and Sunggyu had been friends, despite the fact that Sunggyu was a good three years older than he was.

Sunggyu was like a caring older brother at times, yet, so much like an annoying and nagging mother.

Sungyeol sighed.

In the end, though, Sunggyu always had a certain way of getting what he wanted.

Sungyeol decided to slip on some decent clothes; After all, he didn't want the old hamster to criticise everything about him as soon as he steps into his home.

Sungyeol sighed for the second time that day, as he began to prepare dinner.

After all, Sunggyu did say that he was coming over to have dinner with him. And he was bringing a friend with him. 

Sungyeol growled; why was he friends with such a rude hyung?


 "So, L, what do you do for a living?" For the past 30 minutes of conversing with Woohyun, L found out that Woohyun was exhaustingly bubbly, handsome (L had to slap himself for entertaining those kinds of thoughts), and extremely GREASY.

L bit his lip, unsure of how to explain his predicament to his newfound friend. 

"I'm... not sure." Woohyun raised an eyebrow. 

"What do you mean by that?" 

"I... I recently got into an accident.. I think. I-I don't know, I can't really remember anything." Woohyun said nothing, as they continued to walk.

"Is it okay if you come with me to a friend's house?" L's lip quirked downwards. 

"Is that really fine? Inviting strangers into your house?" 

"Well, is it really fine, following a stranger?" Woohyun smirked.

"Hey, you're the one who asked me to come with you." L deadpanned. Woohyun let out a defeated chuckle.

"Well, it'll only be quick. Please~?" Woohyun looked at L with puppy-eyes, and L found it hard to resist. 

"Fine... " 

After a few minutes, they finally reached the apartment unit of Woohyun's friend. L couldn't help but notice the fact that said apartment looked so familiar. 

Woohyun rang the doorbell, and after waiting for a few moments, a familiar face answered the door.

"Oh, you must be Woohyun. Come in... Wait... L?!" Sungyeol's wide-eyed face mirrored L's own shocked one. 

"Wow, L. You know each other already?"




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ukissme1991 #1
Chapter 4: update please >.<
Hunhannie813 #3
Chapter 4: Haha. Updaaaate. JEBAAAL! *begs*
Chapter 4: Oohh I remember in the movie the girl gets hit in the head and remembers everything again..
aww L might remember everything again and curse Yeollie ;A;
update soon~
ally-chan #8
haa, bet he remembers.
or he wont remember ANYTHING.
updatre soon~
ally-chan #9
haa, bet he remembers.
or he wont remember ANYTHING.
updatre soon~
ally-chan #10
they know each other.
update soon~