Chapter 2

My Amnesia Boy

A/n: So here I am again~!!! Hi friends!!! :D *is shot* 

I have something really important to say: 

To all those old readers (lol), I edited the plot a bit; instead of Myungsoo asking Sungyeol if he can stay with him....

Argh. You'll see. :x

I edited it 'cause I was thinking that my plot lacked development. 


A day had passed since the eventful day. Life was (strangely) normal, and peaceful. Myungsoo would help out in cleaning, and Sungyeol would help out here and there. 


"Hey... Have you remembered anything yet?" Myungsoo looked up from the book he was reading. He cocked his head in confusion.

"Errr... This might sound stupid, but what do you mean by that?" 

"Well, you can't remember anything, right?" 

"Once again, this sounds stupid, but how do you know if you can't remember anything?" Sungyeol groaned; This new Myungsoo acted retarded. Really. 

He preferred the cocky and arrogant Myungsoo who dumped him.

"Fine. How did you get to my apartment?" Myungsoo shrugged.

"I don't know. All I remember is waking up on your couch, with a headache the size of mount Fuji." Sungyeol took the info into consideration, and silently thanked the Gods that Myungsoo didn't remember being hit with a fire extinguisher.

"Hey, what's your name?" Sungyeol frowned; They really hadn't talked about this yet?

"Eh, you can call me 'master'." Myungsoo snorted. 

"What about 'princess'?" Sungyeol threw a pillow at Myungsoo, who dodged it perfectly. Sungyeol turned his face away, in hopes of hiding his blush from the other. 

"Well... I'm Lee Sungyeol. I'm probably older than you." Myungsoo raised a brow.

"How do you know you're older than me, if you don't even know me?" Sungyeol began to panic. For someone who had amnesia, the other was strangely sharp. He hadn't meant to divulge too much information. 


It's because you want to keep him to yourself; to trick him into staying with you. A voice at the back of his head nagged him. 

Do you think he'll still be gay for you? He might turn out straight after all, you know. Sungyeol shook his head. 


"It's just.. You know. You look younger than me."

"No, I don't. You're too much of a choding." Myungsoo shook his own head. Sungyeol exhaled.


"Phew. That was close.



That same day, he came up with his own name. He went by it, starting then.

He approached his hyung with a smile on his face. Sungyeol waited for what the other had to say.


"Hey! Sungyeol-hyung! I thought of a name for myself." Sungyeol raised an eyebrow, genuinely confused. 

"So you finally admit that you can't remember anything?" Myungsoo rolled his eyes.

"I really don't know if I have amnesia, though." It was Sungyeol's turn to roll his eyes this time.

"You do, okay. I'm sure of it." Myungsoo pouted.

"Well, what is it?" 

"L." Myungsoo declared proudly.


Sungyeol snickered. 


"Where the heck did you get that name?" Myungsoo glowered at him.

"From Death Note. I've been reading some of the mangas you have, and I happened to come across it. I thought of Ryuuzaki at first, but it sounded stupid when I said it." 


"You're weird. Seriously?" Sungyeol deadpanned. 


"Yes, seriously." The younger was a little too close for comfort, and Sungyeol felt his face heating up, when Myungsoo's breath ghosted against his ear. 



"I'm going to sleep for a while." He flashed the taller male a smile, before leaving him completely dumb-struck. 


Kim Myungsoo, how dare you? How dare you toy with me like this? 


Sungyeol just couldn't stop the tears. 



When Myungsoo woke up from his nap, he was surprised to find Sungyeol asleep on the floor, with tear stains on his face. 

"Hey, choding.. Wake up." Sungyeol opened his eyes, and barely contained his shriek when he came face-to-face with his ex-lover.


"What? What was that for??!!!" Myungsoo frowned. 

"Chill, dude. I'm just concerned. You were crying, weren't you?" Sungyeol bit his bottom lip and averted his gaze from the other. The atmosphere seemed tense and awkward. 


"It's nothing." Sungyeol knew better than to reveal the real reason as to why he was crying. 

"You wouldn't be crying over 'nothing'. Tell me what's wrong." Sungyeol slapped away Myungsoo's prodding hands, which were making their way to Sungyeol's face. 


"Look, why do you care, anyway? It's none of your business."  Myungsoo furrowed his eyebrows in frustration.

"You're doing me a favor by taking care of me. I don't want to see you hurt." Sungyeol found the statement so ironic, considering the fact that said person was the reason for his distress. 

"Fine... It's just... Someone broke my heart, okay? And I just can't get over them, because they keep messing up my feelings." Sungyeol finished with sad eyes.




"It's fine, though. I feel better now. Thanks, I guess." Sungyeol chuckled somehwhat forcedly and awkwardly. Myungsoo sighed.

"I'm even more determined to regain my memory now... I'm just curious about what I could have left behind. I mean, what if I left my family, when they need me the most? What if my past self was actually a criminal? Do I have any loved ones? Are they searching for me?" Sungyeol watched as the younger male pressed his palm against his eyes. It was quite strange for the taller to see Myungsoo so emotional.


"I just... The thought... It just kills me.." He whispered hoarsely. Sungyeol's eyes brimmed with tears, for the second time. 


"L--" Sungyeol was interrupted when a finger poked his fleshy cheek.

"Haha. Fooled you, princess." 


"This is just too dramatic. Seriously." Myungsoo said dismissively, stuffily waving his hand. Sungyeol's eyes widened in realization.

"Yah! You were fake-crying! That's so unfair!!!" He was too annoyed to even care about concealing his red face. Myungsoo snickered. 

"Admit it, I'm a great actor. And you're a big, cry-baby drama queen." Big, fat, tears of frustration rolled down Sungyeol's cheeks. 

"You....!!! And I was so close to believing you too! I trusted you!" Sungyeol finished with a huff. 

"Well, I meant every single thing I said. Except for the crying part." Before Sungyeol could question any further, Myungsoo got up and left. 

"Think about it a little. And while you're at it, cheer up a bit." Sungyeol couldn't help but smile giddily.

It was, in a way, like the old times.

Maybe things will work out better this way. Maybe I'll be alright after all.





Meh. I bet this story . I'm sorry. *sniff*

I feel like the chapter is a filler. Don't worry, the next one will be better, I promise. ; v ;

I've been low on inspiration recently. Forgive me OTL

Er... comments? :3

P.S: I'm Filipino, btw. "My Amnesia Girl" is the original title of the movie from which I got the title. XDD

*is shot*

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ukissme1991 #1
Chapter 4: update please >.<
Hunhannie813 #3
Chapter 4: Haha. Updaaaate. JEBAAAL! *begs*
Chapter 4: Oohh I remember in the movie the girl gets hit in the head and remembers everything again..
aww L might remember everything again and curse Yeollie ;A;
update soon~
ally-chan #8
haa, bet he remembers.
or he wont remember ANYTHING.
updatre soon~
ally-chan #9
haa, bet he remembers.
or he wont remember ANYTHING.
updatre soon~
ally-chan #10
they know each other.
update soon~