Chapter 1

My Amnesia Boy


A/n: So... This is the first chapter of MAB (My Amnesia Boy), and I'd honestly like to hear how you think, or what you think, about this. Any suggestions?

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And no silent readers, please~ XD


“M-Myungsoo…?!” Sungyeol gasped, mostly to himself. Because you might as well be talking to yourself if the person you’re addressing is unconscious. Which the male on the pavement currently was.

“Quick, we should get you inside, before you catch a cold.” Continuing on with his unnecessary monologue, he slung the younger onto his shoulder, not knowing whether to be grateful or surprised at the younger’s lightness, into his apartment.

Sungyeol watched the sleeping boy on his couch while the hot water was boiling. He had stripped him of his drenched and cold clothes (not without blushing, of course.), made him wear an extra-large shirt he happened to have, and laid him on his sofa.


He couldn’t help but feel like a dirty old man, a e, at how innocent-looking the younger was.

If this situation had happened when they were still together, he probably wouldn’t be thinking that, but no; No, they weren’t together anymore, and Sungyeol was nothing but a creepy fellow who liked ogling him while he was unconscious.


He bit his lip in an effort to hold back tears.


No, darn it… I thought I was finally getting over him….


Which couldn’t be any more wrong, because, if you were getting over your ex, you certainly wouldn’t be crying over a corny soap opera which reminds you of them, or eat a dozen or so tubs of ice cream out of depression.


Well, back to Sungyeol and Myungsoo. Our poor fourth wall is almost non-existent from the constant breakage.

As Sungyeol sniffled, he didn’t notice the boy shift and flutter his eyes. He only snapped back to reality when he heard Myungsoo groan in pain.

This was the awkward part, Sungyeol had decided, in bringing Myungsoo in.

He had absolutely no idea of how to handle the other; sure, he had everything under control when Myungsoo was unconscious, but he surely hadn’t thought of how to explain everything, and stuff.


“Um… I… Eh…” Sungyeol managed to stutter out rather intelligently, which is of course, SARCASM. But if I were to be honest, then fine. He stuttered dumbly, as if he had a speech deficiency, or had mental retardation. Despite being older than Myungsoo, his little choding brain certainly failed to mature along with poor Sungyeol.


Myungsoo remained unmoving, the only movement being his constant blinking. Sungyeol tightly shut his eyes and staggered backwards, expecting the younger to hit him, or even yell at him. He braced himself for the worst, nonetheless.


“Why the heck am I here?! Didn’t I make it clear to you that I don’t want anything to do with you? Or are you just too dumb to understand that?!”


Well, that was an over-exaggerated version of what Sungyeol was expecting Myungsoo to yell at him.

“Where am I? Wh-What happened?” Myungsoo rubbed his eyes sleepily instead, and turned his head to look at Sungyeol. Sungyeol gulped thickly at the other’s scrutinizing gaze, and felt shivers down his spine. Which felt so wrong, because he wasn’t supposed to be affected by him in that way, anymore.


“And who are you?” Myungsoo deadpanned. Sungyeol choked on his spit.


First, the guy left him, He left Sungyeol, and not the other way around, then he goes around forgetting everything?  


‘The nerve of him!’ If Sungyeol were Sungjong, that petite little boy from the drama department, he would have scoffed, flipped his fringe dramatically, and fix his hands firmly on his hips.

But then again, he was Lee Sungyeol, so he decided to settle for stuttering once again.

“Yah! Y-You… How dare you…” Seeing Myungsoo’s surprised expression made Sungyeol want to the boy’s pale neck, wrap his fingers around it, and just squeeze; squeeze and break his neck.


“What? Excuse me?” Myungsoo looked genuinely confused, and Sungyeol’s anger seemed to have faded slightly. SLIGHTLY.

He still had a soft spot for Myungsoo, and he blamed himself for being so soft.


"You're...." Myungsoo looked up at Sungyeol with wide eyes, and a fascinated expression. Sungyeol waited in anticipation, for any sort of explanation or sign of recognition.

"Yes, Do you know who I am?" 

"You're...." Myungsoo scrunched up his eyebrows in deep concentration. Sungyeol bit the inside of his cheek in unrestrained impatience.

"Just say it already, dammit!" Sungyeol grabed fistfuls of his hair.

"You're really weird." Myungsoo deadpanned.




Everything went black for Myungsoo, as he drifted back into unconsciousness. 

Sungyeol sort of regretted losing his temper by hitting the boy in the head with a fire extinguisher. 

...Or maybe not.



Myungsoo groaned as he woke up on Sungyeol's sofa.

“Do you… Can you remember anything?” Myungsoo scrunched up his face in thought as his eyes adjusted to the light(One of the things Sungyeol loved about him).

"....What do you mean?" 

"I mean," Sungyeol gasped in irritation. "Like, what's your name, and how old are you... Where are you from, etcetera, etcetera..." 

They sat in awkward silence as Myungsoo kept his face scrunched-up, as if he was having a hard time thinking or something.

"Oh God, my head hurts..." Myungsoo whimpered in pain. Sungyeol watched him, mouth agape, as tears ran down Myungsoo's cheeks. 

Through the course of their 3-year relationship, Myungsoo had never, ever, cried. Ever. As strange as it sounds. 


Yet here he was, crying over his headache.


“Aish, stop crying, you choding. It’s just a cut, nothing to be worried about.” Myungsoo chuckled as he carefully bandaged Sungyeol’s injured finger after the gruelling thirty minutes of struggling to apply antiseptic on the wound. The struggle had resulted in a black eye for Myungsoo, and a slight bruise on Sungyeol’s arm. He stuck his tongue out playfully.


“Well what if I die from the loss of blood, Soo-Soo?” Myungsoo grimaced at the nickname, and flung a damp cotton pad at the older boy’s face. Sungyeol pouted.


“That’s impossible; your wound isn’t even remotely near your liver. How can you die from something so small? And it’s a paper cut, for God’s sake.” Sungyeol sniffed haughtily, and Myungsoo rolled his eyes.


“Well, it’s your fault for being so darn demanding! If you weren’t so hungry, I wouldn’t have had to look up a recipe in the book, thus, causing my injury.” Myungsoo blinked.


“Wait. Everyone gets hungry. It’s a human need.”

“Whatever. You and your needs. I bet you wouldn’t care if I died from this wound.” Myungsoo sighed in exasperation.

“Once again, you won’t die from something so little!”

“You wouldn’t even cry, would you?”

“Of course I’d be sad, but…” Myungsoo trailed off, and Sungyeol pouted.

“Wait, I’ve never seen you cry before. That’s so unfair!!!” He began to hit Myungsoo with his fists, wincing when his wound hit the other’s head.

“Careful there, princess.” Myungsoo chuckled, causing Sungyeol to blush and glare at him.

“Why does it bother you so much?” he chuckled, and Sungyeol blushed an even darker shade of red, if possible.

“Because… I’m older than you, for God’s sake! You’re a college sophomore, and I’m a senior.” Myungsoo raised an eyebrow.




“And so, That’s a total of two years of age difference.”

“Wow, I never knew you could do math!” Sungyeol slapped him playfully, muttering a quiet ‘shut up’.

“And so,” He continued, “I’m older.”

“And…. I’m not the girl in this relationship!” He exclaimed furiously, leaving a nearly-hysterical from laughing Myungsoo behind him as he stomped off poutily.


“—Please. Wait. Are you even listening to me at all?” Myungsoo waved a hand in front ofSungyeol’s face, tearing him apart from his train of thoughts.

“What? Can you please repeat that?”

“I said, can you…. Please help me for the time being?” Sungyeol was taken aback with the sudden proposition.

"Think about it. It's not very safe for someone with a huge headache to just go wandering around in an unfamiliar place." To which Sungyeol frowned, because Myungsoo could practically walk around their area with his eyes closed, and not get lost or ran over, or kidnapped or--


"I said, can you--" 

"Well, what makes you think I can help you? I don't know anything about you. Why would I help a stranger, I mean..." Myungsoo shrugged. The gears worked in Sungyeol's brain, and he was hit with sudden inspiration. 

"Say, Kid... Maybe I could help you..." Myungsoo's eyes glittered with hope.

"Really?! You'll really do it?" Sungyeol frowned. 

"Don't you know the saying, 'Don't trust strangers, especially when you can't remember anything'?" Myungsoo laughed.

"There's no such saying." Myungsoo said firmly. Sungyeol watched him with eager eyes. 


Life is no easy game, Sungyeol. If you’re planning on taking him back, just remember; no force should be used.



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And thanks to those who've commented and subscribed so far... And those who've read the very few chapters. :3

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ukissme1991 #1
Chapter 4: update please >.<
Hunhannie813 #3
Chapter 4: Haha. Updaaaate. JEBAAAL! *begs*
Chapter 4: Oohh I remember in the movie the girl gets hit in the head and remembers everything again..
aww L might remember everything again and curse Yeollie ;A;
update soon~
ally-chan #8
haa, bet he remembers.
or he wont remember ANYTHING.
updatre soon~
ally-chan #9
haa, bet he remembers.
or he wont remember ANYTHING.
updatre soon~
ally-chan #10
they know each other.
update soon~