Ah Wae?!?!?~

B.A.P Monsters

Daehyun's POV:

The human world is pretty nice. There's a lot of shops and so many things Yougnaje fell in love with. First, we past a toy shop and he pleaded to buy him this stuff digimon thing toy. At first, I refused, but Youngjae kept pouting at me and doing stuff with his eyes so cutely, who can refuse him?!?

Terriermon_and_Lopmon_by_MagnaStorm.jpgI bought him both, luckily it didn't cost me so much but Youngjae gave me the darker one, saying that it suits me. I just smiled and stared at the plush. What? It was a matching set, so sue me. -.-"

"Where should we go next?" He asked with his adorable little voice, squeezing his new toy.

We walked for a while and looked out, cos' we were indecisive on what to do next. There was a lot of food places, but we weren't hungry yet and thought we should go back later.

"How about the beach?" Youngjae suggested and pointed right up ahead. "It's so pretty!" He shouted.

The clash of waves were so loud, they can be heard miles away but Youngjae seemed to like it, well, he is a siren and all. Why not have some fun? "Sure." I said and smiled at my little dongsaeng.

"Yahoohoo!" Youngjae shouted as he jumped into the water. "Come on, Hyunnie! The water's nice!" He said and splashed me.

"Yah!" I jumped into the water and started splashing the siren. He giggled and tried to swin away before I got up to him and we dove down deep into the sea.

"Hyung, look! It's a pretty fish!" He said under the sea. Under the sea~

See? That's the cool part about being a monster. We're able to open our eyes and talk underwater :))). I watched as Youngjae swam, almost angelically as he was playing with the fish. Aigoo, since when is this kid so cute?

"Under the sea~Darling it's better down here where it's wetter~"

I chuckled at his aegyo.

"I can show you the world~ Shining, shimmering, splendid. Tell me, princess, now when did the you last let your heart decide?!~" I began to sing,taking Youngjae's hand and began to swim.

Youngjae stared at me for a while with his perfect eyes and then smiled. "A whole new world!~"

"Don't you dare close your eyes~"

"A hundred thousand things to see~I'm like a shooting stay, I've come so far, I can't go back to I used to be~"

We sang in unison this time and the fish were crowded with around us with the sun beaming down into the ocean. "A whole new world!~There's time to spare, let me share this whole new world with you. A whole new world~that's where we'll be."

"A thrilling chase." I continued.

"A wondrous place~"

"Both you and me~"

Somehow, we ended up on the shoreline, just gazing upon the deep blue ocean. "That was nice." Youngjae said, his eyes fixed onto the view. "This trip is going to be memorable."

"Not until this...." He turned to me and I slowly leaned closer. I noticed his eyes were slowly closing too and I felt this is such a romantic moment.

"Wait..." Youngjae said, pushing me back. "We can't do this, Daehyun."

"What? Why?"

"Because you're a incubus. You know what happens if you kiss....I'm sorry."

"No. I'm sorry." I corrected. It was true. I'm a incubus. If I kiss Youngjae then...then that makes him my slave. No, I rather die than make someone like Youngjae my slave. "I'm sorry..." I said again.

By then, Youngjae was already crying. He knew that I knew that he has feelings for me, but because of my ability...it keeps us apart.

Tch. Why are tears rolling down my cheeks? Kya, this is so sappy.

"Let's go buy something to eat. Neh, Youngjae?"

He slowly nodded and I helped him up after I've gotton up first and continued to hold his hand. Even if we can't kiss, I'm glad I can still hold his hand.

Zelo's POV:

Jongup hyung and I are in the arcade. But I lost Jongup hyung when I was busy eating my cherry tomatoes. Oh my lost puppy, where are you?

Jongup hyung~Jongup hyung~Jongup---Ice Cream! Ooo, what should I get? Ice cream with cherry tomatoes, cherry tomatoes with ice cream......BOTH! "Thank you!" I said happily as I paid.

I would like to thank God for this amazing treat. Thank you almight God for giving me ice cream with cherry tomato toppings. Thank you for this delicious life. Thank you for---"ZELO!!!!" Jongup hyung backhugged me and...and..I DROPPED THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!!

"Zelo! I thought I lost you. I was seriously losing my head.....Er...Zelo? Are you alright? You look a bit red."

"Cherry tomato." I said, growling. "Cherry tomato ice cream....."

"Cherry...Omo! Zelo, you're face looks like a cherry tomato!"


"Zelo," Jongup hyung said. "It's just an ice cream. We can go buy another one."

"No! It cannot be replaced! There's no love in it~T^T"

"No love?" Hyung smiled. "Aww~it'll be alright, Zelo. Hyung will buy you a new one."

"But, but."

"Come on!~"

Like he said, Jongup hyung bought me a new ice cream. Tch. What's so special about it? It's not better than the first one. Sigh. I miss you, my love!

"Here, Zelo!" Jongup hyung said and handed me the normal ice cream. "Is it good?" He asked after I took a . "Well?"

I shrugged and pouted. "It's not the same hyung~the cherry tomatoes doesn't have love in it!!!"

"Aish, fine." He grabbed my ice cream and whiped some onto my nose. Then gently kissed it off. "Now is it better?"

"Shut it." I jokingly said, shoving the ice cream into his mouth. But took the tomatoes <3 :p

Youngjae's POV:

I was waiting for Daehyun next to the water fountain when we got to the hotel. He went to get our suite. Things were hectic after our interaction at the beach. Daehyun and I were msot silent throughout all the way here.

"Let's go." Daehyun said, carrying the keys.

We past our fellow high school classmates. I bet they're all tired too. I wouldn't blame them. I was way too fun today.

"You tired?" My incubus friend asked. I shook my head but had an urge to rub my eyes. To make matters worse, I yawned and it made Daehyun smile. "Pabo." He said and wrapped one arm around my waist, pulling me close to him.

"We're here." Daehyun said and unlocked the door. I rushed in but I froze after I witness the room. A great view, TV, nice sheets but.... "What's wrong?" Daehyun asked.

"There's only one bed...." I said lowly, as if there was a huge rock in my throat. Why do I feel weird about this? Daehyun and I used to sleep together when we were little kdis. But I feel so awkward right now.

"Your point is?" He asked. "I can sleep on the floor if you want."

"No!" I shook my head and tugged his arm. "Aniyo. That's not what I meant." I said. "Just don't smack me with your arm like when we were little, arraso?"

"Arraso, arraso." Daehyun said, chuckling. "You go take a shower first ok? I'll unpack our stuff."

I agreed and grabbed my night clothes. "Don't be in there too long." Daehyun added.


Daehyun's POV:

The bathroom was steaming when I came out the shower. My hair's all wet as I was drying it with a towel. "I'm done." I said. and looked at Youngjae, only to see the siren sitting mermaid style and brushing his wings. "87, 88, 89, 90,"

I chuckled. Oh yeah, I shouldn't distract him. He'll have to start all over again. Silly pabo. "96, 97, 98, 100. Daehyunnie!" He said after he finished brushing and jumped on me.

He laid on top of me, his wings goen abck to his human form. "Today was fun." Youngjae said with a smile. "I'm sorry I wasn't good for you though."

"It's alright." I replied. "It's not your fault. Anyway, let's go to sleep."

"Ah wae?~It's too early to sleep~"

I blinked. "Youngjae. It's almost 12."

"Yeah, and?!?"

"So we can have energy for tomorrow."

"But why?!?~~~I don't wanna sleep!!!~"

I rolled my eyes and flipped Youngjae over, now I'm on top. No not that top top. I mean I'm on Youngjae, argh you know what? Nevermind!


I smiled and placed a kiss on his forehead. Luckily not his lips. Or else you'd know what would happen. But a kiss somewhere else besides his lips are ok. No, somewhere else as in somewhere on his face, such as cheeks, not...nevermind.

"Let's go to sleep, neh Youngjae?"

He nodded cutely and I went back next to him. He snuggled onto my chest, his hair tickling my neck. "Goodnight, Daehyun~sweet dreams~"

"Night, Youngjae." I hugged him tighter.



"Tomorrow...can you buy me a choco ice cream?"


"Yay! Choco, ice cream say! I saw choco, you say ice cream, choco!"

".....not this again...."


"Shut up."

"I say vanilla, you say ice cream, Vanillia!"

I threw his doll on the floor. "Hey! That's my dollie!"

"Oh shut and sleep already!"




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Chapter 12: From the last 3 chapter, i can't think anything else but Tsubasa chronicle.. the story begin to look similiar, Kai just look so much like Mokona.. and his ability to teleport..
I like this story..
widyauzu #2
Chapter 3: so cute~~~~~~~~>w<
DaehyunYYJ #3
Chapter 12: Good story author-nim . Love it . Pls update alot and also fast . I cant wait !
Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
Chapter 12: Hey new subbie here !!
LOL I LOVE this monsters !! Probably the most epic monsters story I ever read !!! XD
I love it when you slip a joke in serious situation ! Like this one :
“Lee Junho? As in…2pm’s Junho? Omg I’m a big fan of him!”
“Oh…then go die.”
And I can't totally stop laughing over the zico-blockb ! Damn himchan and his obsession of boyband !!! Kkk XD
Totes amazing !! Can't wait to read the next chap !!
Shino159 #6
Chapter 12: Love the story! But a they all officially together as a couple? Can't wait for the next chapter!~ ^^
crossing_by #7
Chapter 12: Himchan surely living his kpop moment through the pararell universe
Chapter 12: LMAO Himchan with is references of K-POP bands lol
really want to read what is next!!
I really enjoy your story a lot!!!!
Chapter 7: they're all melting in their fantasies !!!
KAZEYAMaru #10
Chapter 6: LMAO like always these two !!
So made for each other >3<