Its All Fun and Games Until Cass Hurts Someone

Just For Her


Your POV

Everyone piles into Cassie’s apartment chattering about random nothings.

An odd thing is I’m the only quiet 1.

Cassie walks over to me and pulls me up out of my seat and smiles evilly scaring me.

“Lets play Just Dance on Xbox connect.”

Right away, I almost jump up and down, but instead I settle for shouting, “Alright lets do it then.”

Sis doesn’t it seem a little unfair to play a dancing game against natural dancers.”

Cassie smiles evilly scaring her brother, “Oh you should see us when we play this.

How about this, worse dancers start first then we work our way up to the best dancers?”

Everyone shares looks with each other and they shrug.

First up is Youngjae against me. I smile at him and pick a medium level song and right away I hit every move right. While Youngjae is keeping up with me a little bit but still missing many points.

Next Daehyun goes up against Cass. She picks her favorite song which doesn’t have a lot of hard dance moves in it, but still easy. Right away Cassie hits everything with a hundred percent.

As Cassie and I go up against everyone the 2 of us make it to going against Jongup and Zelo. Right away, I pick Zelo to go up against.

Cassie shrugs and lets me go up against him.

I find the hardest song that Cassie and I  have yet to get to.

He looks shocked but still he keeps a small smile on his lips.

Right away, the two of us start dancing following the movements of the figures on the screen. Everyone’s jaw drops when I start getting a perfect on every move being careful not to move at the wrong moment making sure my timing is beyond perfect.

As the song nears it end I look over at I to see that Cassie is putting no pressure on the leg that she hurt.

It seems that I’m not the only 1 that noticed this Jongup was looking at Cassie watching her movements.

Even though she has an air cast on her leg, she still refuses to act as if she’s in pain.

She’s trying to act like nothing happened even though Yongguk had given her a piggyback ride up the stairs which I found funny and almost cute.

Still when the song ends completely I win and everyone seemed shocked and Cassie smiles from where she’s now sitting.

She goes to stand up only to be pulled back down on the couch next to Jongup, “Noona you shouldn’t put any more pressure on your leg its bad enough you danced with all your might for two full songs.

I watch as Cassie winces for she knows that his words are nothing but the truth.

She lets Jongup keep her on the couch, but soon he realizes what he’s doing, let’s go of her, and scoots away causing her to laugh even though she winces a bit.

She leans over and pinches Jongup’s cheeks well cooing, “Oh aren’t you so cute when you start being shy.”

I laugh at how Cassie is acting and plop down on Cassie’s lap well being mindful of her condition.

She laughs and straightens the 2 of us out.

Then she pushes me off her lap well saying, It’s funny for a few seconds Tay but you’re getting too heavy to sit on my lap.”

Unnie, that’s so mean,” I whine as I start making my way back up.

She laughs wincing as she does.

Unnie, it’s not funny.”

I try to use aegyo against her but she simply starts laughing more and points at me, “That’s not how to do proper aegyo if you want to use it against me.”

I look shocked knowing what she’s about to do.

Right away, I run and hide behind Zelo.

Unnie, I won’t try to use it against you again I promise don’t you dare.”

Cassie laughs at I, walks up to Zelo, and uses her secret weapon.

1 of the things Cassie is well known for back in high school was her aegyo and getting people to do what she wanted.

I whisper, “Zelo don’t look at her or else you’ll cave in.”

What do you mean?”

He looks down at Cassie as she makes her best puppy dog eyes and quivering lip.

Right away he takes in a deep breath trying to stay strong until Cassie uses a innocent and cute voice, “Zelo-ah please move for I can see Tay.”

Right away, he almost caves in until Cassie’s brother covers Cassie’s eyes and pulls her backwards.

I’m sorry I forgot she does that. I guess it’s been a while huh sis.”

She pouts as she looks up at her brother then Zelo.

Himchan walks up to Cassie and pinches her cheeks, “Ahh aren’t you so cute.”

Cassie looks up at him and hits him on the back of his head with all her might.

Cassie’s brother sighs as he looks over at me, “So as I recall it’s all fun and games until Cass hurts someone.”

Isn’t it, ‘it’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye.’?”

Not when you’re playing games with Cassie around,” I tell them.

They nod and look at Cassie with weary eyes.

Again, she pouts well mumbling, “It’s his fault he pinched my cheeks.”

Awww unnie don’t make that face smile,” I say as I jump into her arms hugging her.

She laughs as she hugs me with all her might making sure to give Zelo a sly look.

He looks shocked and looks away from Cassie as she lets me go and races into the kitchen probably to find food.

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Chapter 11: Please continue the story, it's so nice.
Chapter 7: Unnie new subscriber
Waiting soooooo badly for the update ^^
This is really good!
I hope u update!
I like this! :)